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Painful Past

Painful Past



Aruna Prasetyo, an ambitious marketing manager, never imagined his life would change drastically overnight. Her parents revealed that they had matched her with Alvino Widjaja, the charismatic young CEO of the company where she worked. Initially skeptical and feeling pressured, Aruna agreed to try to get to know Alvino better.

Chapter 1 Aruna Prasetyo never imagined

Aruna Prasetyo never imagined that his life would change drastically in one night. As an ambitious marketing manager, he is always focused on his career. But one night, after having dinner with his family, his mother, Mrs. Siti, gave him surprising news.

"Aruna, Mom and Dad have decided something important for your future," said Mrs. Siti in a soft but firm voice.

Aruna frowned, feeling something strange. "What do you mean, Mother?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"We have matched you with Alvino, the CEO of the company where you work. "He is the son of your father's old friend," explained Mrs. Siti.

Aruna was silent. His name is often mentioned in the office, Alvino Widjaja, a young CEO who is charismatic and a perfectionist. He was known to be tough, cold, but highly respected for his extraordinary leadership.

"Why didn't I know about this before?" Aruna tried to calm herself.

"We wanted to confirm everything first before telling you. "We think this is a good opportunity for your future," said his father, Pak Joko, wisely.

Aruna felt betrayed. "But what about my opinion? Don't I have the right to choose?"

"We know this is sudden, but try to meet him first. Who knows, you might find something unexpected," persuaded Bu Siti.

With a heavy heart, Aruna agreed to meet Alvino. Their first meeting was arranged at a fancy restaurant.

Aruna arrived at the restaurant early, wearing a simple but elegant dress. When Alvino entered, his charismatic aura was immediately felt. He looked calm and in control.

"Good evening, Aruna," said Alvino with a faint smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Alvino," answered Aruna, trying to sound polite even though her heart was still uncertain.

"Just call me Alvino. "We're not in the office," he said while sitting in front of Aruna.

Dinner started awkwardly, but Alvino tried to lighten the mood by talking about his work and hobbies. Aruna was surprised to find another side of Alvino that not many people knew about. He apparently likes climbing mountains and reading history books.

"So, what do you think about this matchmaking?" Alvino asked suddenly, looking at Aruna seriously.

Aruna took a deep breath. "To be honest, I feel depressed. I always believe that true love cannot be forced."

Alvino nodded slowly. "I understand. I also feel this is too sudden. But maybe we can try to get to know each other better first. We don't need to rush."

Aruna felt a little relieved hearing that. "Okay, we can try."

As time went by, Aruna and Alvino started to meet more often. They spend time together, both in the office and outside. Aruna began to see the gentle and caring side of Alvino, which had been hidden behind his cold attitude.

"Aruna, how about we go hiking this weekend?" invite Alvino one day.

"Climb? "I've never climbed before," answered Aruna, a little hesitant.

"It doesn't matter. I will help you. "This could be a good opportunity for us to get closer," said Alvino with a reassuring smile.

During the climbing trip, Aruna felt more connected to Alvino. They talk about many things, from their dreams to their biggest fears. Aruna began to realize that behind his strict attitude, Alvino was a caring and sincere man.

However, not everything went smoothly. One day, Aruna saw Alvino with a woman in a cafe. Feelings of jealousy and insecurity began to take over him.

"Who is she?" Aruna asked when they met again.

"Oh, that's Anita, my old friend. "We were just talking about business," explained Alvino, but Aruna felt he was hiding something.

"I don't like feeling like this, Alvino. "If we want to be serious, we have to be honest with each other," said Aruna firmly.

Alvino was silent for a moment, then sighed. "I'm sorry, Aruna. I didn't mean to hide anything. I'm just not ready to talk about my past."

Aruna understood, but still felt doubtful. "I need time to digest all this, Alvino."

After several weeks of contemplation, Aruna decided to talk to Alvino. They met in a quiet park.

"Alvino, I've thought about everything," said Aruna firmly.

"Me too. "I don't want this relationship to start with lies or doubts," Alvino answered in a soft voice.

Aruna took a deep breath. "I want us to try harder to get to know each other. I need honesty and openness from you."

Alvino nodded. "I agree. I also want this to work, Aruna. I will be more open about my past."

Aruna smiled, feeling the weight on her shoulders lifted slightly. "Thank you, Alvino. I will also be more open with you."

As time goes by, their relationship gets stronger. They learn to support and understand each other. Aruna discovered that behind Alvino's cold and strict attitude, there was a man who was loving and caring. And Alvino discovered that Aruna was a strong and brave woman, who was able to change her views on love.

In the end, they realized that the arranged marriage which initially felt like a burden, actually brought them to the true love they had been looking for.

After deciding to be more open with each other, Aruna and Alvino began to build a deeper and stronger relationship. They often spend time together outside of work hours, from casual dinners to challenging hiking trips. Every moment gives them a chance to get to know each other better.

