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Don's Yearn (II)

Don's Yearn (II)



"Answer me honestly Serena. Did he kiss you?" Arsenio asked Serena. He had backed her against the wall, making her lose her one chance at escaping him. His body was tense and every nerve in him was on end as he awaited her response. "What is it to you Arsenio?! He might be a bad person but at least he knows what he wants and he sure as hell goes for it. You kiss me one moment and the next you tell me it's a mistake. You tell me how badly you want me and try to chase anyone who shows the least interest in me and yet you keep me at arm's freaking length. Enough Arsenio. I will do what I want to do...how I want to do it and with whom I choose. Hell, I'll even spread my legs wide open for Gerald if it would mean..." Arsenio had heard enough and he quickly turned her to face the wall. He held her both hands with one of his above her head before he pressed his body so close to hers. "You have been naughty, Bellisomo. Teased me to no end and made me go crazy countlessly. Now let's find out if your body agrees with your words " Arsenio said and his fingers went missing under the short blue gown she had worn to test Gerald Mason. ******************** Arsenio Vladmiro - son to Massimo Vladmiro and Amelia Vladmiro finds out about his forbidden feelings for the one person he should not think of in that manner - Serena Toralba. She is the daughter to their family's Consigliere and their parents raised the both of them in the same mansion together. He struggles between going for the girl he has always seen as a younger sister till seven years ago or letting her go. He had his pretty share of women in the world but the one woman he shouldn't want is the one his heart thrums for.



Life is a paradox of contradicting similarities!!!

I was under the shower with the one person I should not be seen with for such a scene.

My brother Arsenio Vladmiro.

The most beautiful man I have seen and the only son to my godparents - Massimo Vladmiro and Amelia Vladmiro.

He is five years older than me and we grew up in the same mansion that can be likened to a castle because our mothers are best friends and my dad is the Consigliere to the mafia family his dad lords over.

My name is Serena Toralba and once upon a time, I was known as the Perfect Prude.

Well, once upon a time...

The entirety of my wet hair was secured in a large hand and he pulled me back, giving the creak of my neck the precise angle he wanted.

A small kiss, a swipe of his tongue and the graze of his teeth on a spot had my body warming up under the cold water that was cascading down my skin.

His other hand that was resting on my waist slid in between my legs brandishing more heat to my skin.

"So wet for me Bellisomo" Arsenio said, his rich bristly voice filling my ears and causing more butterflies to be birthed within the confines of my belly - that could now be likened to a conservatory.

Two long fingers of his plunged knuckle deep into me in a sleek fashion and when a more needy moan escaped my lips, he covered my mouth with his.

I jerked up into a sitting position forcefully and I placed a hand to my chest - a small act to calm my aggressively beating heart before it leaps right out of me.

'What in a dream was that?

No, that is beyond a dream...that is a freaking night terror!' I thought.

I looked at the Teddy Bear crafted clock that was sitting idly on my lamp stand and all at once I was reminded of the things I have to achieve today.

"Thirty four minutes left!" I said out loud to remind myself before I removed the covers that were around me and I swung my feet down.

Plushy mouse footwear welcomed my feet and I got to work.

I selected my outfit for the day, got my choice pair of shoes ready but... I felt nervous about stepping into the shower.

I felt like if I was to open my bathroom door, I would see the scene from my dream play out before me and I dreaded that more than I dreaded Arsenio's return back to the country...whenever that will be!

I looked at my clock again and I had twenty eight minutes left. With all the courage I could gather, I jumped into the shower and tried to think of dangerous situations that do not involve veiny arms and hot breaths.

In exactly twenty eight minutes, I slammed the door to my room close and began to run down the stairs and I almost pushed Uncle Alejandro out of my way.

"Bambino attento (Careful Child)" Uncle Alejandro chided.

I knew his scolding was out of love for me and so I smiled. He was just worried that I would not trip and hurt my knee like I did barely a month ago. I could still feel a dull ache on my left knee.

"Buongiorno zio (Good morning Uncle)" I responded, not breaking my pace regardless.

He isn't directly my uncle but we refer to him as 'uncle'. He is one of the few good men left in this wicked world and he is like family.

I was about to rush past the dining room where my parents and godparents were seated when Mom Amelia caught me from the corner of her eye.

"Serena. You are not leaving here without having anything in your belly.

