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Pregnant For My Ex's Tycoon Dad

Pregnant For My Ex's Tycoon Dad

Author Destro


After Larissa discovered that Rick, her boyfriend, was cheating on her, she swore to have her revenge on him for his betrayal. An opportunity presented itself when she had a one night stand with a billionaire business tycoon who wouldn't let her go. It turned out that the billionaire was Michael Walton, Rick's father. What better way to get revenge on Rick than to become his step mother? With the purpose of getting revenge, she became Mrs Walton. Would she stick to the path of her revenge or would her feelings for Michael Walton get in the way of revenge?

Chapter 1 Valentine went wrong!


I hummed happily to the faint Valentine tune playing from the intercom. This was one of my best songs!

"The day was finally here," I thought, smiles tugging at my lip. I couldn't wait to see Rick later in the day.

"Someone's in a happy mood today."

Startled, I turned and saw Madam Rosé staring at me inquisitively. Madam Rosé had always been like this; appearing at sudden moments. She was like a phantom most of the time.

Madam Rosé was the head and the oldest housekeeper in the Walton's household where I worked.

"You scared me Madam Rosé" I said, turning back to my cleaning as I stopped humming.

"You haven't answered my question," Madam Rosé persisted.

She was like this also; always putting her nose in everyone's business, but we all loved her because of how she treated us like her own children.

I sighed inwardly and replied, " Who stays unhappy on Valentine's day? It's a day of love after all."

I quickly left the sitting room, heading to the kitchen before Madam Rosé came up with more of her questions.

Taking a look at my phone, I couldn't help but notice that there was no message notification from Rick which was quite strange.

He hasn't messaged me since he left in the morning, which was quite unlike him. I giggled at the thought that he was out trying to get me a perfect valentine gift. It would be so romantic if he came with a bouquet of rose flowers.

"He was probably busy or something" I said to myself as I pocketed my phone back. Rick happened to be the only son of Mr. Michael Walton, the CEO of Walton Empire, a household name in the city, and known to be one of the richest families in the country.

I quietly imagined the clamor and shock it'd generate if they knew that I, Larissa, was the secret girlfriend of Rick Walton. The feeling of knowing such a big secret brought a smile to my face.

"Larissa, aren't you done tidying the kitchen?" Madam Rosé's call dragged me out of my daydream.

"Almost done," I called out, rushing to finish cleaning up.

I soon finished up all my chores, removed my apron and headed to my room. It was late by the time I was done with my chores, but I didn't mind; Mr. Michael paid us handsomely for our work.

Making sure to carefully lock my door, I groped under my bed, coming up with a dark blue box with 'Desirous Lingerie' written on it.

Opening it, I smiled widely at the carefully arranged lingerie set. I giggled as I held up the sexy lingerie, I had spent most of my savings on this; I couldn't wait to see Rick's expression when he would see it later.

"The surprise would definitely not end there," I thought, smiling naughtily.

I took out more things from under the bed, proceeding to decorate the room. Before long, everything was set; the room awash with shades of red, the floor littered with little red flowers that I'd picked from the garden earlier.

Inspecting my work, I quietly savored the beautiful aesthetic I had just created, all for Rick. He wouldn't know what hit him after tonight's surprise.

I was hyped the whole evening, I couldn't wait to take off my uniform. I soon took a shower and took extra care to apply the perfume Rick got for me; the very one he loved.

That done,I carefully put on the lingerie, the soft velvet shimmered on my skin.

"Why isn't he back yet?" I wondered, as I paced close to the window. The window was my vintage point, as I could catch sight of Rick the moment he drove in.

It was unlike Rick to stay this long without calling me or even texting me. He knew today was our special day; why was he taking so much time?

I sat on the bed frowning, as I scrolled through the unreplied texts I sent to Rick earlier today.

Rick was a busy man, I knew. But he shouldn't be that busy to the point of not making out time for us. Glancing at the time, I was surprised it was already past ten!

Frustrated, I lay on my bed, and decided to get my laptop to pass time as the silence was becoming unnerving.

The laptop was a new model, a gift also from Rick. I was still yet to get the hang of it though; Rick had always teased me about not being tech savvy.

I logged into my Instagram, ignoring the popping message icon. Replying messages of horny netizens wanting a quick hit? Not me!

I snorted at the memory of when I made Rick delete his instagram so girls wouldn't fuss over him.

"As your girlfriend, I'm allowed to fuss over you" I'd proudly declared that day.

Our relationship might be in secret, but it was pure and genuine; Rick was my everything. He had promised to make our relationship public after his father made him the managing director of the company.

I spent the next two hours scrolling through Instagram as I got submersed in the many interesting videos I could watch.

I also checked my phone in case Rick had texted back, but got disappointed each time.

"Damn it Rick! Where are you?"

