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Fate's Charm:A contract relationship

Fate's Charm:A contract relationship



Arya stone,a rich heiress meets Christian artardo a mafia boss's son,when she goes on a date with a con-artist and he saves her from getting robbed, Christian just got his heart broken and decides to get into a contract relationship with her but then he begins to fall in love with her,but when Arya gets kidnapped,he has no choice to embrace the mafia to save her,will she save him from the dark side

Chapter 1 Genesis

Arya already knew who she was meant to be from a very young age.Born into the prestigious stone dynasty,one of the wealthiest families in Los angeles,she was already the talk of the town of bel-air at age 7.

From pageantrys to galas to fashion shows,she was already used to the glitz and glamour that society had to give, her parents made sure that she had everything at her beck and call,she was literally a princess.

At age 14,she had already learnt Spanish,French and Latin and she could speak all three languages fluently,she had also learnt piano forte and the clarinet.

Her parents wanted to her be the perfect woman,they taught her all all she needed to know about the fashion industry and at age 20, she was already the director of one of her dad's companies while studying at the California institute of Arts.

But with all the knowledge she had acquired in her life,she didn't know why the decision she was about to make right confused her so much,

"What do you think Margaret,the aqua dress or the turquoise?

Margaret who was the head housekeeper of the stone home and had practically raised ayra had never heard a question so tasking in her entire life(but they look exactly the same or am I tweaking?)she thought to herself.

"I think the aqua dress suits you more arya orr...she walked over to the other side of the walk in closet and picked a black gown

"What about this one,I think it would be perfect for your date."

" I don't know Margaret,I've never been on a date before and I want this one to be perfect,you know how much I love a little perfection"

"Don't worry arya it's not as difficult as you think,just go there,flash a sultry smile and basically talk about yourself, shouldn't be that hard."she said why handing over the dress to ayra to try on.

Arya took the dress from her with a puzzled look and walked over to the mirror which on the farther end of the closet(what does she know about dates,she has never been married, not even once). Margaret had been serving the stone family since she was 15,she had served ayra's grandfather and eventually served arya's father before ayra was born.

Now she was the head housekeeper and her job was to oversee the workers in the house,make sure everything was done right and of course one could say she was arya's best friend.

Arya brought her thoughts back to the date she had in a few hours and the dress which she had already put on and was staring at through her reflection in the mirror (Damn,Margaret definitely knows dresses)

The dress was a black Zara gown which was long all the way to her knees,it was an open cut all the way from her ribs to her back and held her hourglass shape tightly,it was the perfect date dress.

She thought about date and how he was going to be like,yes it was a blind date,she met him on a dating app.The truth was despite Arya being a beautiful woman with a lovely body and a dashing confidence,she had social anxiety but most people thought she was bold,some thought was rude,while others thought she was proud due to her wealth.

But in reality she was just a really shy girl which was the reason why she had only one friend,her best friend kiki.

Her thoughts wandered back to her date whom she would be meeting in two hours,she wondered if he would be the way novels described most hot guys, straight out of a romance novel,a six or seven feet tall guy with a dashing smile and broad shoulders,let's not forget a six pack!yummmyy....

"Arya I think it's time you start getting prepared"...

Margaret's voice jolted her back to reality and realized she had been staring at the mirror for quite some time now.

"Yeah about time...she said while walking towards the bathroom...


She was nervous,her hands were cold and clammy,and despite the AC in the Maybach,there was beads of sweat on her forehead,she felt like going back home.

She wished kiki,her best friend was there,but kiki had a test that day and she normally put her phone on airplane mode whenever a test was impending.

Her mom and dad were on a business trip so there was no way she could call any of them without interrupting a conference meeting.

" Ma'am, we've arrived at your destination" it was Mr Geoffrey her personal chauffeur.

She was at the front of 'plats exquis',the restaurant her date chose.

She took a deep breath,gave Geoffrey instructions to pick her in 2 hours and walked elegantly into the restaurant,as soon as she got in,she texted her date to let him know she was there and went to sit at an empty booth.

She wanted to go on Instagram and check out the latest updates but she decided to take a look around her because she didnt look around when she first stepped in.