Now come along" She said as she drew out a chair from under the table for me.

"But Mom, I'm already late and..." I started, but my mum's eyes that were dimmed at me dragged my feet to the dining table.

"How was your night my angel?" My dad asked as he trained his familiar eyes of inspection and genuine scrutiny on me and I almost miscalculated my steps.

'My night was filled with the thoughts and presence of a certain person!' I thought but I cleared my throat before I responded with, "fine. I feel very agile this morning. Definitely better than last night".

"If you feel the slightest trace of tiredness, you come back home. I really don't see the need of working in a veterinary clinic when you could own one and sleep all day. You know you need rest" Dad Massimo said before he took a sip of his chamomile tea.

I knew he could get me one if I wanted but I loved the idea of knowing how to serve before owning.

If it was left to him, I would never stand up from my bed and my life would revolve from my room.

"You spoil her too much.

I wish you could show Arsenio more love like this and maybe he will never want to leave here when he returns" My Mama said.

'Why is everyone bent on making me remember Arsenio this morning?

Five years without seeing him has provided a generous taste of peace and even though I know everyone on the table might not say it but we genuinely miss him.

But that doesn't afford them the right to call his name frequently after the kind of night I just had. If they could have the super power to see and read my mind, they will be horrified and... disappointed.

Our parents might be different but we are siblings. We were practically raised in the same house.

I need to leave now before more guilt consumes me!'

I picked an apple and munched on it.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave now. I promise to eat a whole plate of chicken fajitas to compensate for breakfast " I said and I did not give anyone the chance to say anything else before I began to press my lips to their cheeks.

First my mother, then my dad, then Mum Amelia and Dad Massimo.

"Bye all!" I said grateful that they were all immune to my sweetness but I had barely taken five jogs away from the table when Mum Amelia said from behind me, "I forgot to tell you my angel but your brother sent a message two days ago"

I turned towards her direction.

"Arsenio said he will be returning some time this week" She said with a smile before she went back to her food.

My shoulders slouched as my brain went into an overdrive for some minutes.

'Arsenio is coming back? Sometime this week! What???!'

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Her Billionaire CEO's Love Languages



“I’m sorry but I can't continue this. We have both gotten what we intended from fooling the world that we were actually a couple. It's time to go our separate ways Jarek… like we said we would, “ Olivia said, hoping the tone of her voice would not betray her and convey her true need…her true desire. “Too late Liv.” Jarek said stunning Olivia. “As a Stark, it’s my duty to uphold the rules of any binding and keep to my end of the bargain but with you… With you, I plan on breaking every rule out there that exists as long as I keep on being yours. I can not bear to see you with another. It will kill me…” Jarek replied and the last clause came out as a whisper as he tilted her chin up to face him properly. “I could go raving mad Miss Forte. Stay with me!” His last words had stolen the other words she had rehearsed earlier, it had snatched the willpower Olivia thought she had perfectly. “Kiss me Mr Stark. My name is Olivia and it feels pleasant to meet you, “ Olivia said as she ran her hands from his chest to his shoulders. He did not have time to react to her sub - introduction before he clasped his lips on hers. She hummed a moan at the familiarity of his lips that she had thought she would never get to experience again and she earned a groan from him as the ‘supposed’ reuniting kiss, intended to be soft and alluring graduated to something ferocious. Hands finding buttons, fingers sinking in hair… ********************* Jarek Stark, the only son to the Stark Empire, was a mystery to the media. They know he exists but no one could tell who exactly he is. He worked as a lawyer in a law firm and got intrigued by a particular woman who wasn't fascinated by any of his charms. Her name, Olivia Forte. A woman with a strong sense of justice for others than herself. She is unaware that in the shadows she has a fan -a stalker - who uses his spare time to keep tabs on her. He makes no advances towards her because he was aware of the love she had for her boyfriend. That was until he cheated on Olivia. Seeing an opportunity to get close to her, he latches on it. Would Olivia still desire to be with Jarek when he becomes her boss and reveals his true identity to her and others? Would their relationship also be able to stand when she finds out his secret and also when he finds out her deleted past?!