I dialed his line again, but each time it ended without an answer. I was almost giving up hope when my phone vibrated; he had finally picked!

"Rick What's going on? I've been expecting you all evening," I asked.

"What's wrong with you? You know more than anyone how busy I've been today. I've been on my feet all day, and the moment I pick up your call, you're already questioning me," Rick replied, sounding irritated.

I could hear a lot of sounds in the background; he must be at a business gathering.

"I'm sorry, Rick; I've just really been..."

"Been what?" Rick interrupted sharply, "Look, I'll be back in a few hours; don't stay up for me."

He abruptly ended the call. Why did he sound so irritated? I probably should have been more patient with him.

I sat still, staring into space. Was the evening going to end just like that? After all my plans?

Looking at the decor in my room, I sighed disappointedly. I really spent a lot to do all these for Rick.

Sighting the bottle of wine I had taken from the cellar, I picked it up and opened it. I'd rather drink it than return it back to the cellar.

As I drank, I kept scrolling through my laptop. I was just about to close my laptop when I spotted something. My eyes trembled,I couldn't even believe what I was seeing.

"Walton Heir Reveals Secret Partner.... Has the Walton prince found his princess?"

Below the eye-catching news flash was a picture of Rick, holding a Lady in his embrace,their gazes at each other painting a scene of tender newfound love.

I felt a jolt go through me; I was shocked beyond words, I almost spilled the bottle of wine.

"How could Rick do this to me?" my shock soon gave way to pain.

"How could Rick betray me like this?"

I cried as pain gnawed on my heart. I tried in vain to suppress my emotions; my throat felt dry all of a sudden.

I took a large gulp straight from the bottle, trying to quench my sudden thrust.

"No, could it be an old Post?" I wondered trying to come up with an excuse to justify Rick's actions.

I quickly checked, but alas my expression worsened further as the post was barely three hours ago.

My faint hope was squashed, my eyes streamed uncontrollably with tears. I felt like my world had ended.

Curled up in a ball vainly seeking warmth for my cold heart, my tears stained my mascara, creating streams of running black liquid on my face. I laid on the bed, wishing it was all a dream.

I took large gulps, hoping it would drown away the pain I felt in my heart. I was about to go take another gulp when I realized it was already empty.

I wished I'd taken more than one from the cellar, at least I'd have more to drink.

I faintly heard the gentle hum of an engine and I quickly sat up. Could that be Rick?

Maybe all this was just a whole misunderstanding, maybe Rick just randomly got snapped in a compromising position in one of these events he was always telling me about. I mean, it wasn't as if he was kissing the lady in the picture.

I quickly wiped my eyes, adjusting my bathrobe I had donned earlier around me.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. I stood up immediately, rushing to open the door. I swayed a little, but tried to stand firmly.

In my haste, the bathrobe I was putting on fell to the floor, but I didn't bother to pick it up, I just wanted to see Rick.

I turned the key, quickly opening the door to question him about the Instagram post.


"My Angel," the voice slurred.

My heart leapt to my throat. It wasn't Rick, it was Michael Walton, Rick's father, standing at my door, looking at me in lingerie!

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Pregnant For My Ex's Tycoon Dad

Chapter 1 Valentine went wrong!



Chapter 2 He never loved me



Chapter 3 Michael Walton



Chapter 4 Surprise visitor



Chapter 5 Soon to be stepmother!



Chapter 6 Sudden announcement



Chapter 7 Larissa Sucrae



Chapter 8 Wesley's discoveries



Chapter 9 Larissa's confession



Chapter 10 To the hospital



Chapter 11 Scary intruder



Chapter 12 Hurtful betrayal



Chapter 13 Tracy's betrayal



Chapter 14 Uncovering Rick's motives



Chapter 15 Going to the beach



Chapter 16 Goodbye Tracy



Chapter 17 Dinner party gone wrong



Chapter 18 Leaving him



Chapter 19 Brian Grayson



Chapter 20 Conspiracy



Chapter 21 Where is she



Chapter 22 Clarice



Chapter 23 Julia's threat



Chapter 24 A lead on Larissa



Chapter 25 Going to the warehouse



Chapter 26 A Tangle of Knots



Chapter 27 Jane and Rick's agreement



Chapter 28 The Allergic Affair



Chapter 29 The Salamis Calculator



Chapter 30 A Deal With The Enemy



Chapter 31 The Stakes Are Raised



Chapter 32 Time to take action



Chapter 33 Shadows Of The Past



Chapter 34 The Surprising Truth



Chapter 35 A Trail Of Blood



Chapter 36 A Web Of Deceit



Chapter 37 Accidental Knots



Chapter 38 The Housekeeper's Gambit



Chapter 39 Secrets And Seduction



Chapter 40 Power Play
