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Thirty Days Over

Thirty Days Over



For thirty days, Nohan has been confronted with a series of strange and terrifying events at his school. Except for the bullying that happened to his, of course. One by one, horrible things happened before his eyes. Until one night with heavy rain pouring down, a black-robed figure came on the porch of Nohan's house. And without Nohan knowing his life would change, either much better or darker.

Chapter 1 Prologue

"You know what? We haven't even checked!"

"I know you've been injected by Mr. Pram, so stop acting like you're fine!" retorted a woman holding a baby boy, who was peacefully sleeping.

"Then what do you want?" asked the man with a frustrated look on his face.

"We're getting a divorce!"

The man was getting more and more frustrated as he listened to the woman in front of him.

"That easy?"

"What do you think? I've thought it through too, and it's for the best! I can't sacrifice Nohan to be close to you!"

The man tried to get closer to the woman just now.

"Stop! You are not being injected as usual! You're being injected with HIV blood, so please leave here, and don't ever try to get close to Nohan!"

That night the man finally relented, deciding to leave the house. Leaving his wife and child behind.

Years passed, the baby boy had grown into a teenage boy.


A teenage boy who was walking to the cafeteria was suddenly punched by someone.

"Hi Loser!"


This time he got hit harder, causing him to fall down.


"That's how strong you are, Nohan? Aren't you a policeman's son?" railed the figure standing right in front of the teenage boy's face, who was knocked down just now.

It was Nohan, the boy who was bullied every day at school. And unfortunately, there was no one to help him, or to tell the teacher that a student was being bullied.

Unfortunately, the other students only like to watch, they all just stare at Nohan sadly. Without ever lending a hand, or even asking if he was alright or not.

"Nohan is just a loser, of course one punch and he's down!" said another student, who Nohan knew was in the same gang as the first bully.

They only dared to gang up on Nohan? Of course not. Sometimes Nohan was even hit by one of them, even though he didn't bother him.

It was as if breathing was wrong for them, even during the second semester of tenth grade. They beat Nohan mercilessly, and then flushed him with sewage water. Just because Nohan got into the fifth general rank.

It was only fifth, and he was already beaten up, I don't know what would have happened if Nohan had been ranked first overall. Maybe he would only be a name.

And unexpectedly, the next figure poured him a bottle of tea.


"This is for you for being a weak human! You should have fought back, Loser! You're weak! So weak!"

From his voice Nohan could recognize that he was the first-ranked general. Nohan was not surprised, as the first-ranked general was truly a genius. Unfortunately, his nature was like a horrible demon.

Nohan hissed, he hadn't gotten up yet - he was still lying down with his face almost kissing the cafeteria floor which was now wet from the tea.

Nohan's hair was wet, her face also now felt sticky.

Oh my God. The cafeteria was in full swing but no one wanted to help him. Nohan felt that all of them were not human, they were demons in human clothing. They were horrible monsters.

Nohan was about to look up, but the bully gang leader unexpectedly stepped on his hand, making him look down again in pain.

"How does it feel, loser? Does it hurt? Doesn't it hurt?" the gang leader scolded Nohan dismissively.

The gang leader did not stop there, he even deliberately stomped on Nohan's hand for a long time, while twirling his foot as if he was stepping on a mat.

Nohan hissed, holding back the pain as much as possible. He did not want the demons to feel happy because they heard his cry of pain.

Wouldn't psychopaths feel happy when their victims moaned in pain?

The next day the bullying got worse.

Nohan was sitting quietly in her seat, and suddenly the rank one general came over, about to douse her with something she didn't know.

"Jay! Guess what I'm going to douse him with?"

The gang leader was named Jay.

Nohan could have sworn that people would never believe that Jay was a bully. His appearance was neat, he was smart, and he was even the head of the school's anti-bullying organization.

Nohan wanted to scream at the teachers for choosing Jay as the head of the organization.


"Stale milk again, Ray?" asked Jay.

The first-ranked general smiled with a grin, his name was Ray. His appearance was no less neat than Jay's, especially since he was a student who made the school proud. Of course it would be considered insane if Nohan yelled at Ray as a bully.

But the truth will remain, even if the world doesn't believe it.

"With some dishwater!" grinned Ray, and next threw the bottle of stale milk at Nohan's now wet face.

Ray, and Jay laughed evilly together.

After doing that Nohan thought they were done. In fact, two more people came, one named Jio aka the eternal student who had not been promoted three times. His appearance was disheveled like a hooligan, although in reality he was.

And the other one was Ren, he was flat-faced and rarely smiled. His appearance was neat, except that his hair was a little messy.

Suddenly Ren approached and punched Nohan in the face, making her nose bleed fresh blood instantly.


And Jio, as if not wanting him hand to be idle, came forward and punched Nohan which hit him right cheek, making the corner of him lip bleed.

"Your face is cooler now, loser!" said Jio, followed by applause from his three friends.

"Well, at least your face is still recognizable, it hasn't turned completely blue!" Ray said with his evil laughter booming.

The class was currently empty, the teacher was only giving assignments because she was away on business.

"Never mind, we have to go to the mading room now, let's continue the game later!" said Jay lightly, as if they were actually playing a fun game.

Yes bullying others is certainly considered a game, by them demons.

The four of them left, leaving Nohan grimacing with facial pain.

The classmates just looked at him pityingly, but really Nohan didn't need those looks. He just needed their help, their care to stop Jay and his gang from bullying him.

Unfortunately that was not possible, they were just as bad as those demons. They were the same.

Humans who don't want to help others in times of trouble, not much worse than monsters and demons.

Nohan immediately stood up from his seat, he approached the bench at the front right corner.

"Class president!" Nohan called out, looking at the teenage boy with square glasses, who was suddenly busy writing something in his book. Whereas before he was just quietly staring at Nohan, who was being bullied.

"Class president!" Nohan called again. And finally the class president, whose name was Rokan, looked up.

In that instant Nohan snorted, "Do you still think you deserve to be called class president? Do you feel that way, Rokan? You even keep quiet when someone bullies your class members, you even pretend as if your class is fine, what kind of class leader are you, Rokan?" Nohan railed feeling irritated and hated at the same time.

"What can I do, Nohan?"

"And what can I do, Rokan? What? I can't even fight them, there are too many of them. And you, and all of you are just watching! Do you think I'm not human? Do you think I deserve to die in vain?" Nohan railed, making the whole class fall silent.

Everyone bowed their heads, except for one student who Nohan knew was named Sola.

"They're right that you are weak! You scolded the class president just because he didn't help you when you were bullied, what kind of man are you?" Sola railed, making the whole class now cheer for Nohan.

"That's right! He is anti-social! So let it go."

"You never considered us friends anyway, did you?"

"Since when are we friends with a kid whose father has HIV?"

Yes, it's always been that way. They never want to take the blame.


Nohan was startled, and stopped from daydreaming. It turned out that he was daydreaming after Jay and his gang left.

Yeah Nohan thought he didn't need to ask Rokan or anyone else to help him, they wouldn't want to anyway.

"You are asked to go to the back of the library!"



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