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Sapphire: the Phoenix wolf luna

Sapphire: the Phoenix wolf luna



Sapphire, a child long thought dead, now found and in protection the Silver Claw Pack, under the rule of Alpha Sif. Alpha Sif, ruthless and selfish, has other plans for Sapphire. When her wolf doesn't emerge, she flees the pack alongside her best friend, Bridget. Bridget a strong witch and best friend to Sapphire. Just when they both settle in with new friends, routes take them captives and an incident triggers a world changing event, thus liberating Sapphire. On the hunt for an ancient relic before the rouges would get their hands on it. Sapphire meets Jordan, her mate, who was a triad of water, Ice and thunder, a kind, bold self confident, highly intelligent yet demanding. Jordan wasn't like the rest of his clan, he could not only control water, but create it, he could create ice and generate thunder For sapphire it was love at first sight but wasn't the same for Jordan. He saw her as a very weak individual but gradually fell in love when they both fought side by side to destroy a clan. They dance around their attraction for a while but with their goal alined time will tell how they will manage the struggle to come. Sapphire is presented with a situation to be remembered. Would Sapphire rise to the occasion and live up to her title and name...time will tell.

Chapter 1 Prologue

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable force?" The opening lines of the last chapter of the first book my love gave me. One day soon, you will come to

understand these words, but until then, I am Sapphire Stone-Price, and this is my story...

It felts as though I'd been running for hours, when it truth it's been only a couple minutes but really, who the hell cares? It doesn't matter if I have been running for hours or minutes, the fact remains that my life is in danger and the men I'm running from are fast closing in on me. Water, a shower, food and sleep are the things I most crave for at the moment but all of that would be down in the ditch alongside my dead body if I don't get to safety, which is where actually? The heavens truth is I am currently lost in these woods and don't mean in a fun music video way.

"Thud!" The sound of an arrow hitting the next to me gave me an incline to how fast they were closing in on me and how desperately the wanted me dead. I turned around to see how far away they were, not far enough was the answer to that question. The one who tried to shoot me was already reloading his crossbow to shoot again, the rest kept on running. With my heart in my hands, I took off running again, more urgent than I previously had. I ran in between the trees and made sure not to run in a straight line. The trees and vines didn't make it easy to run as fast as I would have liked, but the made a pretty decent shield against the arrows which were now a new addition to this deadly chase. A glancing slightly over my shoulders for a moment, my eyes caught more of them with crossbows now. I hope to the heavens the miss and hit one of their own instead.

As one of them began to close in on me at a very dangerous rate, I had an idea which was just a Hail Mary. An arrow flew past me, hit the tree trunk ahead of me, I grabbed it as I ran past the tree and with a shaky breathe, flung it at the guy just a breathe away from me and ran across from him. I heard his grunt, followed by a yelp of pain. With a smile I increased my speed, my plan, which was mostly luck, had worked, I made him slowdown in reaction to the arrow I flung at his face, causing one of the archers to miscalculate and hit him when I ran across him. I could hear their angry shouts now, they going to be more aggressive now, there was no mistaking that. Coming to what seemed like a fork in the path, I took the left and was almost hit in the face by one of them who had predicted my decision and ran ahead to flank me.

My bend away from his reach was more of reflex than skill, I mean what skill did I have? Rather than try to defend myself from him, which I knew would be useless as he was three times my size and in truth, I knew nothing about self-defense. His grin was animalistic and scary, not a guy anyone would want to tumble with. Jumping over the vine I wished would trip goliath over here, I continue to run as fast as my legs could carry me and my energy

which was now beginning to deplete rapidly could carry me. I caught the scent of fresh air and knew that I was coming out of the woods. If I could just get to the nearest town and find help, I could just survive this. My speed began to reduce and could hear the glee in their voices; I could see floods of light just a few feet ahead. You are almost there I told myself, just a little longer. Using all my strength I ran into the light and all my hope fizzled out like the heat in red hot iron fizzles out when dipped in cold water. I believed I was coming out of the woods into a town, but here I stand, before a cliff.

I run to the edge, steering down below, it is about an 80 feet jump to the water rushing below. With a sigh, so much for believing there was a version where I walk out of this alive. "You not gonna make the jump." The goliath side guy called out casually as if talking to a friend. No, we are not friends, you arrogant son of a bitch I thought to myself. I turned to look at him and they were all there, staring at me. They formed an arc around me so it was either deal with them or jump, which meant my death regardless of the choice I took, which was clever of them, an effective war strategy to their credit. "Why don't you come with us and we can have a civilised conversation over cup of tea." The goliath replica stepped forward with a smile on his face. Does he really think I am that green and gullible? I have seen too many movies and read a ton of books with scenes where the bad guy tries to sweet talk the good guy and they never mean what they say. Well in this case, I am the good guy; good girl if we want to be gender specific and I won't fall for it either. "Do you usually sweet talk your prey before you kill them?" I answered casually the way he had spoken, stepping forward just like he did. He let out an amused laugh, "Don't be silly, you clearly are a survivor, this is your only option." I let out a smirk, tilting my head, "no, it's not." Following my instincts I ran towards the edge of the cliff, I heard shouts and yells, shutting them out of my head, I jumped off the edge, heading for the violently rushing water below. I closed my eyes as I near impact and woke up on my bed in a pool of sweat. My heart was still racing from the dream; with a sigh I rub my eyes with my hands. This run for your life themed dreams are starting to be a serious reoccurring film in my dream playlist and in truth there is only so much a thirteen year old can handle.

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