The Vampire King's Only Antidote

The Vampire King's Only Antidote



“Lor…Lord Kamaz” Zelda moaned as she held onto Ragnar’s shoulders. She could feel the temperature of his skin and he was cold to the touch but yet she felt like she was burning. ‘How is it possible that someone this cold could transfer this level of heat?’ He had only placed a kiss on her neck and had run his tongue along a pulsing vein but she could feel how badly her core ached. He did not want to hold onto her, he was trying all he could so his hands would not grab her and that was the greatest form of torment he felt could come to him. Not even the angry looking gashes and slashes on his back from the whippings he had gotten could be compared. “The whole Kingdom almost found out my secret today, little bird…” He said as he brought his nose closer to her neck and took a much needed deep inhale. He closed his eyes as he savoured her scent…that scent that could only come from her. No one else had ever smelled so appealing in all his life. “I don't want you going to any of the chambers meant for the Upper Royals. I don't want them seeing you. I don't want them even thinking about you. I could have laid his head to rest today if those fingers of his had touched you.” He said, recollecting how close he was to decapitating his half brother. “Tell me…Did He Touch You?!” He asked. Zelda's eyes flew open. She looked into his eyes and saw his eyes were still swirling a shade of red. It will be troublesome if he stays this way. She placed one of her hands on his face and he relished in the warmth of her skin. “He didn't. You came before he could…” She said. He nodded his head and his eyes darted to that vein on her neck that was pulling him in. He didn't want to hurt her but yet he could hear the thrum of her blood and not tasting it was maddening enough. “You need to go" He said and he removed his hands that had cornered her to the wall. She knew he was withdrawing from her…again. He was still trying to hold onto his title as the most revered Prince of Noble character, even in this moment because he didn't want to harm her. Instead of speaking, she stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. Her lips parted as she landed on her feet, her chest heaving as she wondered what he would do. The red in his eyes glazed, their hearts drummed in their ears and in a unified heartbeat, he lifted her up with his left hand and crashed his lips on hers. A groan from the depth of his desires quietened in the tangle of their tongues. She wrapped her legs around him and he leaned into her body on the wall. Her fingers sunk in his hair... ***************** Lord Ragnar Kamazotz is a vampire and the first ever of his kind. The beast in him only recognizes the tune of one lady…his Zeda. In his earliest years, she was the only person that could calm him down or get him close to sanity with the help of her instrument. All that stopped when she was hung by the greedy members of the royal family and he slayed all those involved in her death He survived by relying on The Prophecy that promised her coming back. Seven centuries later, he meets her again and his world is at peace until scenes from the ancient days rise up in this present one, threatening to kill her…again! People called her his poison but he called her ‘his Antidote.

Don's Yearn

Don's Yearn



“You thrill me little one. You make every damn principle of mine waver. You do it effortlessly…without even trying. Who are you really Amelia?” I asked, my eyes drinking in her facial features that have had me spell bound since the very first freaking second. She is the safe haven I run to after a day of dealing with blood and guns. “Just the least of your assets. Nothing more than something you own” Amelia said and she turned around to continue the dishes. I could feel her mixed hatred towards me. Her hatred was as alive as her desire. I held her hands and dropped the plate she was holding in the sink. I peeled the wet gloves off her hands before lifting her and placing her atop the counter. “What are you doing Massimo?” Amelia asked. Her voice low, so as to not attract anyone. “I don't seem to own you…you seem to own me” I said as I parted her legs - her gown hiking higher - and I stood in between them. “What do you…” Amelia started but I placed a finger across her lips. “I want you little one and I can't wait anymore” I said, my voice husky with desire and want as I pulled her waist closer to me. “Let me taste you Piccino…” I said. “Then have a taste…just a taste” Amelia said, wrapping her hands around my neck and shocking me to the core. “A taste it is…” I said before my lips came down on hers and my body hummed to how good she felt, smelt and tasted. I wanted her on my bed… I needed her in my life… I yearn.... ********* She was sold as a payment and he treasured her because he knew she was priceless…

Supreme Alpha's Craving

Supreme Alpha's Craving



"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. ’My mate???’ "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked. ********************* Meet Ralph Hernandez - the Supreme Alpha of all werewolves and lycans alike and his mate - Karen Zane. She won't bend to his whim because he is the Supreme Alpha, especially when she thinks he is her father's murderer. Follow them on how Karen makes the cold hearted Supreme Alpha Ralph Hernandez fall helplessly in love with her, only for her to leave him - despite her feelings for him. Would Ralph be able to find Karen? Would Karen find out who killed her parents and rescue them from the wickedness of her cousin?

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