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Innocent Nanny

Innocent Nanny



Evelina Mordel, eighteen, takes a gap year to support her struggling mother. Despite numerous rejections, she secures a babysitting job for Mrs. Conklin's twins, Star and Sage. Her duties also include caring for Mrs. Conklin's adult son, Sirius, who initially challenges Evelina with his arrogance. In a reckless bet with friends, Sirius tries to make Evelina fall for him.

Chapter 1 Pilot

It's been a week after my graduation, and I was planning to take a gap year, but I realized I needed to find a job in the meantime. I did not know why finding a job in New York was so hard, probably because there was a lot of competition and everyone wanted to make it in the big city. Plus, coming from an average family, I felt like I had to work twice so hard to make earns living for my mother and me. My mother and my father got separated when I was ten years old and three years later he took ill and died. It's been my mother and I ever since facing life challenges.

Today felt like a good day, I was optimistic as I stepped out into the bustling streets of New York, a sense of determination filled my heart. The sun was shining brightly, casting a hopeful glow on the buildings that surrounded me.

I decided to kick off my job search by updating my resume and reaching out to my network.

Networking was key in a city like New York, where connections could open doors to unexpected opportunities. As I updated my resume, each application and interview brought more disappointment. Rejections piled up, chipping away at my confidence. And then days turned to weeks, hope began to fade. The phone remained silent, and job offers never came. The city that was held promise now felt cold.

Days later, a glimmer of hope broke through the clouds of despair. I received a job offer that, though unconventional, held great significance. It was an opportunity to babysit three children from a wealthy family this summer while their parents were away.

My jaw dropped as I read out loud the amount I was going to be paid for the three months. It was a hundred thousand dollars! I could not believe my luck. With a mix of excitement and disbelief, I eagerly accepted the offer. I ran to my mother to tell her the good news but she wasn't in support of it because it was in Manhattan. She said that was

Networking was key in a city like New York, where connections could open doors to unexpected opportunities. As I updated my resume, each application and interview brought more disappointment. Rejections piled up, chipping away at my confidence. And then days turned to weeks, hope began to fade. The phone remained silent, and job offers never came. The city that was held promise now felt cold.

Days later, a glimmer of hope broke through the clouds of despair. I received a job offer that, though unconventional, held great significance. It was an opportunity to babysit three children from a wealthy family this summer while their parents were away.

My jaw dropped as I read out loud the amount I was going to be paid for the three months. It was a hundred thousand dollars! I could not believe my luck. With a mix of excitement and disbelief, I eagerly accepted the offer. I ran to my mother to tell her the good news but she wasn't in support of it because it was in Manhattan. She said that was

where the rich brats stayed and she wouldn't like me to mix up with them.

"We do not have any other option, Mom. We need this money! I understand your point but this could be a total game changer for us, a golden ticket!

I understand your concern in Manhattan, but everything is going to be okay. Plus, it's only a thirty-minute drive from Queens, so I can come home every weekend. We won't be apart for too long."

Mom's eyes were filled with tears as she looked at me. "Look at you, all grown up and starting your first job."

I hugged her tightly. "Mom, please don't cry. You're going to make me cry too. I'm going to miss you so much this summer."

where the rich brats stayed and she wouldn't like me to mix up with them.

"We do not have any other option, Mom. We need this money! I understand your point but this could be a total game changer for us, a golden ticket!

I understand your concern in Manhattan, but everything is going to be okay. Plus, it's only a thirty-minute drive from Queens, so I can come home every weekend. We won't be apart for too long."

Mom's eyes were filled with tears as she looked at me. "Look at you, all grown up and starting your first job."

I hugged her tightly. "Mom, please don't cry. You're going to make me cry too. I'm going to miss you so much this summer."

She hugged me back, her voice filled with emotions.

"I'm going to miss you too, my dear. But I am proud of you for taking this opportunity. Just remember to stay true to yourself, and do not forget to call me every day, okay?"

I nodded wiping away my tears. "I promise l'll call you every day."

The next day, l arrived in Manhattan and I was received in a grand mansion with towering columns, exquisite marble floors, and sparkling chandeliers.

