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Betrothed to the Enemies

Betrothed to the Enemies



Olivia Johnson's life takes a tragic turn when she returns from abroad to find her family's media empire, AMP NEWS, on the brink of ruin due to her father's risky business decisions. To save her family's legacy, Olivia is forced into a marriage with a rival family. Surrounded by enemies, she must navigate a dangerous world where trust and love are her greatest enemies. Will Olivia restore her family's name or succumb to the challenges ahead? Explore a thrilling tale of survival, where every move could be deadly.

Chapter 1 0001: Confrontations

In the early hours of the day, the classroom was a hive of activity. Groups of students huddled together, their voices creating a soft cacophony of discussions and laughter. Professor Williams, an esteemed figure from the Department of Anatomy, stood at the front, his deep voice resonating through the room as he lectured passionately.

Olivia sat quietly amidst the bustling environment, her mind wandering far from the lecture. Thoughts of home and the long - awaited reunion with her family after a grueling semester filled her heart with warmth. A serene smile painted her face, a stark contrast to the focused expressions of her classmates.

As the lecture continued, Professor Williams noticed Olivia’s distant smile from his vantage point. He paused, curiosity piqued, and addressed her directly, "Hello, young lady, are you here with us?" His voice cut through the ambient noise, drawing the eyes of the entire class to Olivia.

Still lost in her daydreams, Olivia was unaware of the sudden shift in attention. Her close friend and roommate, Li, who sat beside her, nudged her gently with her shoulder, jolting her back to reality. Startled, Olivia turned to Li, her brows furrowing in confusion as she tried to grasp what was happening.

On her other side, Rachel, another close friend, leaned in closer and whispered, "I think Professor Williams is talking to you." Olivia’s eyes widened in shock as she looked towards the front of the class. Her gaze met the professor’s, and her heart skipped a beat, her anxiety about public attention rising swiftly.

"Young lady, I’m talking to you," Professor Williams pressed, his tone firm.

Olivia’s heart pounded in her chest as she stammered, "Come again, sir, I didn’t catch you the first time." The weight of the classroom’s silent attention bore down on her, making her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"I asked if you're here with us in class, because it seems your mind is elsewhere," Professor Williams reiterated, his eyes searching hers for understanding.

Desperately trying to mask her distraction, Olivia nodded quickly, "Yes, sir, I’m here with you, sir."

Professor Williams, sensing her nervousness but needing to make a point, turned to the class, "Correct me if I’m wrong, but did I say anything particularly amusing today?" The class responded in unison, "No, sir!"

Turning back to Olivia, he asked pointedly, "So, what’s so funny that you’re smiling and giggling over there?"

Olivia shook her head vigorously, "Nothing, sir. I wasn’t aware I was smiling."

The professor sighed, choosing to believe her, "I'll choose to believe you, miss?"

"Olivia, sir," she responded, her voice steadying.

"Alright, Miss Olivia. Please ensure your attention is here. This is a crucial part of the course," Professor Williams emphasized.

Olivia nodded, her face still flushed, "Alright, sir." As the minutes ticked by and the lecture continued, Li leaned toward Olivia, placing her hand playfully on Olivia's. A teasing smile danced on her lips as she whispered, "Well, it looks like you've successfully placed yourself on Professor Williams' radar now."

Olivia, her expression a mix of embarrassment and annoyance, gently pulled her hand away from Li's. "I hope not," she murmured.

Li shrugged and shifted her attention. She glanced over at Rachel, who sat on the other side of Olivia. Rachel had been unusually quiet since the class began, her eyes downcast and her demeanor withdrawn. Li's brow furrowed with concern. "What's wrong with her? She's been awkwardly quiet since we got to class. Do you know what's up with her?"

Olivia sighed, casting a quick look at Rachel before answering, "Boyfriend problems."

Li rolled her eyes, familiar with the recurring issues between Rachel and her boyfriend, Adam. "What did Adam do this time?"

Not wanting to overstep, Olivia replied, "Ask her. She's right here."

Li, puzzled by Olivia's reluctance, pressed further, "Is it that serious? Tell me what happened."

Olivia shook her head slightly, lowering her voice. "I don't think it's in my place to tell you. You know how sensitive Rachel gets about matters involving Adam."

Li, growing more impatient and curious, suggested, "Let's swap seats. I want to talk with her. Since don't want to tell me what happened."

Eavesdropping on Olivia and Li’s conversation, Rachel finally looked up and tapped Olivia on the arm. Her nod was firm, but her voice was soft, "It's fine. I'm over it already. You can tell her."

