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Enmity: The unseen scars of parental favoritism

Enmity: The unseen scars of parental favoritism

Esther Zinny


Many parents have a lot of mistakes they do while raising a child. Zenith would have gone very far in life if only her parents focused their on her by paying attention to little things that seem not worthy. In this little piece as a mother you’ll learn not to be biased.

Chapter 1 The plan


On a Friday afternoon Zenith Packed up her luggage to run away from her parents because, they restricted her freedom and forcing her to do things against her wish. “She’s always at home cooking, cleaning, running around for visitors she barely have time for herself. Zenith is a pretty looking girl in her 21, she has always wanted to do well for herself and achieve her goal before she turn 30.

“ she had passion for modeling, acting, and even has a culinary skill. Zenith father Mr. John has never wished for his daughter to be an actress, he’s always against it whenever she wants to go for a movie shoot.

“ “ she got fed up of everything and made up her mind to run away to push her carrier. It’s already night when everyone is returning to bed, then went into her room thinking on how to execute her plan without being caught, it’s 11 o’clock and she still in deep thought and scared at the same time.

‘At 2 AM she set alarm to wake her up by 7 AM in the morning, so she slept off .

Zenith jumped up from her bed immediately she heard knock on her door, she checked time in her phone then realized it’s already 8 AM. ‘how come I didn’t hear the alarm’ She murmured.

“She hastily went to open the door to know who it was, only to see her mum standing by the door; ’eeh Good morning mum .

“I didn’t know it was already 8 AM, let me quickly make you breakfast because you are already late for school.

I didn’t know it was already 8 AM, let me quickly make you breakfast because you are already late for school.

Zenith mum Mrs. Alice is a teacher in the primary education section, she goes to school for as early as 7 AM and comes back by 2 PM. “Do I go to school on Saturdays? (asked Mrs. Alice).

oh it’s Saturday I forgot, was just thinking too much.

Hurry up and tidy everywhere, your sister is on her way coming back, make sure to cook delicious meal before she gets here. ‘‘Okay mum.


Immediately my mum left, I had a lot of things going through my mind.

Why today of all days?

“why must my sister choose to come back today?

Why must today be Saturday?

Why didn’t Mum go for her meeting today? Luck was not just on my side.

The only time I could successfully leave is only when no one is at home;

‘I heard someone scream my name which brought me back to my senses.

I quickly went outside and mum yelled at me, so you went back to sleep?

“No Mum, I was just trying to arrange my room when you called me; Go and make me breakfast (says mum)

“ I went into the kitchen feeling nervous and I locked the door behind me.

I poured water on my face to calm my nerves and feel relieved a bit.

I took out egg from the fridge to make omelettes and toasted bread because it’s my mum favorite meal, in less than 20 minutes i was done so I served it in the dining, I went to the sitting room to inform mum that her breakfast is ready but she wasn’t there; so I thought she would be in her room and I went there to call her but to my surprise she wasn’t there.

I quickly went outside and saw Mum coming to the house with her friend.

Good morning Mrs. Felicia I greeted as I went to help her with her little bag into the house and mom told me to make some thing for her friend too.

I went back into the kitchen and prepared the exact meal I made for Mum for her friend.

they ate and discussed what I have no interest of.

In 15 minutes they were done eating so I went to clear the table, just as I was packing the dishes, one of the cup slipped o my hand and the tea inside splashed on the table and poured on Mrs. Felicia, before I could say anything, Everywhere went blank, I couldn’t see anything at the moment aside little stars.

Trying to catch up with my Breath and to see clearly, it dawned on me that mum gave me a thunderous slap.

With trembling hands and tears rolling down my cheek, mum raise her hand to hit me the second time but her friend Mrs. Felicia stopped her and told her it’s just a minor stain.

Mum yelled at me to get out of her sight, I packed everything and went to the kitchen to wash them.

I came out later to clean the table, by then they already left the dining.

I went ahead with other chores and made sure Every corner of the house was sparkling.

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