The house was adorned with opulent furnishings, plush velvet sofas, and gilded accents. It has a sprawling backyard with a sparkling swimming pool and a beautifully landscaped garden. The luxurious house is fit for royalty, with every detail designed to evoke a sense of elegance and extravagance. It was truly a dream house that exudes luxury and sophistication.

I was received by their mother who was a middle-aged woman. She carried herself with an air of elegance, adorned with designer clothing and accessories. Her perfectly styled hair and flawless makeup showcase her impeccable taste. With a commanding presence, she effortlessly commands attention in any room she enters. She had a graceful demeanor and a warm smile as she welcomed me.

"You must be the nanny l hired. Welcome to my humble home. I am Mrs Conklin and you are?"

"Nice meeting you, Mrs Conklin! I am Evelina, But you can call me Eve," I said as I shook her hand.

"Mom!! Tell Sage to give me my phone or else, l am going to kill him this instant."

A girl comes out chasing her brother, furious that he took her phone without permission. She calls out to him, demanding that he return it immediately.

"Heyyy!!! Give your sister her phone right now!!"

Their mother said as he handed the phone back to his sister. "Eve, meet the twins Star and Sage." Mrs Conklin introduces.

"Hey, Star! Hey, sage!" The kids looked twelve from their appearances. The girl had a fresh and radiant skin complexion, with freckles and bright eyes that sparkled with curiosity. Her features were still developing, with the hint of the person she would become. While the boy the same with his been curly and a little bit taller than his sister."

"Mom who is she?" Star asked.

"She is your nanny, Eve," her mother responded but Star wasn't happy with the response.

"Mom, I told you we didn't need a nanny. Sirius can take care of us."

"Sirius can't take care of himself talk more of you.

Star she is here to stay and that is final." Mrs Conklin said as Star walked away to her room.

"Do not mind her, she will come around," Sage said as he took his leave. "Nice meeting you Eve."

"Nice meeting you too Sage." I was curious about the third person I would be babysitting, approached Mrs Conklin. "Mrs Conklin, may I ask who is the third person that 'll be looking after?"

Mrs Conklin sighed and replied, "It's Sirius, my oldest child. He is in school but will be back in a day or two to spend the summer. I don't want him to do anything irrational that's why you are here. He is a sweet boy. Just like Star, he may take some time to warm up to you."

I nodded, understanding the situation. I wanted to make a positive impression on Star and Sirius.

"Here, let the maid take you to your room to freshen up. You will start your duty tomorrow when I am gone," Mrs Conklin says. "Shana, kindly take Eve to the guest room to relax."

"Yes, ma'am," Shana says as she carries my luggage to the guest room."

"Anything you need just call me, and I would be right at your service," Shana says.

"Thanks, Shana, but I have my own hands."

Shana chuckles. "Still anything you need I'll be right at your service."

"Thanks," I said as Shand took her leave but I called her back out of curiosity. "Shana!"


"How is Sirius like? His he nice and how old is he?" I asked.

"Sorry, but I cannot say anything but all I know is that he is a sweet kid," she said as she took her leave.



The next day, Mrs Conklin leaves for her summer vacation leaving the twins, Shana, and I. I overheard the twins talking about how they couldn't wait for their brother to arrive, from the look of things it felt like he was coming today.

"Hey star, wanna do something fun?" | asked her hoping she would warm up to me.

"Here is something for fun, stay away from me!!" Star replied sharply, clearly not interested in bonding. I felt a bit hurt by her response, but I decided to give her some space and try again later.

Maybe she just needed time to adjust.

Sage wasn't happy with his sister's response, He walked up to me. He could see I was a bit hurt by Star's sharp reply. "Eve, I wanna do something fun," he said. I smiled and nodded, appreciating his effort to cheer me up. "Sure, Sage! Let's find something fun to do together."

"How about swimming?" He asked.

"Swimming?" | questioned. I didn't know how to swim, not because I had never learned but because I had a traumatic experience in my past. It was fourteen years ago. Mom and Dad took me on a vacation to Astoria Park Pool, and there Dad promised to teach me how to swim. It was fun at first when Dad and I got into the water. I was on an inflatable raft so that I wouldn't drown in the water.