It was a middle class restaurant but stuck between high class and middle class,it wasn't like the ones she was used to which were expensive restaurants but she loved the decor,it was vintage and most of the furniture was made of mahogany wood,classics was playing in the background,the smell of steak and a very strong citrus and gourmand fragrance wafted the air.

But what captured the attention the most was the ceiling,it was a beautiful mural, crafted to look like the spiral galaxy,with hand painted clouds around it.

She was so struck by the the mural that she didn't realize the presence of her date.

It was until he said her name...

" Arya? right?"

"Yeah,you must be Marcus?

"Nice to finally meet my future girlfriend,he said with a confident smile.

Ayra didn't know whether it was because it's her first date or cause she was shy,but something about the guy seemed off,she couldn't even muster the courage to look him directly in the eye,her eyes kept darting around the restaurant.

She looked towards the bar,there was a young man seated at the counter,he was facing her booth cause he sat to the side,he kept looking at her in a way that made her stomach all warm and fuzzy.

Now she was used to men giving her the stare cus she was really pretty,but the way he was looking at her made her feel like he had put a spell on her,he didn't look at her with lust in his eyes,he was looking at her like he was appreciating a work of art in a museum.

He had chestnut brown hair,lazy green eyes which seemed to staring into her soul and oh those lips...

" Arya?"


It was when she heard her name that she realized that she was still on a date with the guy who was looking her with a bemused looked on his face and a sly smile.

She darted her eyes away from the handsome stranger and back to the table,she still couldn't look her date in the eyes.

Marcus looked at the young lady before him and thought to him(she's really beautiful,kinda shy too,and super rich just like I presumed,I mean look at that 3000$ watch)

"I was asking whether you'd like for me to call for the waiter?"

" Oh yeah of course"she said with a smile still not quite meeting his gaze because she felt uncomfortable,she knew it was her first date but she didn't expect to feel this urge to want to leave asap.she wished kiki was there.

He called on the waiter and they placed their orders.As soon as the waiter left,he took his gaze directly to her and without wasting a single breath asked...

"So what are you into?

"Umm"...she didn't expect that to be the first question he would ask(what did he mean,what are you into?)

"I meant like sexually,what positions you fancy,and all that".

She looked at Marcus directly in the face for the first time since he had seated there,(was he crazy,what kind of fucking stupid question was that?)

She didn't have a lot of experience with men but she definitely knew a guy who just wanted to hit,kiki had given her a lot of ted talks.Like what the fuck was wrong with him and he kept glancing at her watch from time to time,she shuddered,she wanted to leave immediately.

"Oh I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I thought you'd like that...

She didn't but instead of saying so,she just smiled and said...

"No worries,so tell me about yourself"...

He smiled,"oh there's nothing much,I'm 23,just got done with college,graduated from the university of California with a degree in digital marketing and I'm currently working in McDonald's, although I'm gonna get a better job soon.

"Oh that's great,I'm a student at the California institute of Arts,I'm an English major,i'm 20.

"Cool soo umm whats your body count?"

She stared at him and tried to process the question...

"Excuse me?her face was suddenly turning red,that question was the last straw,she had had enough.

"I think I should be on my way now "she took out her phone and texted Geoffrey to come pick her.

Meanwhile what she didn't know was that Marcus was a con artist who had kept his tabs on for quite sometime and had already planned to rob her,he just needed to hold her hand so he could get her watch off.

"No don't leave,I'm really sorry".

Geoffery had already texted saying he was outside,she looked at him and stood up while saying..

"It's not you,I have a family emergency"

"No, please"He held her hand in firm grip and she turned back to him and said

"LET GO OF MY HAND"He had a really firm grip and was hurting her hand,but he still maintained his grip.

She was actually getting scared,what the hell was wrong with guy,then she heard a loud slam and realized her hand has been freed of Marcus's grip and Marcus was whining,the handsome stranger held Marcus's hand in a strong grip and it looked at he was on the verge of crying.

"SHE SAID YOU SHOULD LET HER GO!!" the handsome stranger said with a growl with his back to her.

Little did she know that this was the beginning of it all...

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