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Luna's Fate

Estelle and Jessica were best of friends and soul sisters but when Estelle's childhood obsession and crush alpha Williams sets his eyes on Jess he pronounces her his mate. Alpha Williams is a famous and well respected alpha Lycan, he is a very powerful Lycan but for many years he never found his mate. He organizes an event to bring together all the werewolves in all the provinces . Immediately alpha Williams got into the hall, his wolf sensed the presence of their mate unknown to him that his mate's best friend had a die- hard crush on him. Estelle will stop at nothing to end the union between Jess and alpha Williams even if it means exposing her deepest secret.

Chapter 1 When I Met Alpha


My phone buzzed disturbing my sleep, tossing and turning I fell off my bed.

Gosh, why is it morning already, reaching for my phone the caller ID indicated bestie I picked the call.

“Hey Bestie…” I replied, still half asleep.

“Rise and shine sleepy head..” Estelle screeched.

“Thanks alot, my alarm”

“I knew you'd still be sleeping by this time that's why I took out time to call you”

“ Thanks a lot,” I replied sarcastically.

“Come over immediately so we can get ready together”

“What for?”

I could hear Estelle sigh.

“ Today is the big day girl, the day the alpha Lycan and his pack will be visiting our pack , did you forget?”

How could I forget, I was just stressing Estelle out, because honestly I didn't want to attend the event, unlike Estelle I was an introvert and I hated social gatherings little wonder I hadn't met my mate yet, just like Estelle, people sometimes said it was because of me Estelle hadn't found her mate yet that I rubbed my ill luck on her, but my best friend stuck with me regardless.

“Who knows we might actually meet our mate today, I really wish my mate would be the alpha Lycan, he looks so giving in his pictures”

“Yeah.. yeah, he's always been your crush since childhood, I hope so too”


“I mean, I wish he's going to be your mate”

“Oh okay” we both giggled.

Estelle thought for a second that I was also wishing to be mated with the alpha, that would be crazy, me and the alpha? Oh please.

I ended the call, then stood up from the floor where I had sat all this while and walked into the bathroom, I ran the bath and few minutes later I was set to go, I put on my ripped baggy jean and an oversized shirt and hung my cross bag, not only was I introverted but I also loved dressing like a boy, you know a girly guy.

“What?” Estelle's mouth dropped as she saw me in my casual wear.

“You're not going out like this, no.. not today” she stood hands at akimbo.

“Oh come on, if I'm going to find my mate, I need him to love me for who I am. What happens if he finds out I loved being in a guy's outfit more than in my genders'?”

Estelle looked at me frustrated.

“Not today Jessica, please take this off, it's an eyesore”

“Hey..!” I snapped.

Estelle opened her wardrobe and beheld a fountain of pretty dresses.

“Make your choice” she curtsied.

Running my hands through her wardrobe uninterested, I picked out a random dress.

“Good choice, now for mine…” she giggled and took out a very pretty dress that was so long and beautiful, I envied her.

“Don't tell me you just made that choice right now”

“You caught me, picked it out weeks ago” she giggled. “The alpha Lycan would love me in this” she giggled again.

The gown I picked was a total disaster. It was a corset gown, red and short. Estelle loved it but it was my worst mistake of the night, I dreaded tight and short outfits, what was I thinking!

“ It looks good on you.” Stacy, my wolf, complimented me.

“Thanks” I sighed.

“ Can't wait for this night to be over”

“It just started baby girl” Estelle said hands at akimbo.

Estelle did my makeup, I did hers, with her help.

We were fully dressed and we both stood in front of Estelle's full length mirror , Estelle looked as dazzling as ever, she had dark brown short hair with green eyes and thin lips, she was tall and slim with a good figure many guys had their eyes for her but she'll rather wait for her alpha Lycan.

I too looked dazzling; I must confess, I never thought I'd be this gorgeous in a ladies dress. My hair is white and almost touching my waist, my ocean blue eyes shone as I held contact with my reflection, the red dress fitting me effortlessly.

Estelle had already booked us a ride beforehand and it arrived on time, and we got to the venue like princesses and all eyes were on us. I felt a bit shy but my wolf encouraged me.

“I'm certain you'll meet your mate here” she said.

“Not sure I'm ready for that though”

The hall was a large one and to my amazement it was filled with many she-wolves and werewolves, all beautifully dressed.

“Jess!” A familiar voice called out to me.

Lucy, my five year old err… sister ran towards me.

“ I've been waiting for you" she giggled, hugging me tight. “ I've missed you , dad, mom, Bianca everyone is here too”

Dad, I wonder if he ever forgave me, if he ever forgave me for having a child at fifteen, a secret only my family and my best friend Estelle knew, Lucy wasn't even aware that I was her mother, she had always seen me as her big sister.

I held Lucy's hand tight, I missed her a lot, I was forced to move away from the family to avoid getting on my father's nerves and I only visited once in a while, it remained that way for years.

“Run along okay? I'll join you guys soon" I hugged her, a tear formed in my eye and she must have noticed.

“Are you crying?”

“No dear, I'm not, it must be touch makeup” I choked.

“Ow that's sad, you really look beautiful today Jess, I love you”

“Love you too, baby”

She ran off, the hall suddenly became quiet as the arrival of the alpha Lycan was announced

A group of able bodied men walked into the hall giving off an expensive era. I perceived a smell that felt so good and different.

“Mate” my wolf leaped inside of me, then the men drew closer. So did the smell, controlled by another force, I quickly walked towards them eager to meet my mate.

The men cleared the way for me as I stood in front of my mate, the alpha Lycan, my best friend's long time crush.

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