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The Bad Boy Meets His Match

The Bad Boy Meets His Match



This is the third book in the series it is advisable you read My brother's best friend first to be able to follow the story. Kane is Ashton Barraman's sixteen year old son, is living with his mother; Courtney Walker who is happily married to Issac Walker. She also has another son with Ashton; Ryan, aged 12 and a twins with Isaac; Aria and Axton aged 11. Kane is at Skidmore High, a high school for children with behavioural problems. He is know as the bad boy of the school, he and his friends rule the school until Kenzie walks into Skidmore High for troubled kids. Kenzie Sanchez is fifteen, coming sixteen and has been sent to Skidmore to sort out her re-accruing issues. Kane and his friends zone in on her during her first day there, trying to break her... What will happen when the bad boy meets the bad girl? Has the bad boy finally met his match? Follow the not so cliche story of two teenagers drawn to each other through their pasts.

Chapter 1 1


I knocked on my little sister's door. Well, she isn't so little now. She's all grown up and married to her high-school boyfriend. Pity I can't say the same for myself. No one knows my secret, only Courtney because she doesn't give a shit because, surprisingly enough, our cousin is as gay as they come and is out of the closet. Unlike me, I only had one man who was in the closet. He was unsure of his sexuality, but I'm damn sure he is bi. But enough of my pathetic love life, I've finally come home for good. I can't live a life full of lies anymore and the first step to recognition is leaving the navy and coming out to my parents and younger brother. So here I am knocking on my little sister's door a month after she got hitched to Issac Walker. I always liked the kid. He always respected my sister. Even if he fucked up, he was always there for her. I'm glad they found each other again and got hitched. They have a little girl, and he has taken on two older boys from a previous relationship with no other than Ashton Barraman. Damn, I was glad I wasn't here to see the shit hit the fan when he realized she had kids with him. That's what you get for being a cheating asshole just like your brother. I guess it runs in the family. Well enough, if that bullshit the door opens to a smile so wide I wouldn't miss it anywhere. "Courtney."

"Shane, you made it," she says, excitedly.

"I did. Are you going to let your older brother in or are we going to stand here all day?" I asked, grinning.

She smiles and pulls me into a hug. "It's good to see you Shane."

"You too, sis."

She finally lets go and beckons me into her humble abode. "Sorry I couldn't make the wedding."

She waves me off. "I know you're a busy man Shane, we understand. You're here now and that's all that counts. Come through and meet your nephews and niece."

I nodded and smiled. "Lead the way."

She smiles, and we head through to the lounge where two boys are fighting it out on the Playstation and the little girl is playing pretend with her dolls, all alone. Why aren't they playing together?

"Who was at the door, Kitten?"

"Look who finally came to visit us?"

He looks up and smiles. "Well, if it isn't the missing groomsman and brother."

"Sorry about that."

"No worries." He smiled, walking over to me, pulling me into a bear hug. Damn, he's grown strong over the years. He's no longer the weak ass ten year old I met all those years ago, "Good to see you Shane."

"You to Issac," I said, tapping him on the back.

We move away. He looks at the three children and gives them a stern look. "Kane, Ryan, Arya say hi to your uncle Shane."



The little girl with curls looks over and gives me the most stunning smile. "Are you mommy's brother?"

"I am, princess."

She smiles happily as her brothers mutter, "Oh god, please don't call her that."

"Hi Shane. Want to play?"

"Sure, what are you playing, princess?"

She gave me a der look. "Princes's and princess's, I'm the princess, and you can be the prince."

"Sure, princess, anything."

Her smile grows wider and pats the empty space next to her. I strode over and sat beside her listening to her as she tried her hardest to explain to me what we were paying.

"She likes you."

"Everyone likes me," I laughed. The two boys rolled their eyes.

"Why aren't your brothers playing with you?"

"They say they're too old to play with me and what I play is lame."


"So Shane, how's the navy treating you?"


"How long are you on leave for?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Court."

She looks at me. "Oh okay, this sounds bad."

"It's not bad, sis. I've just made some life-changing decisions of late. I decided I no longer wanted to be in the navy. I know I spoke to you briefly about it before you got hitched. The truth is, I haven't been feeling it for a while. The guys are great and all, but I think it's time to think about my future and, to be honest, the navy isn't it anymore."

"So you're staying?"

"I am. I did my last tour. That's why I was unable to come to the wedding. I tried to get leave, but it was impossible. I had to finish the tour before officially leaving."

"Do Mom and Dad know you're back?"

I shook my head. "No, not yet. You're the first person I've told. I just want some time and peace before I tell them why."

"I understand."

I smiled. "Have you seen Tucker?"

She shakes her head. "Not since the shit that happened on my last tour no. He's having treatment as far as I'm aware. His friends are helping him through it. I've spoken to him, but he isn't in the right headspace right now to come home."

I nod, I understand everything that Tucker is going through right now. PTSD isn't an easy thing to come to terms with and get through. I've seen a lot of my fellow seals end their own lives because they can't take it anymore.

"Come on. Uncle Shane, play. You can talk to mom later."

I laughed, "Sure princess."

She smiles widely, and we continue to play pretend with her dolls.

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Other books by emmaheath031015

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