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The Phoenix And Its Form

The Phoenix And Its Form



Dr. Victor Frank, a lecturer at a university in Nairobi City, Kenya, is a man haunted by the loss of his family in a tragic accident. A man on the edge, teetering between sanity and obsession, but it was this precarious balance that gave him an unparalleled focus. Amidst his grief, he finds solace in a secret project, he has created a humanoid robotic form that bears an uncanny resemblance to his deceased daughter. In search of a power source for his creation, Dr. Victor Frank encounters a mysterious woman by the name of Blue, on a shady internet forum. She claims the existence of advanced alien technology that ancient human civilizations called "The Phoenix". To gain his trust she gives him an ancient artifact known as "the Wand," as proof of her claims of the existence of this ancient technology. Following a clandestine heist in a castle in Wales, they retrieve an artifact that Blue promises is the key to finding this ancient power. But they are not alone in their interest in the Phoenix. A mysterious figure wearing an Ouroboros ring is tracking their every move, as they journey to the Saudi-Arabian desert where the Phoenix awaits.

Chapter 1 Prologue

The rain hammered down like a relentless barrage, the once-tranquil river now a monstrous torrent, the bridge was barely visible through the downpour. Inside the sedan, Victor gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white with tension. Beside him, his daughter Sophie sat in the passenger seat, her eyes wide with fear.

"Sophie, we can't wait here forever," Victor said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The water's rising, and if we don't cross now, we might never get to the award ceremony."

"I don't know Dad, it seems dangerous!" She said craning her neck and trying to look ahead.

Victor peered through the rain-streaked windshield. Other cars had lined up in front of them, their tail lights casting eerie red shadows in the gloom. Time was running out.

"I know it's scary, but I'll keep you safe. Trust me," Victor reassured her, and with a deep breath, he got out of the lane and edged the car forward. The sedan crept onto the bridge, its tires splashing through the gathering waters. The structure groaned ominously under the weight of the rushing water.

Halfway across, a deafening roar filled their ears, like the sound of thunder rumbling, as the river surged. Victor's eyes darted to the passenger seat window-only to see a wall of water barreling towards them.

"Sophie! Hold on!" Victor shouted over the tumultuous noise. "It's going to hit us!" he yelled, pushing the accelerator to the floor. The car surged forward with a desperate burst of speed.

"Dad I'm scared!" Sophie's voice was a fragile thread amidst the cacophony of the storm.

Victor reached out, his hand finding hers. "I've got you, Sophie. Just hold on tight."

But with a thunderous crash, the floodwaters engulfed the sedan. The car lurched violently as the floodwaters struck with the force of a thousand fists. The sedan shuddered as if in protest, its engine whining in distress. Sophie screamed as the sedan was lifted like a leaf in the wind. Glass shattered as the murky depths clawed their way inside. The world outside became a blur of swirling darkness and churning water.

The water swirled around them, cold and unrelenting, as darkness closed in.

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The Phoenix And Its Form

Chapter 1 Prologue
