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The Billionaire’s revenge

The Billionaire's revenge



Blurb: As the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised, Ellis was always humiliated by the Williams' family; he was belittled, mocked, and spat on. A sexual act between his wife and another man traumatized him; he was filled with agony as he pounced on the man, beating him mercilessly. He hit the man's head on a metal object, rendering him unconscious, while he was being dragged to the prison, on the verge of losing his studentship. His wife divorced him, and everyone cursed him. Ellis roamed the streets hopelessly, about to give up. His jaw dropped when his identity as the heir to a consortium was revealed. He was going to be the richest man in the whole world. Conflicts arose from all nooks and crannies as Ellis found himself intertwined in a race of life and death, each second dreaded for the possible danger it held as two powerful families joined hands to destroy him. Will he be able to survive this heated battle against these families? How will he go about his revenge against the Williams' as they grow stronger and stronger? Join Ellis as he sets out to settle his scores with the Williams' family and those that had wronged him, coupled with the core struggles that nearly cost his life and power.

Chapter 1 Ellis

It was 8am on a Monday morning, a furious old woman paced the living room, boiling with anger as she waited for her shoes to be brought to her. She was none other than Ariana, the matron of the powerful William's family.

"Where's this useless pauper? Why must he always infuriate me?" Ariana screamed, stomping her feet on the ground.

"Ellis!" She screamed at the top of her voice.

A man rushed out with a pair of shoes in his hand, one could tell from a single glance that he was a poor and wretched man, his clothes were tattered and his hair unkempt, he was the son in-law of the Williams' family, Caroline's husband.

"Here I am, mother. I have polished the shoes brighly." Ellis replied.

"Who is your mother? I will never give birth to a wretched, useless person like you. You should find your rotten mother's body in her stinky grave." She shouted.

Ellis bowed his head a little, not daring to even breathe out in the presence of Ariana.

"Will you give me those shoes?" Ariana yelled, eyeing him with disgust and contempt.

"See how unfortunate you are, no wonder your parents died early, you inflicted them with your bad luck and poverty." She spat, grabbing the shoes from him.

Ellis silently turned away, the words had pained him beyond his bone marrow but he didn't dare groan.

"Did I say you could leave?" Ariana screamed, causing Ellis to freeze at the spot.

"What else do you want me to do, ma?" Ellis politely asked.

"Sweep the whole house and wash those plates, I must not see a single dust when I return and the plates must be sparkling clean." Ariana said, grabbed her bag and walked away.

Ellis was filled with grief as he watched Ariana exit the living room, he sat down on the sofa, thinking about his miserable life.

He had been an orphan since he could remember, with no single trace of his parents memories. He lived the most part of his life in the orphanage and finally gained freedom when he clocked eighteen.

It was a happy day for him as he exited the tall walls of the orphanage, breathing the outside air for the first time calmed his nerves, but he didn't know what destiny had in stock for him.

He roamed the streets aimlessly, begging for food and clothes. The only cloth he took from the orphanage had become tattered, people chased him away from their doorsteps, calling him all sorts of names.

He searched for jobs, but couldn't find one, people were unwilling to hire him as they were afraid of being inflicted with his poverty.

He ransacked through dustbins to find clothes to wear, he would eat leftovers at the restaurants so he could survive.

No one wanted to be friends with him because of his impoverished state. To them, he was beyond redemption and would die poor and wretched.

He had always dreamt of being a medical doctor, it was his life-long aspiration, but there was no money to finance his studies, whoever he approached laughed and mocked him.

"With this dull brain of yours? How can a wretched man like you aspire to be a medical doctor? Did you hit your head on a rock? Because you need to get checked," they would say. None of them believed in him, rather, it seemed like they derived joy in trash-talking him.

One fateful day, he was roaming on the streets as usual, with his torn and tattered clothes. He passed by a shop and saw a girl struggling with her sums and her mother was extremely angry, her eyes were red and she held a long rod in her hand.

"I can help." Ellis said out of the blue, startling the mother.

"You this mad man! What do you want here?" The woman retorted, waving the rod in her hand at him.

"I am not a mad man, I just want to help." He replied.

"Who wants a help from a miserable man like you? You should help yourself get out of those rotten and tattered clothes before dreaming of helping someone." The infuriated woman screamed.

Ellis was shocked, he had just tried to help the little girl and nothing more.

The woman ran into her shop and came back with a pail of dirty water, she poured the water on him, while passers-by laughed and mocked him.

"How could you pour water on me when I simply just wanted to help?" Ellis snapped.

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