Minutes later they got into an argument and forgot they had a child in the swimming pool. Somehow the raft got punctured, and I started drowning. The scary part was how they forgot about me all because of a silly argument. Thankfully the lifeguard noticed and rescued me. Since then, l made a decision not to swim again.

Sage wasn't happy with his sister's response, He walked up to me. He could see I was a bit hurt by Star's sharp reply. "Eve, I wanna do something fun," he said. I smiled and nodded, appreciating his effort to cheer me up. "Sure, Sage! Let's find something fun to do together."

"How about swimming?" He asked.

"Swimming?" | questioned. I didn't know how to swim, not because I had never learned but because I had a traumatic experience in my past. It was fourteen years ago. Mom and Dad took me on a vacation to Astoria Park Pool, and there Dad promised to teach me how to swim. It was fun at first when Dad and I got into the water. I was on an inflatable raft so that I wouldn't drown in the water.

Minutes later they got into an argument and forgot they had a child in the swimming pool. Somehow the raft got punctured, and I started drowning. The scary part was how they forgot about me all because of a silly argument. Thankfully the lifeguard noticed and rescued me. Since then, l made a decision not to swim again.

"Earth to Eve! Didn't you hear what I said?"

"Oh sorry, I got lost in my thought for a moment," I said.

"Oh, okay. I said we should go for a swim. It is fun,"

"I can't swim Sage," | responded.

"No worries, I can teach you how to swim. We can start with some basic swimming lessons." Sage did not feel discouraged by my words on me not knowing how to swim.

"Yeah! That did not go well the last time I tried to," My face could tell that I didn't want to go into the pool but sage kept pushing.

"Please! Please!! Please!!! Pretty please Eve!!!"

"Okay fine," I said as I unzipped my gown leaving me only in my bikini. I promised Sage I won't go deep into the water I was staying at the shallow end of the pool, where the water is not very deep and I could still stand comfortably. Sage begins to splash water all over me and I did the same. I got soaking wet. We played in the pool for about thirty minutes until a sleek and glamorous luxury car gracefully gliding into the magnificent mansion, exuding elegance and sophistication. The car's polished exterior gleams under the sunlight, reflecting the opulence of its surroundings. As it enters the house, the grand entrance makes a statement, leaving me in awe of its beauty and prestige.

As the car door swings open, a strikingly handsome guy steps out, oozing confident and charm. He possessed chiseled features, with a strong jawline and piercing green eyes that seem to hold a world of mystery. His hair was the combination of wavy and curly, creating a unique and textured look, adding to his overall allure. He looked incredibly refined and polished in a crisp collar shirt. The shirt accentuates his strong physique and adds a touch of elegance to his overall appearance.

"Sirius!!!" Screamed Sage. Sage was so happy to see his brother as he jumps out of the pool with his wet body to give his brother a wet and enthusiastic hug.

"Sirius? Was he the person I was asked to babysit?

Or there was another Sirius cause this person looked old enough for babysitting. He was around his early twenties, I would say he was twenty - one or twenty - two. I stood there watching the two brothers reunite with my bikini.

"And who are you?" Sirius asked. He gave me an enthralling look as he noticed I was in my bikini.

I felt uncomfortable as l picked up my dress to wear.

"Uhmm! I am the nanny your mom hired.


"Yes Sirius. Mom hired her to take care of us while she's gone."

Sirius couldn't help but scoff at his mother hiring me. "Typical mom," he said as he walked inside with Sage. "Where is your sister?" He asked.

"I don't know. She should be around somewhere''''Star!!!!" Sirius called out.

"The house is big, she's not going to hear you," sage says but his words turned to be wrong as Star rush out to hug her big brother.

"Sirius!!! You here! I have missed you!"

"I have missed you too Star," Sirius says as he gives his sister a hug. "Look who is all grown up. The last time I saw you, you were like 47ft now you like what 5'4ft." He teases his sister.

One thing I noticed was that Sirius seemed closer to his sister than his brother. Like his mother said, him and Star were alike. Star was the female version of Sirius while Sirius was the male version of Star, so meaning both would take time to adjust to me being.

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