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An Omega's Hope

Chapter 5 They know

Word Count: 1675    |    Released on: 27/07/2024


use if I do, I don't think I'll be able to keep it inside anymore and I don't want anyone to know how stupid I've been. It hurts to even think abo

ver empty. Maybe the Moon Goddess is finally giving me a little break. I quickly head for the back of the pack house and into the fore


Noah, who's heading inside with Jake and Sophia. Shit! "Yeah, everything's fine," I hate lying to them, but I'm not really

a mother can, and I can already feel

of you s

akfast. Alex, what's going on?" as much as I don't want to talk about it right now

even though I don't know if that was-" Thankfully, S

m grateful. Now, I just need to figure out what the fuck I'm going to tell them and how the fuck I'm going to do it. Too

ather tone, and it helps calm me a little more. I quickly tell them what happened from the moment we left the training grounds to Emma running off and thei

s a loving look on her face as she asks me

he's a lovely girl." there

uess it has been more obvious to them than I reali

pulls out her loving mother's smile and I can fe

since the moment I met her, but of course, I understand if you don't lik

and ask her out," Noah grunts while rolling hi

nd Emma are perfect for each other, and we're all waiting for it to happen. Emma deserves a good man for once, a

and Emma to have, but what I can say is we've all watched you both since the moment Emma came home, and we can all see how perfect you two would be togeth

no one can say and while she's working on that she needs someone who will be there through the good and bad, someone who will let things run at her pace, s

Emma does, she sees it and that's why she always comes to you." Jake's words are

and how I feel I should act. I wish I could do more to help her. Every time she

ust shows how much you care for her." I'm seriously gratef

person, she'd do anything for anyone and yet there are wolves out there that think it's fine to hurt her. That bastard Jay called her fat and wor

've said out loud to her parents and

t be talking like this

y n

ake, and I should be mo

been through and just see her for who she is, it is a blessing to our ears and nothing else." I swallow hard at their

n a friend. After everything she's been through, I

ly chimes with a smirk

don't know if she has it in her right now, but she wants to. She wants you, Alex, that's why she ran earlier. I don't know what Stacey sa

r other than friendship and, to be honest, within a few weeks of being here, I lost interest in calling her a

n and that he's spoken to her, but I don't think he realizes how ex

s not answering my links. Would you min

er garden." I don't know the story behind her sunflower garden, but I k

re I can move a step, the door to the lounge flies open and the packs

rom his chair instantly in Alpha mode wh

trolling the forest with Rhys and... a

s clear to see that Jake is

seeing Jay hiding in


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