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An Omega's Hope

An Omega's Hope

Becky j


Book 2 in the Blue Lake series. Book 1 ~ My Omega Slave This book carries on from my 'My Omega Slave' if you haven't read 'My Omega Slave' yet I recommend you do before reading 'An Omegas Hope' After Emma's first mate died before she even got the chance to meet him she was blessed with a second chance mate only for him to reject her. Relationships with other werewolves have always led to them finding their mates and Emma being left heartbroken and alone. The moment she met Alex she felt an instant connection to him but after being mentally and physically abused by her last boyfriend Jay she loses all hope of ever being happy again. Will letting go of the pain and moving forward be as easy as Emma hopes or will the past always have a heavy hold on her heart? Alex has had his own fair share of heartache and his past is never far from his heart but his love for Emma keeps pushing him forward. He's wanted her from the moment he met her but she needs to heal from her painful past. Can Alex help Emma overcome her hurt and move forward with her or will both of their pasts come back to haunt them and destroy everything they have worked so hard for

Chapter 1 Goodbye Jay


"Jamie Jackson, you are here today to receive your punishment for the attempted murder of Emma Jessica Johnson, daughter of Alpha Jake and Luna Sophia Johnson. Do you have any last words?"

"I wish I had sliced her to pieces while I had the chance!" he starts to laugh and horrid goosebumps cover my body. My family respected my wishes not to be there when Jay dies. I don't want to see it happen or see him again, but even then there is still a small part of me that needs to see him. I need to see with my own eyes that he does die and that he won't be able to hurt me again.

I've made my way to the pack house's front door but the moment I hear his vile voice, I find my feet frozen to the floor. I can hear him, but I can't see him, and I'm not sure if I can do this after all. The entire pack breaks out in growls and snarls at his words, and It seems every single wolf here wants to tear him apart for what he has done to me, I'm completely humbled and honored to have their love and support, even if most of them don't actually know the full story yet.

After the attack, I told my Mom and Dad everything that had happened during my relationship with Jay, and while I told Savannah, Paige, Mia, and Emily, I had my Mom and Dad tell my brothers and Theo as I couldn't bear to keep reliving it. I also told them about all the help Alex had given me and my dad offered Alex the honor of being the one to end Jay as a thank-you, and he was more than happy to do it.

I can see my family and I watch as Alex steps forward towards a chained-up Jay and if looks could kill, Jay would already be a dead man. "You are going to suffer a long and painful death and I can't wait for you to feel every second of it, but before I have the pleasure of starting your death sentence Emma wanted me to tell you something. This... the work you have put into swaying Emma was all because she's the daughter of an Alpha, yes?"

Something snaps inside me and a strength I've never felt before tears through my body, he doesn't get to die thinking I'm hiding from him, he doesn't get to die without seeing me one last time, he doesn't get to see the weak person he's turned me into. He will see the strong Emma that he's always known, he will know that all his work was for nothing.

Jay looks completely confused as to why Alex is asking him that question but nods agreeing anyway. Alex goes to speak again just as I walk out from behind the crowd and head towards them. Seeing Jay again has my heart pounding, but I keep moving forward. I glance in my dad's direction, and he rewards me with a proud smile that I feel deep in my heart.

He's always told me that I'm stronger than I know, and I want to prove him right, even if I don't feel strong right now, I won't show it. I stop just a couple of steps back from them but close enough so Jay can see me and I carry on with what Alex was saying.

"Well, you see Jay, it was all for nothing. Yes, Luna and Alpha are my parents and nothing in this world could ever change that, but they are not my parents by blood. I don't have any Alpha blood in me, I'm technically an Omega." He looks completely lost, and I have to bite back the laugh that's trying to free from my throat.

"What the fuck are you talking about mutt?" he spits out his venomous words towards me and I feel myself slowly crumbling, but I won't let him see it. Before I can say anymore, Alex punches him just below his ribs, winding him and my dad's proud smile is now placed on Alex.

"Alpha and Luna have been my parents since I was 7 years old, Jay. I was not born to them, and it's never been a secret, so I'll never understand how you didn't know, but the thought that you are going to die for something that was pointless while I'll go on and live my life makes this all the more amusing."

"So, on top of everything else, not even your own parents wanted you? You may live your life, but it won't be in love. No one will ever love a worthless dog like you!" It's clear for everyone to see that he's embarrassed about not knowing, but he tries to cover it up. I've heard enough out of his mouth and so has Alex. He moves closer to Jay and slowly stabs him in the stomach, causing blood-curdling screams to soon reach everyone's ears as the sliver slowly burns away his skin.

Alex then holds his hand out to me. I take a deep breath while my wolf, Zoe, speaks encouraging words in my head as I take Alex's hand before taking the knife from him. I look Jay dead in the eyes and watch as Alex leans in until he's close to Jay's ear.

"She is already loved Jay, more than she will ever know, more than you could ever imagine," he whispers low enough, so only us three can hear him and my heart beats hard while butterflies battle in my stomach, as I convince myself that he could be including himself in that statement, even if this isn't the moment to be thinking about this.

I pull my head out of the clouds and back to a screaming Jay. I swallow down the rising bile in my throat and bite back my fear as I very slowly slide the knife just left of his heart. His screaming soon dies down as his life is slowly draining out of him, his death will be slow and painful and nothing less than he deserves.

I'm slowly losing my grip and I know I'm going to crumble soon, but I don't want Jay to see that. However, I'm struggling and, as if Alex can sense how I'm feeling, he turns me away from Jay and walks me inside the pack house. I stood up to him. I made sure he only saw my strong side, but he doesn't deserve any more of my time, and he definitely won't see me cry.

Everyone soon starts following us inside, and I'm glad because he doesn't deserve people around him as he dies. He deserves nothing but a slow and painful death on his own and I hope he's lonely and scared for every single second he has left off his pathetic, sad life.

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