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365 Days to Capture the Devil's Heart

365 Days to Capture the Devil's Heart

Okwara Prosper C


Antonio Romano is a ruthless and merciless mafia tyrant who leaves a trail of devastation in his wake. He is a master manipulator, reveling in his ability to control fate and bend others to his will. The screams of his victims are music to his ears, and his devious smirk is a hallmark of his heartless nature. Maya A. Ramos, a skilled FBI police officer and detective renowned for her exceptional crime-solving abilities. Despite her best efforts, she has been unable to bring Antonio to justice - until now. Maya has given herself 365 days to seduce the devil and infiltrate his inner circle. As she embarks on this perilous mission, Maya must navigate the treacherous landscape of Antonio's domain. Will she succeed in her quest to bring him down, or will she succumb to his dark desires? Can she outsmart the devil himself and wreak havoc on his existence?

Chapter 1 First step

Different types of police officers were present in the hall for the award-giving ceremony, including agents and detectives.

The hall was filled with many of them, all wearing their white uniforms with medals on.

Commissioner Emily stood on a pulpit with a speaker at his mouth.

"Welcome, everyone."

Maya sat among them, wearing a bright smile on her face.

"Who's gonna win tonight award?." A police officer asked.

"What do you expect if not Maya? She has four medals on her clothes," July said, and Maya shrugged.

"I work hard to gain it, I'm not sure I'm going to be winning this year's medal because when there's Grayson," Maya said, looking at Grayson, who was also staring at her.

"As you all know, tonight is the 2024 award-giving ceremony for the best and loyal police agents we have," Emily said.

Everyone clapped.

"So tonight, I'll be calling the winner to the stage."

"She has solved many crimes, she's one of the best, a very skilled police officer who wouldn't think twice to put her life in danger to solve a case... Maya, can you come on stage?" Emily said, and Maya furrowed her brow, then turned to July.

"Go, girl we all know you deserve this," July said, and Maya stood up and walked to the stage majestically.

Her loud boots made a clicking sound.

Maya might be a police officer, but her beauty was one of the best her moonlight-dark hair, hazel eyes, and beautiful freckles, with a mole on her neck, glorified her beauty in heaven...

She's also the epitome of hotness, with her demi-killing body in the dim light, having a body that could make any guy bow at her feet.

She stood on the stage, and everyone kept clapping, while some frowned, obviously not liking her.

Grayson's eyes followed her as she walked he then brought out a smile.

She did the police sign, and Emily installed the red Star medal in her police uniform.

Immediately, she did that, all the police officers stood up and saluted her

Maya smiled.

This had always been her dream since she was a small child, and her dream was slowly coming to pass.

Everyone clapped their hands as Emily pulled out her cap and put another one on, a shining new cap.


"Congratulations, senior!" July walked up to her and hugged her.

"I'm proud of you," July said, and Maya patted her.

"You would also get to this position a little time is all you need," Maya said.

While July let out a smile, Grayson suddenly walked up to her and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Congratulations," Grayson said, and Maya shook his hand.

"Thanks, Ånzianó (Elderly senior)," she said in an Italian accent.

"Mind if we have dinner together tonight?" He asked.

"You know I can never refuse you Ånziano," Maya muttered, and Grayson chuckled.

"Why do you keep calling me Ånziano we're now the same, you beat me to it," Grayson told her, and she let out a low laugh.

"When I was still a junior, I used to adore you, senior... Let's just say you were my role model, and just because I became a senior like you doesn't mean that you're no longer my role model even if years to come, you'd still be my role model, which I adore," Maya spoke.

"Never knew I got so much place in your heart, awnnn," Grayson muttered, and Maya smiled as they both walked.

"It's still so surprising how the both of us still haven't brought down that Antonio," Maya said.

"He's a devil, and it isn't easy to hunt down a devil. And do you know what your next mission is?" Grayson asked, and Maya halted in her step.

"I have no idea," Maya spoke.

"Then why don't you find out yourself?" Grayson muttered.

"Whatever it is, I'm prepared for that, since it's gonna be an easy task," Maya said.

"Your journey here has just started... Don't think it's gonna be easy like when you're still a junior," Grayson told her.

"And just like I said, Ånziano, I'm prepared," Maya replied confidently.






Darkness was what you could easily perceive it was their daily perfume.

The clan was silent like hell even a throwing pin could easily be heard, and their loud heartbeat. You could easily hear their heartbeat, the pounding of it in their chest.

Their eyes met with the mon$ter who was sitting on the golden chair, as he puffed out a thick and heavy smoke from his mouth and nose.

The smell hit the victim who was tied in a long wood his legs were hung on top of the wood while his head was meeting with the ground he could perceive the heavy dust coming from the ground.

SWEAT covered his face his tears were like blood.

The devil just stared at him without a feeling of remorse... Rumors had it that he died and came back to life... He defeated death.

His long black bob midnight hair covered his face his muscles popped out, and you could easily see his tattoo, which he drew on his neck - an eagle.

And his arms were a skeleton tattoo then his second arm was a lion head.

He's ruthless.



Merciless - those best describe him.

He has many criminal cases, but it's just like the law can't do justice, his perfume was death... And also rumors had it that... He doesn't feel attracted to his Adam's ribs... No girl has been able to stand that little mon$ter of his ups... Was he a gay? No one knew.

