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Love will find a way

Love will find a way

Alibaba M


Ashley Williams daughter of King and Queen Williams is favored by everyone, comes from a loving home and loving friends or at least that's what she thought Alessandro Russo a cold billionaire who has no time for love and relationships crosses paths with Ashley not under one but many circumstances finds himself wanting to protect the little fiery redhead that has proven to be more stubborn than he thought

Chapter 1 Introduction


This is a work of fiction. Names, places, incidents and location are all products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons alive or dead are completely coincidental.


The glaring sunlight fell into the huge glass window brightening the room. On the large bed a young girl was sleeping soundly with light snores.

One thing stood out on the white covered bed, her fiery red hair that was spread on the pillow, her oval shaped face with little freckles on her nose and cheeks, some drool running down her lips. That is ashley princess of the whole of london.

The bedroom door opened and a young lady in her late 40s wearing maid clothes came in with a smile after seeing ashley still sleeping, she quietly went to the bathroom to draw a bath for her.

"Ashley dear its time to wake up, everyone is expecting you for breakfast" she said sweetly and ashley only groaned in return

"10 more minutes aunt emma" ashley said covering her face with a pillow

"You know dear your water will get cold so better get up now, you don't wanna make you dad mad now do you"

"Ughhhh fine" Ashley said getting out of bed and emma just chuckled at her childishness. "I got it from here aunt emma you can go downstairs" she added and went to the bathroom to do her business.

She came downstairs after 15mins and found everyone was already at the dining waiting for her except her dad the king

"good morning" she greeted and everyone responded with a nod. She took her seat next to troy her favorite person in the whole wide.

"Good morning sleepyhead" troy said with a chuckle and Ashley just nodded in response

"What's wrong grumpy" he asked

"Nothing troy" she said with a sigh and troy just laughed at her drama ruffling her hair

"Hey you're messing up my hair stop it" she said in an angry tone which shocked everyone on the dining. Before troy could ask their father walked in and took his seat at the head of the table

"Good morning" the king created

"Morning father" Ashley and troy answered simultaneously. And the breakfast was served. Everyone started eating in silence, rule number one in the palace was no talking while eating and maintain proper etiquette at all times. That's why when the king started talking Ashley was shocked.

"Your 20th birthday is coming up in 2 weeks right Ashley" he asked and ashley looked at troy before answering with an excited smile

"Yes daddy and i was thinking that since i'll be turning 20 then its ok for me to go outside the palace gates" she mumbled the last few words but the silence that enveloped the dining it was clear that everyone heard her request.

The king clenched his fork and with a sigh he said "Ashley you can have anything you want apart from that"

"Why not daddy, I've never seen the outside world, I'm always cooped up here please just let me go this once and i promise I'll never ask again" she said with tears almost rolling down her cheeks, for as long as ashley can remember she's never been outside the palace gate and everytime she asked why everyone just said it was for her own safety. She had no friends apart from the palace maids who were her age, she has never experienced what it feels lile to be a teenager or even go to school cause she was home schooled.

The queens heart broke seeing ashley's state and she wanted to talk to her husband thay maybe just this once she could go beyond the gates with bodyguards but before she could express her thoughts the king boomed

"That's enough Ashley you know you're not allowed beyond the palace gates and no more discussion about this"

Ashley was already a sobbing mess and troy clenched his hands into fists under the table, one could see his veins popping on his forehead showing how angry he was but he also knew it was safe for ashley to stay within the palace walls.

Ashley looked at her mom and troy trying to see if they'll beg the king on her behalf but they had their heads lowered seeing this Ashley stood up from the dining chair with a screech running upstairs to her room but the next words shocked her when the king stood up shouting

"You better get yourself together Ashley and prepare to meet your suitor in the next two days"

With a sharp turn of her neck, Ashley looked at her father in shock. She looked at everyone at the dining and no one seemed surprised by the news and she figured they already knew.

"Wh...what suitor father, what do you mean..yo...you cant possibly be talking about marriage" she lets out her words with great difficulty feeling her heart constricting at the sudden news

"Yes you'll meet you would be husband in the next two days you better prepare yourself" the king said with an emotionless face but his heart was breaking seeing his little princess crying so hard, it didn't matter if she hated him for the rest of her life as long as she'll be safe, that was his only priority.

With one look at her dad ashley ran upstairs crying so hard and slammed the door to her room which reverberated throughout the palace.

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