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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf

My Boyfriend is a Werewolf

Author Vickan


Aria is a human, going about her daily business with no idea that werewolf and vampires existed then fell in love with a young werewolf which was next Alpha of his pack and discovered she was his fated mate. Logan found out his mate is human and when he finally revealed his world to her, his ex girlfriend came back to his life.

Chapter 1 1

It's getting dark , the sun is going down, it's so beautiful to watch. But I don't have time for this. I am running into the woods in my wolf form.

Yes I am a werewolf, a pureblood werewolf and also an alpha.... a ruthless and dangerous alpha, everyone thinks that its easy but it's not like that, as my father was the alpha before me after his death I was supposed to be the next alpha but my own younger brother grown the desire to be the alpha , so well as I have my father's strength and with my confidence I fought against him and got my alpha position so proudly as a fighter.

Now l am on the way to find my mate, before my father died he asked me to promise that I will find my mate and marry her. I don't know why he asked that promise but I will do my promise.

But now my main problem is that I hate humans. Also, my mate is a human. Yes, she is a human also I don't like to have a woman by my side because after seeing my own father got killed by my own mother, I hate to allow love of any women in to my life.

Now I just wanted to drag my mate with or without her will to my kingdom and marry her that's all, I don't like to fell in love and get hurted at last.

Okay I reached my destination the Havalli city, it is a beautiful city where we could find more trees and mountains.

l am standing over one of the mountain's top,

wow…! I could see the whole city now, the lights are glowing in many houses, which looks like the stars are settled on the ground.

I don't like to live between humans, thank god we have a wood house in this woods.

I am now standing in front of the wood house, this house..... has so many memories because me and my father would always spend time together, a family time by forgetting all the wolf, training stuffs.......

I miss him so badly........

Okay now its my bath time, there is a lake nearby, I removed my shirt, pants and weared a short pant and a inner banian, I stepped into the water it's so cool but I was so tired this is the perfect temperature to cool me down.

As I was enjoying my bath time, all of a sudden I smelled a strong scent of my mate. yes as a werewolf we have this ability through which we could smell our mate's scent.

After that I decided to stop my bath time, I changed my clothes and started to walk towards her scent, the scent is too strong that means she is nearby here somewhere.

Also this is not safe for her, I have to drag her from here....

I walked through by following the scent in my human form because I don't to hear her scream by seeing my wolf form.


Logan's pov

There she is....... standing around seeing the full moon, but something is off because I have some feel of sadness that means she is sad,

Yes yes....... as a werewolf we could feel our mate's feelings also but we could only feel their feelings strong even from far away when we get to know each other deeply and some marking process.

I walked towards close and asked her, "Hey, who are you? What are you doing in this woods at night?"

She turned around and I saw her…….

wow!... is this some sort of mate feeling or lam having this personal feel that she is so beautiful.

She has a blue eyes, a blonde hair which looks like a falls, her cheeks and nose were red that means she has been crying for an hour.

And .... and here comes a juicy sexy little lips in a light pink... wow.... , I just want to

OH...MY...GOD! my stupid mind don't think dirty now.

Then after an minute before I started to spoke, she hugged me yes she hugged me suddenly and cried more…

I don't know what to do , but my inner intention told me to hug her back, and.... I hugged her back but in a gentle way.

She is shorter than me because her head is laid on my chest, and she is crying more and more. I hugged her for a few minutes and then..... she lifted her head from my chest and saw my eyes with a tears filled eyes.

Then she spoke to me in a low voice with some tears..

"Sorry... for making you uncomfortable"

I replied to him with some fear.

"My name is .. Aria, I… I... had some...bad news today. l am really sorry"

I can't control my tears but I spoke to him with tears flowing from my eyes to cheeks.

"Hey its okay Aria, if you can speak up about that bad news means you can tell me about it, so that you can feel better" I asked her gently because she is really broken

I didn't expect to see my mate in this situation, Also I wish she don't have any boyfriend material, not that I care about because she has to come with me anyways.. she didn't spoke for a seconds and then..... she spoke.

"I lost.... I lost.. my father" after saying this I cried lot by placing my hands on my face.