Olivia turned to Rachel with a gentle smile. "You tell her yourself." She then stood up and swapped seats with Li.

Now seated next to Rachel, Li's hand gently found its way to her back, a silent gesture of comfort that spoke volumes. Concern etched her features as she leaned closer. "What happened?"

Rachel's eyes, a mix of hurt and frustration, met Li's briefly before she looked away, taking a deep breath. "It's the same old story. With our exams looming and his birthday falling right in the middle of that stressful period, I knew celebrating might be tricky. So, I decided to surprise him yesterday, to make some special memories before the chaos. I cooked up a nice, creamy rice porridge, gathered some fresh fruits, crackers, beverages, and all. Drove all the way to his place for a little picnic, only to walk in on him making out with Hannah..."

"Hannah? Hannah Olson?" Li interrupted, her face showing clear shock.

Rachel nodded, bitterness creeping into her voice. "Yes, Hannah Olson."

Li's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger passing through them. "That girl... I knew she was trouble the moment I saw her. Is she in class right now?"

Rachel nodded again, subtly pointing towards a girl seated not too far away. "Yes, there she is."

Li's gaze lingered on Hannah, a plan forming in her mind. "She needs to learn a lesson. Let's follow her after class and beat her up so she knows not to mess with the wrong person ever again. What do you say?"

"I don't think..." But before Rachel could finish, Olivia interjected, "I'm liking that idea. I second the motion. The bitch needs to be put in her place."

Rachel quickly responded, opposing the idea. "No, I don't want to do that. I have no beef with her. The person who wronged me here is Adam. And I'm done giving him that power over me. It's over between us. I'm ending it."

Olivia, looking at Rachel with a mix of frustration and sympathy, said, "I respect your decision, but this is what you always say whenever you catch him with random bitches."

Rachel met her gaze, her eyes unwavering, "This time it's different. I know now he can never change."

Olivia shook her head slightly. "Well, I hope so." She then paused, taking a deep breath. "I pray so. I don't know what you see in that piece of shit anyway. That you keep forgiving him. If it were up to me, it would have been over between you two long ago. No one deserves to be treated this way, especially by a dumb fuck like him."

At that moment, the loud slam of books cut through the class. "What's going on over there? Why all the chitchat? If you're not interested in this class, you're always free to leave. I'm talking to you, Miss Olivia, and your friends. Don't cause any disturbance in my class."

Caught by surprise, Olivia, Li, and Rachel quickly composed themselves. Half an hour later, the lecture came to an end. As Professor Williams walked out of the class, Li turned to Olivia. "I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat."

Olivia hesitated. "But we have a class now."

Li rolled her eyes and looked over at Rachel. "Screw that. Are you guys coming or not?"

Rachel nodded. "I'm tired and stressed already, and I'm starving too. Let's skip the class and go to the next one."

Olivia sighed, shaking her head in disapproval. "You guys will be the end of me. Alright, let's go."

With that, they stood up and made their way out of the class. As they passed through the hallways, the distant sound of running footsteps grew louder with each step. Olivia glanced over and saw Adam sprinting toward them, holding a bouquet of flowers. Within moments, he reached them, panting heavily and doubling over to catch his breath. He straightened up and, with a hopeful look, addressed Rachel, "What's up, babe?" causing Olivia, Rachel, and Li to turn and face him.

But before he could say anything more, Li snapped, "What do you want? Haven't you done enough?"

Adam ignored Li, focusing on Rachel. "I've been trying to reach you. You're not picking up my calls. I'm sorry, but it's not what you think. The girl you saw me with yesterday came over to help with some assignment. I don't know what came over her. She was the one who pushed herself on me, and I tried to push her away. That's when you walked in on us. You have to believe me."

Rachel shook her head and approached Adam, taking the flowers from his hand. "I believe you." She then dumped the flowers in a nearby waste bin. "You must think I'm a fool. Don't bother calling me again because I won't answer. It's over between us."

Turning to her friends, Rachel said, "Let's go." As they walked away, Adam followed in pursuit. Olivia then turned to him again, her annoyance evident. "Are you dumb or what? Don't you understand simple English? Let me make it crystal clear for you: it's 'O.V.E.R' between you two. Stop following us, or I'll sue your ass for harassment. And trust me, that won't be good for you."

With that, she turned back to her friends and quickly rejoined them, leaving Adam standing there, speechless.

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