One sunny morning, Aruna and Alvino decided to go to a remote lake which they had often heard was a beautiful and calm place. The two of them sat by the lake, enjoying the beauty of nature while sharing stories about their childhood and dreams for the future.

"I never thought that this arranged marriage would lead me to a place like this," said Aruna, looking at the calm water in front of her.

Alvino smiled gently. "I never imagined either. At first I was skeptical about everything, but now I feel lucky to get to know you better, Aruna."

"What made you change your mind?" Aruna asked, curious.

Alvino answered after a moment of reflection, "When I saw how persistent and enthusiastic you were in facing challenges, I knew that you were a special woman. You gave me a new perspective on life and love."

Aruna smiled hearing those words. He felt happy to hear that their relationship had grown in such a natural way. However, there are still doubts within him, especially about Alvino's past which has not been fully revealed.

"Alvino, about your past..." Aruna stopped for a moment, trying to find the right words.

Alvino nodded, indicating that he was ready to listen.

"I know it's not something easy to talk about, but I want to know more about you," continued Aruna softly.

Alvino took a deep breath before answering, "I understand. I will tell you, Aruna. Even though there are parts of my past that weren't always bright, I believe that with this honesty, we can build a better future together."

Aruna nodded, feeling relieved that Alvino was willing to open up to her. They continue to spend time together, developing a deeper relationship and deeper understanding of each other.

Several months later, Alvino decided to take Aruna to a big company party held by his company. This is an important moment where they will be officially introduced to Alvino's colleagues and business partners. Aruna felt a little tense, because she was not very used to the world of parties and formal events like this.

"Just relax, Aruna. Everything will be fine," said Alvino, trying to calm Aruna.

They arrived at a luxurious event location, decorated with sparkling lights and music playing softly in the background. Aruna felt a little awkward among the crowd of people wearing formal clothes and smiled faintly at the people introduced by Alvino.

In the middle of the event, Aruna found herself standing next to Alvino, looking at the crowd curiously.

"How do you feel?" Alvino asked, trying to greet him with a gentle smile.

Aruna shook her head, "I'm still a little nervous. But I'm grateful you're here with me."

Alvino smiled, "I will always be by your side, Aruna. Don't hesitate to ask for my help if there is anything I can do for you."

The two of them spent the evening walking around the event, meeting various people from the business world and listening to interesting stories and ideas from Alvino's colleagues. Aruna began to feel more comfortable in a crowd, feeling appreciated and supported by Alvino's presence beside her.

After the event was over, the two of them sat in a quiet corner outside the building, enjoying the cool evening breeze.

"I want to thank you, Alvino," said Aruna sincerely.

Alvino looked at her attentively, "For what, Aruna?"

"To bring me here, to get to know you better, and to be a part of my life," Aruna answered with a warm smile.

Alvino held Aruna's hand gently, "I am also grateful to have you in my life, Aruna. I never thought that this arranged marriage would bring us the true happiness and love that we have now."

The two of them sat together, looking up at the stars in the clear night sky. In silence, they reflect on their long journey together, from uncertainty and doubt to the trust and love that grew stronger between them.

From a surprise meeting at a restaurant to tonight at a company event, Aruna and Alvino learn that true love doesn't always come the way we expect, but often comes when we least expect it.

With patience, honesty, and mutual understanding, they discover that fate can sometimes change a person's life in unexpected ways, bringing them the happiness and life they dreamed of together.

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Painful Past

Chapter 1 Aruna Prasetyo never imagined



Chapter 2 After several weeks of contemplation



Chapter 3 Alvino nodded slowly



Chapter 4 Throughout the following months



Chapter 5 Like the previous nights



Chapter 6 After meeting several times in the park



Chapter 7 Lina took a walk along the deserted beach



Chapter 8 Aruna reflected on her deep despair in her room



Chapter 9 After a series of long and hopeful attempts



Chapter 10 It was a bright morning at Alvino's house



Chapter 11 The two of them continued to talk



Chapter 12 Alvino sat in a chair in the living room



Chapter 13 Aruna woke up from her sleep



Chapter 14 They sat together in silence again



Chapter 15 Alvino tries to be a bridge between the two



Chapter 16 Aruna nodded in agreement



Chapter 17 They continued their evening with emotion and enthusiasm



Chapter 18 They shared this intimate moment together



Chapter 19 Alvino nodded in agreement



Chapter 20 loyal and full of love in his life



Chapter 21 Inside their newly renovated home



Chapter 22 In their warm



Chapter 23 A Future Full of Hope



Chapter 24 Lina nodded in agreement



Chapter 25 The Alvino family moves forward with hope for a bright future



Chapter 26 Alena looked at the painting in awe



Chapter 27 As the sun began to set



Chapter 28 That night



Chapter 29 end