His dark lion eyes roamed around his victim, who was tied down.

"What's the punishment for those who go against me?" His cold thunder voice asked, making the man shiver.

"Hmmm..." the man tied down kept realizing hot, heavy panting.

"I fu!cking need an answer." He shouted, his vain popping out.

"Death." The man managed to say.

"So you knew that and yet you betrayed me?" He asked.

"Sorry." The man pleaded, and the word he spoke unlocked the beast in him - just how much the word made him even angrier.

Humans are sure funny... Sorry... Sorry... How can he ever explain to them that sorry doesn't even exist in his reigns.

"Vinegar." He called, and the innocent-looking girl appeared on him.

"Yes, Don Antonio." Vinegar replied, shivering.

"He's your stepbrother, isn't he?" Antonio asked, and she nodded.

"Then why don't you k!ll him? I want you to k!ll him in the most brutal way ever." He said.

"Don, I can't... What you're asking me to do... I can't." She shook her head as she said those words.

"Don, I know she can't do it you just have to k!ll the both of them." Skylar muttered behind her, she's also a one hot sexy lady... She's a redhead.

"She's gonna do it you don't have to worry, Skylar." Antonio's voice came in, and Vinegar knelt down.

"Please, Don... Don't make me do it." She pleaded.

"I won't repeat myself again pick that sword and slice his head out from his body." Antonio muttered.

"Boss, she can't..." Skylar didn't even get to complete her sentence when Antonio raised his hand in the air... Shunning her... Just that one move from him made her keep quiet.

Vinegar shookfully, picked up the sword, and walked to her stepbrother.

"Brother, please I hope you forgive me for what I'm about to do." She said in between tears and sliced his head from his body... The splash of blood met with Antonio's head, and he smirked, wiping it away.

His head rolled down to him and stopped beside his knees.

"Hang his head in the outskirts city let them know that I'm not someone who should be messed with." Antonio replied, then he stood up and walked out from the torture room.

Vinegar knelt down in the group and stared at her shaking hand she just killed a human...

Skylar smirked and also walked out of the torture room.

"Isn't this scene so amazing." Jerry said to Spider, and she smacked his head.

"That's what you know." Spider muttered.

"C'mon, it's fun." Jerry said to her as they both walked out also.

Hotdogg fixed his big glasses properly and also walked out soon, they began departing, leaving only Vinegar to mourn on her own.



"Thank you, Gray, for the meal." Maya said as they walked out from the restaurant.

"It's nothing." Grayson replied, and she smiled.

"Their treats here are amazing their food is now my favorite." Maya muttered.

"Then should I be buying it for you? I'd be giving it to you when I come to the station." Grayson said.

"You don't have to do that." Maya replied, and he furrowed his brow.

"Thought you said you enjoy it are you backing out now?" he asked.

"I don't go back on my word... Their food is the best, but you buying it for me every single day is a no." Maya said.

"You consider me as your elderly senior, right?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah." She muttered.

"And also your role model?" he asked again.

"Yeah, why are you asking me this question?" Maya asked.

"If you consider me both, then you'll have to accept it, please." He pleaded.

"Fine, senior." she muttered, and he smiled.

"Be early tomorrow, ok." Grayson said as Maya climbed on her scooter.

"Sure." She said and wore her helmet.

"Bye, drive safely." Grayson told her, and she chuckled.

"Bye." She said and drove off, then he entered his car and also drove off.



Maya's scooter came to a halt in front of Light station, and she got down, just to see all the police officers gathered at a particular scene.

*How did this happen!

*Who placed it here?

Maya walked, and immediately the junior officers sighted her, they saluted and greeted her. July suddenly ran to her, and Maya held her arm.

"What's going on?" Maya asked.

"Even I don't know, I just got here right now." July murmured.

"Then let's go and check it out." Maya said, and they both walked to where the commotion started, some police officers giving way to them. Emily and Grayson were also present, some detectives making some calls.

Maya got to where Grayson was, and she looked up to see the head hang around the pole.

"What's this?" she asked Grayson.

"I think it's a message from Antonio." Grayson replied.

"Why did they hang him here?" Maya asked.

"I also don't know, but I'm guessing whether this message means no one can mess with him." Grayson spoke out confidently.

Emily suddenly spoke up, and all eyes turned to her, including Gray.

"We need someone to hunt this devil down, if care is not taken, he would kill everyone, and the law wouldn't be able to do anything. He's gonna turn the city of Italy into war, where killing is acceptable, if this goes on, then for sure, I can guarantee that he's gonna kill all of us."

"We need someone that's gonna bring him down, that would stop him from wreaking havoc into our community." Emily said, and Maya stepped out.

"I would... I would go on this mission." Maya said, and Grayson held her hand.

"What are you doing?" Grayson asked.

"I'm a police officer, not an ordinary woman... And what's our job, to save the people from any harm." Maya said.

"Then Antonio is not the right person he's a big-time devil, a mon$ter, people trembled at his sight give up on this mission." Grayson whispered gently to her face.

"Yes, senior, you can't mess with Antonio." July muttered beside her.

But Maya faced Emily.

"I promised to bring the Almighty Antonio's head to your feet if you can just say the word." Maya muttered boldly.. Her eyes filled with determination.

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