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I'm Your Wife, Not Her!

I'm Your Wife, Not Her!



Lisa never felt like she had a husband, despite being married for a year. She always does everything herself without the help of a husband. In fact, during this time Lisa very rarely ate together with her husband. Because Lisa's husband pays more attention to his female friends than to Lisa who is a legal wife. “I am your wife, not Her!” Lisa even shouted the sentence in front of her husband's own face. In fact, the sentence did not make her husband realize, but turned into anger and ended up not wanting to go home. Lisa was tired of her household. The woman could no longer bear the pain when she miscarried and lost her baby forever. Meanwhile, her husband was too busy taking care of his sick female friend. Everyday Lisa's heart ached more and more, and she couldn't afford to continue her marriage. "I'm tired, honey. I want a divorce from you immediately."

Chapter 1 The Umpteenth Lie

“Honey, can you accompany me to the monthly shopping?” Lisa, with a slightly trembling voice contacted her husband who had not returned home, even though the time to go home from work had passed a few hours ago.

As soon as the message Lisa sent to her husband, the woman was a little worried about being rejected again by her husband. Actually, Lisa can do anything alone, because since marriage her husband has never helped her at all in terms of taking care of their household.

Rian, Lisa's husband has always prioritized Neli, her school friend. Even Lisa protested several times and asked not to continue to prioritize Neli. But Rian was angry with Lisa, comparing her to Neli.

“Until when will you realize,” muttered Lisa sitting in front of her house. The woman looked brooding, waiting for her husband's return from work. But he never came home.

“I'm sure, Rian is now with Neli,” Lisa continued sadly, the woman felt her body was very tired.

Since this afternoon, Lisa has felt dizzy and nauseous which has not stopped. But he still forced himself to do all the housework sincerely.

“Do I call Rian again,” said Lisa looking doubtful. But her hand then searched for Rian's name in a row of other contact names.

The woman called her husband back, a few seconds later the call was connected.

"Hello. Why again?” said Rian from the other side.

Lisa's heart ached when she heard direct speech from her husband who seemed rude and disliked.

"Where are you? Can you take me monthly shopping?” asked Lisa still in a patient tone. The woman tried to hold back the emotions that were about to peak.

"I'm busy. You usually go alone too, right?” replied Rian in a snappy tone.

Again, Lisa exhaled heavily. Her head was getting dizzy. Her vision was becoming increasingly unclear.

“Then I'll go alone.” Lisa said with sadness, but her husband was insensitive and heartless.

"Yes, there. Don't be a spoiled wife!” Rian snapped before breaking off their call.

"Gosh Rian! How long have you been cynical with me,” Lisa said a little loudly, but Rian just turned off the phone.

"What did I do wrong all this time? Why am I always the one left out,” Lisa muttered with tears in her eyes.

Forced Lisa into the house, even though it was getting late but the woman had to go to the supermarket for monthly shopping.

Lisa ordered an online taxi, her head had been hurting but the woman ignored it. She leaned back against the car seat, closing her eyes briefly.

"Until when do I keep going like this. I should have realized a long time ago that Rian only cares about Neli." Lisa felt a pain in her heart. During their one year of marriage, she had not received the slightest attention from Rian.

"Oh my God, what do I do. Could I choose divorce?" Lisa asked herself again. Survive or divorce her husband. But the shadow of her in-laws came back to haunt Lisa.

"But what about Mom. She is a mother-in-law who has considered me as her own biological child,” Lisa said softly. Occasionally the driver of the car Lisa was riding in glanced at her. Maybe because Lisa's face looked like someone who was having a lot of problems.

“Shopping alone?” asked the driver occasionally glancing at the windshield.

Lisa nodded, “Yes sir,” replied the woman by forcing a slight smile.

"An independent woman, yes. It's late,” said the driver in a tone that was made familiar.

Lisa was just silent, she was not in the mood to talk to other people. The driver immediately fell silent because he didn't get a reply from Lisa.

The online taxi was parked in front of the supermarket, Lisa immediately got off and did not forget to thank him for driving her safely to the supermarket.

"Thank you, sir. I'll give you a 5-star rating later,” Lisa said with a faint smile, then quickly left.

“Wait a minute,” the driver suddenly stopped Lisa in her tracks.

The woman frowned, “What's wrong?” asked Lisa who had not realized that her cellphone was left in the car.

“It's yours, it fell on the car seat.” The driver returned Lisa's cell phone with a smile.

"Oh my. Sorry for the trouble,” replied Lisa accepting her cell phone back. Then she smiled happily at the driver.

“Thank you again,” Lisa said, turning around and entering the supermarket.

The supermarket wasn't too crowded, which made Lisa a little happy, because she wouldn't have to wait in line for too long to pay.

“Thank goodness there's no long queue,” said Lisa, starting to browse to buy monthly household needs with Rian.

Occasionally Lisa glanced at the married couple who were shopping together, there was a small child among them.

“I wish Rian was like that,” Lisa said, wishing her husband was like other couples.

“Maybe if I had children, my life wouldn't be so lonely like this,” continued Lisa smiling wryly because she had to accept the fact that she was not pregnant, even though the age of her marriage to Rian had entered the count of one year.

"But how can I get pregnant, Rian rarely touches me. Not even once a month,” Lisa said with a bitter smile. She again had to accept the fact that all this time Rian had not provided inner sustenance for Lisa.

"God, can you turn my husband into a romantic partner? I've been tired of his cynical attitude,” muttered Lisa still silent in place lamenting fate.


Someone had nudged Lisa's shoulder, the woman tiptoed in surprise.

“Oh my gosh!” said Lisa in shock, as did the person who bumped into her.

“Sorry, I didn't see,” the man replied, their gazes meeting.

“Rian?” Lisa blinked her eyes a few times. She was not mistaken, in front of her now stood her husband who was carrying a shopping basket.

“Lisa?” Rian immediately hid his nervous face. He didn't expect his wife to be shopping at the same supermarket.

Lisa was speechless, tongue-tied. "How can Rian be here. Just now he said he was busy working, and that? Why did he take some sanitary napkins?” Lisa's mind stared at the basket her husband was carrying.

Rian reacted, immediately hiding the basket behind his body. Lisa looked at her husband, asking for an explanation.

“I wanted to do some shopping before going home, I didn't know you were here too,” Rian spoke first. In his tone, he seemed nervous and hiding something.

But Lisa smiled warmly, “Why don't you tell me first, you know, you just shop for our home needs,” said Lisa who thought her husband was shopping for their household needs.

Rian was just silent, tongue-tied. Can't argue or tell the truth to Lisa.

“Honey, let's continue shopping,” continued Lisa holding her husband's hand happily.

But the joy did not last long, from behind them a woman appeared.


The woman's voice was very recognizable to Lisa. The woman immediately turned around, it was true that Neli was behind them.

“You're shopping too,” said Neli with a warm smile on her lips.

Lisa looked at Neli's hand carrying some groceries, then looked at her husband.

“Did you come together?” asked Lisa in a trembling voice.

Neli immediately picked up the grocery basket held by Rian.

“I was just asking Rian to take me to the hospital for a check-up, but I remembered some food supplies so I'm shopping here,” Neli replied with an innocent face without guilt.

"Oh my God. Why is this woman shameless. Doesn't she realize she's with someone's husband?” Lisa thought with pain in her heart. At first she thought that her husband was doing the monthly shopping for their house.

Lisa looked at Rian with a sad face, “I thought you were shopping for our house,” said Lisa letting go of his hand, then immediately walked away.

Her heart ached to accept the fact, the woman was already in tears. Again she lost to Neli, her husband's friend.

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