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Obsessed with the Ruthless CEO

Obsessed with the Ruthless CEO

Dee Diamond ink


An intern falls in love with her CEO Boss and becomes obsessed with him but he isn't quite what he thought she was


Elena Fernandez walked down the long office hall, adjusting her flay white skirt, arranging her hair hoping and praying as she held her cross necklace firmly on her neck that she'll get the job interview right .

"Have a seat Mrs Fernandez " urged The Chief Coordinator Mrs Clara, an elderly woman, who was interviewing her while glancing through her a folder containing Elena's credentials

"Any job experiences before especially in a company this big?

"No Ma'am but I have worked in a small firm" replied Elena

"Well you'll do, just need an extra hand around here..."


Elena happily exited the office after thanking the woman and returned to her home

The next morning she arrived early to work and Mrs Clara showed her a little cubicle of her own and a printer.

Everyone in the office seemed busy answering phone calls and twirling in their office chairs while she looked at her little cubicle in the corner with distaste.

She sat on her uncomfortable chair and dusted the printer to copy the papers Mrs Clara gave to her then decide to return them to her after she was done.

Immediately the other golden elevator bell dinged, the doors opened revealing a tall handsome man, his body firm and chiseled, outlining his expensive perfectly sewed black suit

Elena sat in awe staring with only her eyes above the cubicle watching the CEO walk strictly without looking at anyone, his eyes down fixed in his phone.The other workers cowering in his presence clearing away from the path to his office which had "CEO" boldly embellished in gold on the door, shutting it loudly behind him. The only none glass office in the whole floor apart from the dusty folder room no one every entered and the small refreshment room for coffee.

Everyone returned back to work except Elena who froze still seated in her seat griping her flay skirt, curled her toes in her flat white shoes almost drooling. Elena repeatedly replayed his entrance in her mind until Mrs Clara came to her cubicle requesting for the papers

"Elena.... Elena!" yelled Mrs Clara

Clara jolted back to her senses then looked around, relieved that no one payed attention.

"Yes sorry ..here are the papers"

"Focus on your job, he's not going to do yours for you " chuckled Mrs Clara before she left to her office shaking her head, smiling and amused.

"Tonta yo silly me" chuckled Elena as she continued working, surprised at how she got carried away, distracted by the CEO

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Obsessed with the Ruthless CEO

