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Romancing The Fairy King

Romancing The Fairy King

Emi Briggs


Jasmine Bellard is a romantic who happens to be a wedding planner. It is her biggest achievement to make a couple’s dreams come true and make sure to create a beautiful happily ever after. It would also be her biggest achievement if she found that happily ever after for herself but she’s had no luck with love for years. All her friends have found their soulmates, even her younger sister is married. She’s the only one standing and she’s beginning to give up on love. Everything changes after a night out with her best friends and she spots a beautiful magical butterfly that leads her to a large enchanted mirror in an alleyway. Jasmine was not about to allow her curiosity to get the best of her so as soon as she turns to leave she accidentally fell into the mirror which led her to a magical world called Mingardia. As soon as the winged guards of Mingardia spot her roaming they deem her a witch spy and they take her to the palace to await the King’s verdict on what to do with her. When they get to the palace King William Covington recognises Jasmine as the love of his life. He explains to Jasmine that she visited Mingardia when she was younger and had promised to get married to William before she vanished. Jasmine instantly remembers everything and now Jasmine is seen as a guest and not a witch spy. William introduces her to his family and throws a party for her return. The two get to know each other as William shows Jasmine the world Jasmine once knew, they think it’s fate that brought them together, and they’ve found they're happily ever after. Little do these love-birds know that William’s brother, Nicholas who always wanted to be King has an agenda of his own, to destroy the love William and Jasmine have and become the King of Mingardia. But will Nicholas succeed in bringing the King and his love down or will the Fated Mates’ love for each other be strong enough to succumb to any danger?

Chapter 1 Prologue

The night is still young and while there’s a party going on downstairs a ten-year-old Jasmine Bellard is stuck in her room playing with dolls instead of being with the adults drinking from their cocktails and talking about adult things. Jasmine feels she should be there considering the fact she planned most of it and she did it for her Dad who had just turned Forty. She got dressed and was ready to enjoy the party but her mom said she could only greet some guests and after that had to go back to her room because it’s an adult party.

They didn’t know it was an adult party when she planned most of it, talk about betrayal.

But Jasmine doesn’t care anymore, she should be used to it now. At least they’ve sent food and cake her way.

She’s busy planning another party, a wedding party for her dolls, at least her dolls would never tell her not to attend the wedding she planned, unlike her annoying parents.

She could play with her little sister, Josephine but she’s fast asleep. When her sister doesn’t have to be angry about anything then of course her sister would be sleeping by one in the morning. It annoyed Jasmine a little bit. Jasmine knows not to count on her sister when it comes to protesting about something or not being a snitch, she’s a lost cause and a big snitch.

Jasmine sighs looking at her dolls longingly. She’s thinking about the wedding of her own and how big it’s going to be, and how magical. She’s going to be the one planning it and she’s going to do it right. Her wedding will be like the ones she sees in Disney movies and the romance movies her mom watches. It will be perfect and everyone would leave that wedding to go look for their significant other because of Jasmine’s wedding and Jasmine will live happily ever after with the man of her dreams.

“Oh, Barbie it’ll be epic and you’ll all be invited,” she says to her dolls as if they’re breathing life. That’s one of the beauties of being a child, have human friends and toy friends, you have lots of friends. Jasmine is so deep in thought about how her wedding is going to be that she’s forgotten how her parents refused to let her be at the party that she planned. She doesn’t care anymore, in fact, she’s getting sleepy.

She gets up from the floor and stands next to the pink dollhouse that’s taller than she is and places Barbie and Ken on the same bed. She smiles at them, even though this is their hundredth marriage she still loves the fact that they love each other and they always find a way to each other.

She lets out a loud yawn and she walks over to her large bed. Before she can jump on the soft mattress covered in a pink bed sheet and a pink duvet something catches her eye, something pink other than the vast amount of pink items in her room.

It’s fluttering around. Jasmine gasps.

“A butterfly!” She says in excitement watching this butterfly meticulously, there’s a strangeness to it. It’s not like the butterflies she’s seen before. This one has pink wings and it leaves a trail of magical powder as it flies in the air.

“Hello Mrs. Butterfly,” she says with a smile moving in its direction. “Are you here for the party?” she waits for the pretty butterfly to answer. The ten-year-old is no longer sleepy, how does she sleep now that she has a companion in the room? “Or are you here for Barbie and Ken’s wedding? You’re a bit late though, but there’s still cake.” she gestures to the trolley filled with half-eaten chocolate cake and snacks from her father’s birthday.

The butterfly still flutters, and what happens next makes Jasmine gasp. The butterfly has just flown into the mirror so casually. A shocked Jasmine stands there with her jaw on the floor looking at her reflection.

That didn’t just happen, did it? She asks herself. She walks slowly toward her mirror and all she can see is herself in her pink nightgown. Is there something behind that mirror? Could it be Wonderland? She thinks, she has read Alice Through the Looking Glass so many times and she’s wished to go to Wonderland, maybe her wish has finally come true. She can finally see the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat.

She hesitates but she touches the mirror and she gasps when the glass dances, it’s almost like it’s not glass at all and it’s rubber. She laughs, then puts her hand through the glass rubber, it goes through then she walks through the glass into Wonderland.

But where she’s going isn’t wonderland, she has never read about this land in books or seen it in movies what she’s about to experience will be the most epic adventure in her life, and little does Jasmine know that that epic adventure will soon change her life, forever.

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