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A Billion Dollar Revenge

A Billion Dollar Revenge

Bella Whispers


Kristen Anderson's life changed forever when she saw her father murdered. After she was snuck off to be raised in secret by her aunt, she's now ready for revenge against Marcus St. Clair, the billionaire who stole her father's inventions and company called K.R.Tech. To get close to Marcus, Kristen must win over his son, Carl St. Clair, who is known for his womanizing ways. When Carl is on a mission to investigate threats to his father and K.R. Tech, he is disguised as a nerdy guy named Daniel Ross, Carl and Kristen meet and feel an undeniable connection, not knowing they are each other's biggest threats. As Kristen goes deeper undercover into the St. Clair family while falling in love with Carl in disguise as Daniel, she discovers her father is still alive and held captive by Marcus St. Clair and also that Daniel is really Carl and she has fallen completely head over heels. Now, she faces a tough choice: her mission of revenge to strike back and take everything that is rightfully hers or her growing love for Carl. "A Billion Dollar Revenge" is a gripping tale of love, betrayal, revenge and justice. Will Kristen achieve her revenge, or will love change her plans?

Chapter 1 The First Encounter

Washington Airport.

Carl St. Clair was used to commanding attention everywhere he went but not today. He had been told specifically not to attract any attention.

He couldn't help it that ladies leaped at him wherever he went. He stood at six foot and three inches and had a strong build to carry it. Unlike many men, Carl cared about his looks, and this made him pay careful attention to how he dressed, smelled and talked.

Beautiful ladies were never spared when they came across him, they would just want to get a piece of him. He was incredibly good-looking, athletic, spoke three different languages and had money, lots of it.

He was the only son of Marcus St. Clair, the most powerful Billionaire in the country and owner of K.R. Tech, the number one leading Science advancement and Technology company in the world. Who wouldn't want to be with a man like that? Carl knew this and often used it to his advantage.

His ability to always get different women into bed was like a rush to him and he loved every minute of it. But today, he was without his entourage or his fashionable clothes.

He was "Daniel Ross" the friendly I.T guy.

Daniel Ross was his disguise; a young man that was dressed in ugly cheap casuals, a prosthetic nose, a fake mole and a pair of glasses. God! He looked ugly and personally he felt ridiculous, but since his father's life was threatened, being ugly and not unable to pick up chicks was not a problem...at least for two weeks.

He had spent two weeks in Washington D.C. undercover and he was glad to finally go back home in Los Angeles, all he had to do was to keep pretending to be Daniel, stay unrecognizable and make it back home.

Carl pulled out his laptop and started to write the last part of his findings. He would hate to work on the plane.

By the corner, Kristen Anderson Briggs, held on to the ticket in her hands. When she looked down to check her perfectly manicured fingers, she realized she was clutching them too tight.

"Breathe Kristen, you will be fine" Kristen muttered, while trying to encourage herself.

She looked around the slightly crowded departure room, she wasn't used to standing out but today was different.

Numerous eyes gazed upon her and she was well aware of what they saw. Just two weeks before she couldn't believe her eyes when she had looked into the mirror too. Her aunt Evelyn had delivered a perfect reality of "ugly duckling to Swan" on her.

Her long black hair draped elegantly down her back in beautiful waves. Though her outfit was a modest ivory knee-length dress, it gracefully hugged her curves while still leaving much to the imagination.

The subtle makeup she wore enhanced her blue eyes and long eyelashes. Kristen was well aware of her stunning appearance, but looking beautiful was the easiest thing on her list.

As Kristen scanned the room for a place to settle, she made a conscious effort to avoid the staring gazes of the men in the airport.

Fortunately, she soon spotted an unoccupied seat not too far from where she stood. Seated there was a young man engrossed in his work on a laptop, casual and unbothered by the world.

To Kristen, he gave off an air of geekiness so she felt a sense of security in his presence and decided to sit beside him.

She walked gracefully just as she had been taught and took a seat close to him.

She could swear she heard a man sigh but she paid no mind to it. She had a lot to do in Los Angeles, so she had no time for drama.

Marcus St. Clair had murdered her father when she was a child and stolen his company. Now she must find a way to get his son, Carl. St.Clair to fall in love with her so she can infiltrate the family and get back the documents to prove that she is the rightful owner of K.R.Tech as the unknown Anderson Heir.

Carl could not believe his eyes, he felt like he just saw the most beautiful woman ever. He couldn't help but stare, he thought about pulling out one of his old games but he had to remind himself that he was undercover as Daniel not Carl. He was ugly-Ross, so he couldn't approach her the way he looked.

He made to mind his business when by some miracle the stunning lady took her seat by his side.

She adjusted her dress a little, he could see that she was a bit uncomfortable. All the men in the airport were staring at her. She was really beautiful.

After a brief moment of silence while trying to distract herself with a magazine, she turned to him.

"Is that The philosopher's stone?" Carl heard her say.

"What?" Carl replied, very confused.

"The book..." she replied, pointing at his backpack.

Carl looked at his bag and saw the book peeping out, he didn't even know what it was.

All he knew about the book was that he told his personal assistant to get him a good and valuable book that will make him feel geeky enough for his undercover.

He pulled it out, it looked like a simple book with a colorful paperback illustration. He saw the author was J.K Rowling and truthfully the title was the "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone". She was right.

"Yes, I believe it is" Carl finally said as he gave the book to her.

Kristen gave a little squeal then composed herself quickly. Carl thought it was really cute. He couldn't believe this graceful lady suddenly behaved like an excited teenager over a book. He smiled at her.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" She exclaimed as she took the book into her hands.

She started to gush.

"True story, I have read all Harry Potter books except this one. I watched the movies first before I learnt about the books, but for some reason I never read the first book" Kristen explained.

Carl had heard about the Harry Potter saga but it wasn't his thing so he never read it, but the beautiful look in this lady's sapphire eyes made him question everything. He loved how happy she looked over something so simple.

"You can have it" Carl heard himself say.

"What?!" Kristen replied shocked. "No, I couldn't"

"Why not? It is just a book" he replied.

Kristen stopped and looked at him like he was crazy. Did he realize what he just offered her? It was a first edition book signed by J.K. Rowling; the author herself, the value of the book is estimated to be at almost Ā£100,000 if not more and he was willing to give it to a stranger? Just like that?

"Ermm..what is your name?" Kristen said, finally finding her voice.

"It's Ca... Daniel" Carl said, almost forgetting himself.

Kristen gives him a second look.

"Okay, Daniel....I can't take this book from you, it is very valuable"

"Well, I have had it for a while...so...I guess..." Carl stops, not knowing what to say. Talking too much may make him say something he isn't supposed to and blow his cover.

"Alright, calm down Soldier" Kristen laughed in reply. "Let's do this instead" she shows him her ticket.

"Are we going to be on the same flight?" She asked.

Carl looks at the details, her name is Kristen A. Briggs. He sees that they are indeed taking the same plane.

"Yes!" Carl replied. Much too happily than he wanted to.

Kristen smiled at him, she liked his geekiness.

"Alright, I will borrow the book for the flight, I am a fast reader"

"I don't mind that at all." Carl smiled at her.

Kristen smiled back. "I am Kristen," she said.

She extended her hand for a handshake, and he accepted it, taking her hand into his delicately.

Carl St. Clair and Kristen Anderson's gaze met. As soon as their skin touched, Carl experienced a surge of electricity unlike anything he had ever felt.

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