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Chase Me Again

Chase Me Again

Edie Hanzz


Jessica has been married to Zander for three years, but their marriage has gone from sweet to cold. Jessica decides to do something to save their love. However, she catches Zander cheating on her with his secretary, Serena. Heartbroken, she files for divorce. However, this invites even more violent retaliation. It turns out that Zander married her only for revenge. He cupped her chin and said coldly, "Your father owes me that." Completely disillusioned, Jessica finds her real father and recovers her original identity. It turns out that she's the billionaire mafia boss's daughter. Zander panics and begs Jessica to come back......

Chapter 1 Let's get a divorce.

Jessica's POV

"Mr. Harrison wants to see you in his office at 10:30 this morning."

I heard Serena's voice over the phone. Her arrogant tone made me cringe.

I tried to be calm and asked, "Isn't he meeting with a client this morning?"

"I'm just informing you. Come if you like." Serena finished impatiently and then hung up without waiting for me to answer.

Serena was Zander's secretary. She's a beauty, so she treated me, the CEO's wife, casually all the time.

Since Zander and I had problems with our marriage, Serena's attitude toward me had worsened.

I glanced down at my cell phone. It was 9:30 a.m.

I walked directly over to my closet and pulled out a white Chanel dress.

It was a dress from several years ago. The style of this dress was outdated, but it was the first gift I got from Zander.

I looked in the mirror and put on my lipstick, then slipped on my high heels.

I twirled around and made sure I was okay in the mirror. Then, I grabbed my bag and hurried out of the house.

Zander and I got married five years ago. We were in love, at least for the first four years of our marriage.

He was the chairman of the Harrison Group, but he always made time to have dinner with me at home every day.

We were a model couple to all our friends.

I thought I would be happy like this forever. However, everything changed a year ago.

A year ago, Zander's Uncle Warren moved back to Los Angeles from Ottawa. Zander helped put up the Warren family.

I was very aware that Zander's attitude toward me had grown cold.

I assumed it was because Zander was so tired from helping the Warrens find a house.

But once the Warrens were settled and life was on track, Zander became even colder toward me.

He came home later and later. Even when he occasionally came home on time, he no longer joked with me at dinner.

When I asked him why, he never answered.

The way he looked at me became cold and sometimes frightened me.

"Good morning, Mrs. Harrison."

I walk into the Harrison Group. An employee smiled and greeted me.

I smiled and nodded in greeting, but I didn't stop.

I love Zander deeply. I didn't want our marriage to go down the drain, so I planned to talk to Zander.

We should go to marriage counseling together.

I got on the elevator.

I started to get nervous as I watched the numbers on the top of the elevator slowly rise.

I took a deep breath and told myself, "You can convince him, Jessica.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out.

The hallway was carpeted and I walked alone toward Zander's office.

As I approached Zander's office, I heard a faint sound.

It was the urgent gasping of a woman.

I knew exactly what that sound meant, and a sudden feeling of unease surged through my heart.

The corridor on the eighteenth floor was empty. It was the CEO's floor, so others didn't come up here at will.

My steps became light and quick as I walked quickly to Zander's office.

His office wasn't completely closed, the door was ajar.

Standing in front of the office door, the ambiguous gasping was so clear, as if someone was holding a loudspeaker and playing it in my ears.

My body shook slightly. I wanted to move but couldn't.

I felt that my throat was super dry. I unconsciously made a move to swallow, but the tearing, burning pain coming from my throat sobered me up a bit.

I thought, "No, that can't be Zander, or he's just watching an adult movie.

Holding my breath, I took a step forward and approached the doorway.

Through the door, I saw the scene in Zander's office.

Behind the wide desk, a woman with long blonde hair was facing the direction of the door.

She was riding a man with his head down. She groaned aloud.

My eyes moved to the man's back. The gray plaid suit jacket he was wearing stung my eyes.

It was the outfit I had prepared for Zander this morning.

I watched as the blonde woman had her hands on Zander's shoulders, her body swaying.

"Oh, Zander, harder..."

The woman's movements accelerated and she threw her hair back to let out an even more piercing moan.

"Keep going!" He lets out a stunning breath then.

I got a good look at her face.

It was Serena!

A sharp stabbing sensation spreads from my heart. It was August, yet I felt a piercing coldness.

Then a ripping agony swept through my brain. I didn't feel anger, only pain.

I knew I should have stormed in. I should have yelled at them.

I should have asked why he betrayed our love, our marriage.

But instead, it was as if I had lost all my courage and strength.

"Let's change positions, Zander." Serena's shrill voice came through the door. "I'm going to lie down on the table so you can face the door. Isn't that exciting?"

At Serena's words, I covered my chest and took a step back.

I couldn't hold on much longer. I turned and fled the Harrison Group in a panic.

I don't know how I got home. I didn't change my clothes. I just sat on the couch in the living room.

I stared blankly at the pattern on the living room carpet.

My mind was filled with images of that scene.

It seemed that all of Zander's coldness this year had found an explainable cause. He was cheating on me.

I sat like that from day to night, not moving at all.

Until the sound of the door opening suddenly rang out, I turned my head stiffly.

Zander entered with a cold face. He turned on the light and frowned when he saw me.

"What's wrong with you? Sitting in the living room with the lights off?" He said tiresomely, "Go back to your own bedroom if you want to go crazy."

Zander unbuttoned his jacket and casually tossed it aside.

The gray plaid suit jacket stung my eyes. I remembered the scene from this morning.

My heart went cold as I watched his impatience and indifference.

I took a deep breath and made a decision.

"Let's get a divorce."

Zander stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look at me in surprise.

Then his expression turned cold again.

"Stop being insane."

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