After hearing that I couldn't think of even a single little bad things I wished to do it to her. Because I can understand how broken we would feel when the hero of our life ....our father's death news.

Then I decided to comfort her with my words, "Aria..... I can understand your situation now, its not wrong to cry now, but.. our every beloved souls won't leave our side after death, they will be always seeing us from somewhere.... and they won't wish to see us being sad or broken, so please Aria be strong now..



Aria's pov

I don't know what gotten into me but after hearing those words from him ..... I... I.. yes I could see my memorable moments with my father.

He build me as a strong women after my mother's death when I was 12years of age. He taught me to be strong and confident.

Then I cleaned my tears in my cheeks and eyes.

"Thanks Mr. so what's your name....

"Logan..... my name is Logan "

"Okay, thanks Logan for spending your time with me by comforting me" I replied to him with a smile.

I stared him for a minutes he didn't spoke for some minutes.

He has a strong muscular body chest which I felt when I hugged him, he was taller than me but not so tall he is at a correct height, he has a brown eyes.

Then I broke the silence,

"Logan.... if you don't mind , can you accompany me to a place , because it's dark although the moon is here I feel some fear "OMG my hands and legs are trembling in fear, I hope that he won't notice it.

I can see her hands and legs are trembling , I think she is afraid of dark and woods. Let's ask her,

"Why Aria?are you afraid of this dark woods” I asked her with a smile inner me.

"Yes Logan, I am afraid of dark and afraid of walking into this woods"

I know that princess, okay now some time for an important question.

"Then how did you walked all this way into the woods, did you came here alone"

"Yes Logan, I ran into the woods alone.... .. Because.... I lost my mother when I was 12 , I lived with my father but after his death I couldn't sleep there without my dad, ......so I ran into the woods without noticing anything with cries"

As she was Saying that her eyes were filled with tears she cleaned that tears eventually.

"Okay Aria dont worry, I will accompany with you. But where do you want to go now. To your home?" Please princess tell me not to home , I personally wished but don't know why.... maybe for some important stuffs like.....

OH MY stupid mind stop thinking dirts

"No not to the home, there is a place in this woods were me and father spend some peaceful time together, will you accompany me , if you are interested?" I asked hima soft tone.

I don't know why , but somewhere in my heart telling me that he is a good soul who will don't hurt me. I wish he wont hurt me.


Logan'S pov;

Oh my princess..... I am waiting for that for a long time ago, really I didn't expect myself to fall for you but you changed my total plan now , so I think lam going to know more about you by studying with you in the college before that love stuffs.

I don't know what changed me maybe her situation or maybe her beauty.

Anyways, I am going to win your heart princess and then I will...... I dont know how to expose my true self, but until then IBwill be there with you my princess.

"Logan??? Are you alright???"

"Yes yes , sorry IBzoned out , okay let's go Aria"


Aria'S pov;

We both started to walk along to the place were I spend my good times with my father.

I didn't expect that I will be walking along a handsome guy...... yes believe me he is a nice looking guy with some good characteristics, I hope so...

"Logan? I wanted to ask you this , what were you doing in this woods in the middle of the night??" I asked him to clear my doubts.

"I... live here , yes because I dont like hu.... *coughs* ..vehicle noises and those pollution so I live nearby the woods alone in a wood house" I replied her with some fear hope she won't suspects anything.

"Why are you living alone Logan?, Don't you know that these area has many wolfs?" I asked him with a fear mixed curiosity.

"No Aria , why would I afraid of wolfs, because I am a alp..... *coughs*.....sorry

l am a bold human, you know" Oh my god now I am blabbering........

"Oh...... but be safe Logan, always keep some silver related items in your home, because they are too danger"


Logan'S pov;

Wow great........ just great she is thinking wolves are so dangerous. Great beginning god.

“Okay Aria, thanks for your advise I will keep that. But now tell me how long the place is ???" I really have to change the subject now.

"Don't worry we are too close just 5 minutes"......

(5 minutes later),

Here we came now...... see the view


Logan'S pov;

Oh… my… goodness

Awwn I think love is going to flow hereafter.

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