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Sapphire: the Phoenix wolf luna

Chapter 2 My nightmate

Word Count: 2063    |    Released on: 09/07/2024

ight. Having violent dreams like my last night showcase had gradually become a reoccurring event with each dream getting more vicious, detailed and they all seem to share a m

ng fictional books and watching fictional

g my almost choke down my meal. "No, it's not boys; I'm too young to be concerned about boys." I said with an in your face look. Susan had been my aunt and friend for as long as I could remember. My parents died when I was just a year old in a freak car accident and luckily for my Susan my dad's only friend was baby siting me that night. She's been a both a mother

Susan's face. "You mean the dreams where you end up dying?" She asked with more concern on her face and clearly in her voice. "Yes, that's the one and

n't say that, why don't you tell me about

ool. She did mention that she was going to reach out to someone for help on how to put an end to these dreams. Well I hope it pans out well thought with as I rode to school in my bicycle. The breeze felt differe

rode past him to school, though I couldn't bu

an actual word but you get the point, so walk with me. They settled on me on day during launch with the aim of making me feel low and making themselves feel good. One of them, Shelley grabbed my novel and one of her friends' poured fruit on my shirt when I tried to get my novel back. And how did I react to this situation you ask? I beat them up with the viciousness of an avenging angel. Now mind you, I nothing about self-defense, but these girls were way worse in the fighting or self-defense club, all they had was talk and a mean streak wi

u ever seen the movie "Underworld"? I mean the five chapter feature film of vampires and werewolves or as they were addressed in the movie, vampires and lycans. If you have then you will remember what the lycans looked like. Yes, all 7 foot tall, covered in furs and pure muscles, claws like daggers and fangs like a saber-toothed tiger. Well I'm certain with or without the movie memor

oice. "Em...you could say that." I replied breathlessly making my way to my seat by the window. "I'm sorry for the interruption, please continue with the class." His lecture continues while I buried my head i

ar a voice in my head. Something made me look outside the window and there he was standing in the middle of the field, the same man that gave me the creepy look on my way to school this morning. And beside him were

s opened and students began to hurry out. A loud scream told me that the lycans had been seen that, "I have to give it to you child, I am impressed but this is only slowing down the in evitable, I will correct the long awaited mistake." The voice boomed in my head and I could just as well feel the irritation in his voice. I made my way out of the out of the school building through the back

One thing I was sure of is that the man and those creatures were real and this was no dream. I ran through the now deserted gates onto the streets, I guessed the guard were off trying to settle the situation. "Shit!" I muttered to myself, I left my bike which was parked close to where the commotio

would drive. "What the hell is going on Aunt Sue? Can you see those things? How did you know I was in trouble?" She kept her eyes on the road while glancing at the rear mirror. "Answer to your first question is a lot is going on, but it's a long delicate story and

at is also part of the long story, hold on." She brought her window down, looking hard at the rear mirror. I could still see them chasing us from the side mirror; Susan closed her eye for a moment, putting her left hand out t

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