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His lactating lover

His lactating lover



Lately, I've been suffering from that embarrassing form of lactation. I didn't dare tell anyone, and I snuck into an electronics factory. But here, of all places, I met a man. He also has a strange disease that can only be cured by human milk. He said we were a good match, so we made a secret deal...

Chapter 1 01

"Wow, I never thought we could meet such a hot chick in this shithole!"

"Yeah, look at her chest and legs, she's a real babe."


A few oily male workers whispered to each other, occasionally glancing back at the girl sitting in the last row of the car.

She was wearing faded jeans, with a slightly red face and sweat beads on her forehead. She held her chest tightly, hunched over in her seat, as if she was enduring something.

My name is Emily Yang, and I was the "hot chick" they were talking about.

I was an orphan from a young age and was raised by my foster mother. She said I had a pair of enchanting fox eyes that were perfect for selling.

As soon as I turned 18, my foster mother tried to marry me off to an old cripple for a high bride price, but I refused and ran away that night.

To support myself, I went to work at an electronics factory in the deep mountains, which was a long and arduous journey to get to.

At the moment, I was sitting on a bus heading to the factory. My chest was swollen and painful, with milk building up inside that was about to overflow.

I have a secret that I'm ashamed to talk about. After my body developed, I could produce breast milk. To keep this secret hidden, I have to squeeze out a lot of milk every day.

"Excuse me, Big Brother, can we stop the car and rest for a few minutes?" I finally mustered up the courage to ask the security team leader.

His name was Michael Liu, and he was quite handsome. Several girls on the bus were chatting him up, especially Samantha Ye, who was sitting next to me and kept pressing her ample chest against his arm.

"Hey, Liu Team Leader, I have some water here."

"Liu Team Leader, are you tired? I can help you massage your shoulders."

"Liu Team Leader, what's your phone number? Can I add you on WeChat?"

Michael Liu frowned slightly at being interrupted and looked out the window. We were already in the mountains, surrounded by desolate wilderness.

"Okay, we'll rest for ten minutes. Those who want to sing mountain songs, don't go too far."

I felt relieved and quickly ran to the most secluded spot in the grass, where I crouched down and unbuttoned my bra.

I confirmed that no one was around before squeezing the milk out of my breasts. This was my daily routine – I had to squeeze out a lot of milk every day, or else I would feel very uncomfortable.

But doing this outdoors was a first for me. I blushed as I looked at my exposed skin and quickened my pace.

Finally, my chest felt lighter, and I sighed with relief as I adjusted my clothes.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound behind me. I was startled but saw nothing when I turned around.

I was the last one to get back on the bus, looking a bit pale. Michael Liu handed me a box of milk with a straw already inserted and said in a deep voice:

"Drink some to keep up your strength."

"Thank you." I took the milk and drank it quickly, but some of it dripped down my neck and into my cleavage.

Michael Liu saw this and swallowed hard, discreetly looking away.

Samantha Ye noticed and made a snide remark:

"Some people are just so delicate, acting all weak to get sympathy. They've been like that since childhood – the ones who cry get the milk."

Samantha Ye was my middle school classmate and had always disliked me because I was prettier than her, and all the boys in class liked to hang around me.

I ignored her and closed my eyes to rest.

Samantha Ye grew even angrier when I didn't respond.

"Liu Team Leader, there are two more bottles of pure milk under your seat. You shouldn't be biased. Why not share them with the sisters on the bus?"

The other women started clamoring for it, and whether Michael Liu agreed or not, they quickly divided the milk among themselves.

Michael Liu's face darkened a bit.

Late at night, the bus finally arrived at its destination. Although the Ruixing Electronics Factory was located in a remote mountain area, it was large in scale and had relatively new facilities. It was also managed in a completely closed manner.

I fell asleep on the bus and was the last to get off. Samantha Ye and the other factory girls had already run off, leaving me behind.

By the time I finally made it to the dormitory area, Samantha Ye was standing at the door, blocking my way.

"First come, first served – there are no more beds left."

"You'll have to figure something else out."

Before I could argue, she slammed the door shut. The doors of the surrounding female worker dormitories also closed one after another.

I stood in the corridor, nearly in tears.

At this time, several heads popped out from the nearby male worker dormitory, their mouths full of grease.

"Girl, if you don't mind, you can stay in my room."

"Heh heh, I'm also available, we can squeeze into one bed, and I'll buy you whatever you want."

I was scared and ran down the stairs, but there was no one around that I recognized.

What should I do?

Just then, I saw Michael Liu, his friendliness in the afternoon gave me a natural sense of closeness, so I approached him and asked in a voice as small as a mosquito.

"Liu Team Leader, can you help me arrange accommodation?"

He stood in front of me, a full head taller than me, with dark skin and bulging muscles all over his body. No wonder he could be a security team leader.

I actually quite like this type.

Damn it, I just thought about it for a moment and felt a hot rush from my chest. When I looked down, my white T-shirt was already dotted with moisture. The air was filled with a milky fragrance, and Michael Liu noticed it too. He avoided eye contact and coughed.

"Uh, your clothes..."

I blushed and quickly put my backpack in front of me to block it, wishing I could find a crack in the ground to hide in.

This time, there were too many workers, and the dormitory was full. Michael Liu temporarily arranged for me to stay next to him in a low red brick house not far from the dormitory.

"The rooms are full, so you'll have to stay here temporarily. The conditions aren't great, but it's quiet and you can have a single room."

I looked around and saw that the house was dirty and messy, and the door lock was broken. I was scared and asked Michael Liu if he could help me fix it.

Michael Liu looked at the broken lock and said, "You wait a moment, I'll go get some tools."

He left, and I followed him because I was afraid. We returned to his room together, and I accidentally knocked the mouse on his computer, causing a dialog box to pop up.

Michael Liu hurriedly tried to close the computer, but it was too late. I had already read the message: "High price sought for wet nurse, price negotiable."

I was stunned and looked at Michael Liu with a shocked expression. This person is too scary! What kind of special hobby is this?


Michael Liu seemed embarrassed too, as if he were afraid I would misunderstand something. He quickly explained,

"Things aren't the way you think they are. I, I just want to treat my illness."

I was even more surprised. "Treat your illness?"

He sighed and continued,

"Two years ago, I worked at a chemical factory and was exposed to toxic gas. Ever since then, I've had this condition where my whole body becomes red, swollen, and itchy. The only thing that can control it is drinking human milk."

"If not, cow's milk can also help alleviate the symptoms."

He rolled up his sleeve, and I saw that his arm was covered in red patches and was swollen in some areas. It looked very alarming.

Thinking about the several boxes of milk he had in the afternoon, it turned out they were for himself.

Seeing the embarrassment on his face and the helplessness in his eyes, I suddenly felt a sense of camaraderie. He needs milk, and I have milk. We might actually be quite compatible!

My face turned red immediately.

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His lactating lover

Chapter 1 01
