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Does being introverted defines one as a nerd? Or being a boring bookworm or a brainaic? Or perhaps having a pair of medicated glasses on? Does all of these makes one a nerd? Having lived all her life in an orphanage with less exposure to the world and its dealings, Rose Thompson is nothing but a naive and innocent sweetheart. Having being groomed and brought up in the teachings of the Almighty, she believed in these words;love,giving,forgiveness.... She got admission on scholarship into her dream college;MAYBELL COLLEGE. Maybell College, famous for its exqusite building and outstanding academic records, is one of the biggest school in the city. On getting to the school, Life wasn't as she had pictured it. Everything was completely different, the exact opposite of what she had imagined. She struggled to fit into the rough way of life. Life really went hard on her, she was thrown to the mercy of the outta world. do you think she will be able cope? She got tangled up with the kings of Maybell College, a messy tangle. She couldn't get out of their grasp no matter how much she struggled. Would she be able to get out of the mess? Who are the kings of Maybell College? How powerful are they? Will she be able to maintain her innocence? Will she ever find peace and love in the outta world or crawl back to her shell? Then comes secrets upon secrets to be revealed. I'm sure you don't want to miss out on this intruging ride.

Chapter 1 Cry baby


Rose phone buzzed loudly and a notification popped up on it, she grabbed her phone immediately as she was expecting a text.

*You've been offered admission on schloraship to Maybell College as you have successfully passed the test. You are expected to be in the college ground by Monday morning, hope you have a great stay ahead. Signed;Maybell* She reads

Subconsciously, she screamed loudly jumping around in joy and happiness, who wouldn't? It's Maybell College, everyone's dream college.

Nuella was the first to get to her, her eyes did the talking instead of her mouth. Rose took her time to explain everything and also showed her the text she just received. They both screamed happily.

"This calls for celebration, how about we sneak out to the club tonight? What do you think?" Nuella suggested with bright eyes.

"I have to cover four pages of my linguistic textbook before the day runs out, I'm sorry but I can't go with you. I can just cheer you up from here" Rose retorted adjusting her eyeglasses.

Miss Gracie smiled while watching them from the door entrance, she stayed there a little while before leaving.

"At your service, Mi lady" Nuella suddenly said dragging Rose to one of the numerous bunk beds in the room.


"I'll give you tips on how to act in college" Nuella offered

"Is that really neccesary?" Rose mumbled scratching her head nervously

"Of course it is!" Nuella snapped at once causing Rose to flinch. She turned to Nuella with teary eyes like she would cry anytime soon. That's the kind of person Rose is, she gets easily scared and she cries at any slight thing.

"I'm sorry okay?" Nuela said rolling her eyeballs. Rose bit her bottom lips in a cute manner trying to stop her tears but they soon rushed out, flowing down her cheeks without much effort.

Nuella let out a groan throwing her head backwards in a way that shows frustration.

"It's Maybell College you would be attending, are you going to act this way there? Firstly,don't act too soft, don't be all of this cry baby. Be strong! Don't let anyone intimidate you, you got it okay? Don't look down on yourself or feel inferior, you are great the way you are, the best version of you" Nuella advised in one breathe.

"Remember our code?" She added

"I am Me, I am the best version of myself. I can be who I want to be if I believe" They both said at once.

Nuella smiled lightly giving Rose a lovely stroke on her hair.



The mansion stood massively in the estate, it could be seen as the biggest of all the houses. The exquisite exterior design made it stand out among others, fountain in the centre and the statue that stood giantly.

The interior design was no less, the spiral staircase gave it a unique look. Ranging from the expensive and lavishing furnitures to the wine cellar, everywhere was breathtaking.

May smiled lightly as she watched Twinkle descend the stairs. He had dyed his hair white making him look extra cute, his full bangs complimented to his handsomeness,then to his cute smoky eyes giving him a perfect bad boy look. His lips was damn! It was screaming kiss me, he is looking like a perfect demigod without flaws, an angel that just descended from the skies. To cap it all, he is a perfectionist.

He just took his food and meant to leave but May stopped him.

"Where are you going to?"May inquired standing up immediately

"To eat in my room" he responded

"And why should you do that when we have a dinning? We should eat together as one, as a family" May said causing Twinkle to scoff loudly

"Did you say a family? I don't think I have one cause a family won't betray one another" Twinkle retorted eyeing Vince,his twin brother before leaving and this time, May didn't stop him.

She fell back to her chair dejectedly

"I'm sure he will come around very soon, you shouldn't worry about it" Vince said in his usual calm voice.

"And when will that be? It's been ages" She complained,Vince just smiled and concentrated back in his food.

"At least you're still normal, I wonder how it will be if my two sons starts acting abnormally" She added

"Seriously mom?"

"Yeah... your brother is acting abnormally, he is probably psychologically imbalanced and should visit a psychiatrist hospital" May answered


"At this point I wonder if I'll ever see the whole family eat together again, that will be in my next life" She said with a shrug.

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