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Wrong alpha

Has everything ever been wrong for you? No one respect you in your own home including your family. Ever heard these words from your stepbrother? I have one thing you could never have, never dream of, never see on your way even if you fast and pray for it and that is FAMILY! You're just a piece of shît Jaxon nobody, no one cares if you go missing, ha... You can even jump over the bridge and the world will not be different, it will simply be perfect cos you're a waste of space. A son but not son, nobody loves you and no one will ever will, you're alone Jaxon, no matter how strong you're YOU ARE NOBODY! I bet you haven't but he has! Jaxon Black, popularly known as the big bad Wolf, the wrong Alpha. The second in command of the Alpha brothers. Just like it's said earlier, nobody loves him, not even his parents, not even his siblings. No one counts him as a member of the family He was an Alpha but was treated like a nobody, Jaxon let rage and fury cloud him, not getting the respect he desire from his family and clan drove him to the edge. But she came to Maryland, she showed him love and compassion, made him feel Worthy of every little thing he did. He life was going just fine with her until his stepbrother Ty came into the picture. Now she has to leave him for his stepbrother.... On a quest to save her from his evil family plot, her mother's life get entangled and hers was next in line. It's either she marrys his Ty or she dîês. In a quest of desperation, he made a deal with his stepbrother, but little wonder, the deal wasn't what it seemed like, he was tricked and used. But she had a secret, a secret the truck exposed to the whole clan and she was now a bet The forbidden fruit. The reason for his pain. He decided to take it up against his entire clan but can one win against many? Now the question is; who is she? Why did his family despise him so much? Will she end up with Ty? What did Ty do? Will he get her back? Let's find out....

Chapter 1 Moving to a new city

Somewhere in LA

"Fûçk! Fûçking! Fukerson!!!" A feminine voice eachod off the block of the building.

Inside the walls, a girl could be seen seated on the ground in her room, covered with her belongs,

A big luggage was open but nothing was inside it, besides her was another unpacked luggage, her hair dirty and scattered all over her face.

she was frustrated and didn't want to do this this but gwad hated her...

"Fûçk!!! Fûckery!!! Fukerson!!" She screamed again, scattering her already scattered hair.

God hated Trista and the evidence was right there outside her room, walking around.

The cool wind brushed her skin in a gently cares and she close her eyes, embracing the feel of nature.

"Trista!! Oh my goodness, you haven't packed?" An older woman came into her room, with her eyes wide.

That is her mother's Diana, the torture God gave her as mother. They are always moving, from city to city.

Ever since she could remember that have been moving and she don't even have a single friends just cos the woman can't keep a job!

The woman had told her, her father disappeared mysteriously and now she has to work double to provide for her but hêll, she needed a friend too.

It would have been much better if anyone was gonna miss her when she's gonna at least that way she won't feel it cos it will be on both side


Misery love company so she could use it.

"Listen to me Young lady, if you're not done packing before the Uber gets here, you're coming with me without clothes and you will wait for next month before I get you anything," her mother, Dianna said pointing her index finger at her

She was Stu standing by the door.

"I don't wanna go to Maryland," Trista fired back "can't we just stay here? I love it here!" She added sadly

Her mother walked into the room fully now.

"There are better schools in Maryland... For Christ sake Trista cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it," her mother turned around and walked away from her.

"Fûçk! Fûçking!! Fûckery!!! Fûkerson!!!" She screamed like a maniac.

How is life in Maryland going to be? She was gonna start all over again? Go through bullying all over again?

Lucky Diana, she was easy to make friends but what about her?

The car horn outside made her scramble to her feet, she bent over and began packing her bags as fast as she could, trying to see if all her clothes could fit.

The first thing she will do when she gets to Maryland is to explore the city, fûçking Maryland.

"Trista Jacob!" Dianna yelled from the leaving room.

"Coming in," She replied, raising her voice so her mother could hear her.

Her mother was lucky they were moving out If not their landlady would have come knocking on their door, demanding that they lower their voice or she throws them out.

The fûçking old lady won't even let them be, they have to speak in whispers.



"We will miss the flight and I don't have money for extra ticket," her mother yelled.

She rushed out from the room, dragging her first luggage from behind as she ran.

Her mother who's waiting in the living room with the cab man all set glared at her.

"Drop it, drop," she scolded, walking towards her.

Trista did as she was told.

"Now go get ready, quickly.."

She rushed back into the bedroom and began searching for something nice to wear, she found a Whit crop top and a plan pant so she smiled, changing Into it.

By the time she walked out her mother was already done and waiting for her.

How the hêll is the woman always so fast in getting everything ready? Will she still be like this in Maryland?

"Dianna, you and your daughter are trying to pull my house down, lower your Voices!" The old lady that owns the building said, standing at the entrance of her apartment.

"Of course," her mother smile at the lady but Trista rolled her eyes.

Food thing the New Company her mother works for gave her a promotion and they transferred her to Maryland, at least they will have their own house and car.

Trista got into the back seat with her mother.

"Maryland here I come,"

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