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The prolific writer


Isabella agrees to go on a blind date, replacing her friend Lucy, whose father had arranged it. The plan is for Isabella to get rejected by Lucy's prospective partner. However, things take an unexpected turn when her date turns out to be Alexander, the CEO of BiteBuzz Foods-the company where Isabella works. Alexander, under pressure from his grandfather Edward, the chairman of BiteBuzz's parent company, to go on blind dates with suitable marriage partners, decides to marry his blind date partner to avoid the rest of the dates. Unbeknownst to him, Isabella is not only a fake Lucy but also his employee, which she tries hard to hide.

Chapter 1 New moments

Isabella Reed's alarm buzzed at precisely 6:00 a.m., signaling the start of another hectic day. She rolled out of bed, her petite frame wrapped in an oversized t-shirt, and stretched her limbs. Her auburn hair was a tangled mess, and she sighed as she glanced at the mirror. Another day, another battle with her unruly curls. After a quick shower, she managed to tame her hair into a sleek ponytail, revealing her striking green eyes that were still slightly puffy from lack of sleep.

Isabella's mornings were always a whirlwind of activity. As a marketing executive at BiteBuzz Foods, she had a demanding job that required her constant attention. She lived alone in a small but cozy apartment in downtown Los Angeles, a modest space filled with books, plants, and a constant buzz of activity from the city outside. Her apartment was her sanctuary, a place where she could unwind and be herself, away from the pressures of her professional life.

She made herself a quick breakfast-a smoothie with spinach, bananas, and almond milk-before sitting down at her cluttered desk to check emails. Her inbox was flooded with messages, from work-related queries to spam, and she methodically began sorting through them. As she worked, her phone buzzed with a text from her best friend, Lucy Carter.

Lucy: Hey Isa! Don't forget we have brunch on Saturday. Miss you!

Isabella smiled and quickly replied.

Isabella: Wouldn't miss it for the world. See you then!*

Lucy was one of the few constants in Isabella's life, a friend who had stood by her through thick and thin. They had met in college and had been inseparable ever since. Lucy's vibrant personality balanced Isabella's more reserved nature, and their friendship was a source of strength for both of them.

As Isabella continued her work, she couldn't help but think about the upcoming presentation she had to deliver. BiteBuzz Foods was launching a new line of organic snacks, and it was her responsibility to create a marketing campaign that would capture the public's attention. The pressure was immense, and she often found herself working late into the night, driven by both ambition and a genuine passion for her job.

The office was a short drive from her apartment, and by 8:00 a.m., Isabella was on her way, navigating the busy streets of Los Angeles. She arrived at the sleek, modern building that housed BiteBuzz Foods, greeted by the friendly receptionist and the familiar hum of office chatter. Her desk was located in a corner of the open-plan office, offering her a view of the bustling activity around her.

Isabella settled into her seat and began reviewing the materials for the presentation. Her colleagues, aware of the high stakes, occasionally stopped by to offer support or ask questions. Among them was Gerald Ford, Alex's loyal secretary and someone Isabella had grown to trust and respect over the years.

"Morning, Isabella," Gerald said, leaning against her desk. "Ready for the big day?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Isabella replied with a nervous smile. "How about you?"

Gerald chuckled. "Just another day in the office for me. But I know you'll knock it out of the park."

"Thanks, Gerald," Isabella said, feeling a bit more confident. "I appreciate it."

By mid-morning, it was time for the presentation. Isabella stood in front of a room filled with executives and department heads, including the elusive CEO, Alexander King. Alex was known for his sharp business acumen and commanding presence, and Isabella felt a pang of anxiety as she noticed him sitting at the head of the table, his piercing blue eyes focused on her.

She took a deep breath and launched into her presentation, detailing the innovative strategies they would use to market the new product line. As she spoke, she could see nods of approval and the occasional note being taken. When she finished, there was a moment of silence before the room erupted in applause.

"Excellent work, Isabella," Alex said, his voice carrying a note of genuine praise. "This is exactly the kind of forward-thinking approach we need."

Isabella felt a wave of relief wash over her. The rest of the day was a blur of meetings and follow-up discussions, and by the time she returned to her desk, she was exhausted but satisfied. She glanced at the clock-7:00 p.m. It was time to head home.

The drive back to her apartment was a welcome respite, and she used the time to decompress and reflect on the day's events. She felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that her hard work was paying off. Back in her apartment, she kicked off her heels and changed into comfortable loungewear. She made herself a simple dinner-grilled chicken and vegetables-before curling up on the couch with a book.

As she read, her phone buzzed with another message from Lucy.

Lucy: How was your day, superstar?*

Isabella: Exhausting but good. The presentation went well.

Lucy: I knew it would! Can't wait to catch up on Saturday.

Isabella: Me too. It's been too long.

Isabella set her phone aside and continued reading, losing herself in the pages of a mystery novel. As the night wore on, she felt a sense of contentment, knowing that she was making strides in her career and had the support of a dear friend. Little did she know, her life was about to take a dramatic and unexpected turn.

Isabella's life hasn't always been a series of professional accomplishments and supportive friendships. Behind her poised exterior was a history marked by hardships and resilience. As she lay in bed that night, memories of her past crept into her thoughts, reminding her of the long journey she had taken to get to where she was now.

Growing up in a small town in Ohio, Isabella had always been a bright and ambitious child. Her parents, John and Margaret Reed, were hardworking individuals who did their best to provide for their family. Her father worked long hours at a factory, while her mother managed a small bakery. Despite their efforts, the family often struggled to make ends meet.

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