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Married My Secretary

Married My Secretary



Wildan Kusuma, commonly known as Mr. Wil, is a wealthy entrepreneur. With his handsome looks, well-proportioned body, and top-notch health, Mr. Wil, now in his early forties, is not particularly worried about finding a life partner. However, the elders have other plans. They incessantly attempt to match Mr. Wil with women of their choosing. One day, Mr. Wil has a one-night stand with someone unexpected—Rafida, his personal secretary for the past three years. To his shock, Rafida is the woman the elders have chosen for him. Will Mr. Wil's heart be moved, and will he finally open himself up to love and end his single life?

Chapter 1 Unexpected Occurrence

The sound of loafers screeched throughout the hallways of a company. A handsome man with an athletic body wearing a perfect suit clung to his body. His legs were tall and slender. It did not diminish the charisma that radiated from his perfect face. His eyes were neither narrow nor round. His thick eyebrows are like an Arab prince. Her sharp nose and blushing pink lips with no any lipstick. His skin is white like a vampire. His sharp chin with a sexy protruding jawbone.

His broad shoulders and seductive arms. Visible muscular veins filled her large hands. His jet-black hair with bangs towering upwards. His charm bewitched everyone, both women and men. His authority in every step he took thrilled the hearts of all who saw him.

Wildan Kusuma or better known as Mr. Wil, his forty years of age, did not make him hasty in finding a partner. Even though all the rumors kept coming to him. Even the elders who endlessly match him. Mr. Wil never wavered from his heart, which had never been by any woman. He only focuses on his work and pursues success.

His secretary hurriedly pressed the elevator button. She bowed to give way to Mr. Wil to enter first. All the employees who had been waiting in line, no one dared to get into the elevator. And let Mr. Wil and his secretary ride the elevator. Arriving at the main floor, Rafida, Mr. Wil's secretary, opened the door to Mr. Wil's room. Mr. Wil sat in his throne chair in an authoritative style. On his desk were piled up several documents awaiting his approval.

"Mr. Wil today you have a meeting with the chairperson of the Wing group at ten in the morning, and a meeting with Mr. Stuart to discuss the contract extension with his company at twelve in the afternoon. After that at two in the afternoon, you get an invitation to the opening of the Jaya Abadi group leader's daughter's newest cafe. And at six in the afternoon, your extended family asks you to attend a family gathering. Important," Rafida said, talking about Mr. Wil's schedule that day.

"Haah... Why is it so busy? Isn't today Wednesday?" said Mr. Wil looking at his phone.

"That's right, Mr. Wil, it's your schedule to visit your friend. Unfortunately, today's schedule is so important that it is impossible to spare a little time for your friend."

"Geez, even to see her who has been in Indonesia for three days, I still can't. Ah... how about you postpone the meeting with the family? I'll meet my friend at 5pm," said Mr. Wil happily.

"No way. You've postponed the family meeting so many times. In fact, this is the fifth invitation," Rafida snapped.

"Then it's just a matter of postponing it again, isn't it? I have signed everything except this one, telling Wisnu to meet me at four in the afternoon. I think I should tell him where he went wrong straight away."

Mr. Wil got up from his seat and walked back out of his room. Rafida sighed at Mr. Wil's arrogant and arbitrary attitude towards the schedule that Rafida had worked so hard to arrange.

"Yes, Mr. Wil," Rafida replied resignedly.

At noon, Rafida was already at the cafeteria with his office colleagues for lunch.

"Ah... should I just go out?" complained Rafida at lunchtime. She rested her head on the cafeteria table. Her face looked very dull.

"What makes you look so old?" reprimanded Steven, who was a friend from college.

"I just want to quit. I'll write my resignation, Steven," said Rafida desperately.

"How long have you been Mr. Wil's secretary, huh?"

"Three years... And it's very difficult and excruciating."

The sound of Rafida's cell phone message made her jump in surprise. She bulged her eyes and ruffled her long hair dizzily.

"What, why do you look so frustrated?" asked Steven confused and panicked.

"Those parents keep forcing me to go with them," Rafida replied weakly.

"Where to?"


"Where to?" asked Mr. Wil when Rafida asked for permission to take a half-day off.

"A family event and I couldn't refuse their request. Just today, really," Rafida explained hopefully.

"But my schedule is tight today."

"That's why I've made all the arrangements. Mr. Steven will replace me as your driver and secretary for the day," Rafida said with a sweet smile. Hoping Mr. Wil would give him permission.


"Mister..." Rafida looked at him with her cat eyes.

"I told you no, didn't I?" Mr. Wil stood up and walked towards the door. He stopped and looked at Rafida with his sharp eyes.

"What are you doing? Open the door!"

Rafida snapped out of his reverie and immediately opened the door to the room. When they reached the lobby, Rafida thought of something. Mr. Wil had already gotten into his car, and he was puzzled that Rafida hadn't gotten in.

"Rafida! What are you doing?" shouted Mr. Wil and suddenly someone came in and sat in the driver's seat.

"Who are you?" asked Mr. Wil.

"I'm Steven Mr. Wil. I'll be replacing Rafida just for today," Steven said with a little fear.

"Hahh... That woman, why is she so respectful of her selfish family? They could have even given Rafida to a rich old man. How stupid," muttered Mr. Wil, a worried look on his face.


It was half-past five in the afternoon. Mr. Wil was at a café. He ordered a cup of espresso. He repeatedly looked at the clock in his hand. The friend he was waiting for did not come. In fact, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

"Huh... should I meet him at his place? He doesn't even pick up my calls," Mr. Wil complained.


In a house so grand and luxurious. Walls and rooms are decorated with very luxurious and expensive decorations. The servants were busy preparing the dishes for dinner. The evening program was very unusual. All the family members were seated at the dining table with tense faces. They kept glancing at the clock in their hands. Confirming whether or not Mr. Wil would come.

Until the visiting family entered the house. The elders entered the mansion one by one. With one young lady in between. Her beautifully flowing hair was a lustrous brown color. A stunning above-the-knee dress that fit her sexy body perfectly. Walking gracefully, the heels matching the brownish-gold dress made a sound that diverted all the focus of the anxiously waiting family.

The clock struck half past seven in the evening. The food was served neatly and filled the long table. There was not even a sound in the room, as if waiting for something very special that night.


Suddenly, the dining-room door burst open. A shining man entered the dining room.

"You've finally come," said the family elder. Grandpa Brimo.

"Good evening, sorry to be late," said Mr. Wil and prepared to sit down.

"Still got the manners," murmured Mrs. Lia. Mr. Wil's mother.

Mr. Wil ignored his mother's words, which were clearly heard by everyone present that day. Until someone's gaze made Mr. Wil feel disturbed and turned his head towards a woman who was glaring at him.

"Mr. Wil?" the woman said in surprise.

"Rafida?" said Mr. Wil who was equally surprised.

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