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Rejected by the Alpha, Cursed by the Moon Goddess

Rejected by the Alpha, Cursed by the Moon Goddess



In the heart of New York, Lyra Octavia finds herself rejected by her first mate, Luca and replaced by her close friend. Her life took a tremendous turn when she crossed path with Xavier, a powerful alpha king and her lover from her past life who was cursed by the moon goddess. Her precognitive dreams returned after her encounter with Xavier. Will she discover the secrets of her precognitive dream and rewrite the destiny of her past lover when she finds out who she really is? That's for you to find out.

Chapter 1 The beginning

Lyra's POV

I hit the table in front of Luca so hard that I heard the bones in my hand crack; I swept the books covering the table and threw them on the floor.

"I do not care what you have just said; you can't denounce me as your mate. We've been together for almost three years, how could you?" I said in a raised tone with tears streaming down my eyes.

"My decision is final," he said and sauntered out of the room.

I know you must be wondering where the drama is coming from, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Lyra Octavia and my story is just like every other rejection story you must have heard except that mine is quite different. My father died when I turned eighteen but before then, he always told me that I was special but I don't know that special reason yet.

My childhood was different from other wolves at my age. I first turned when I was eight and to be honest, the wolf was like I never imagined. She has snow-white fur with red and orange tips. Its eyes have a gold ring on them and it has three tails that look like a fire except that it doesn't burn. My Father taught me how to control my wolf whenever it wants to expose herself during the full moon. She is the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen but I don't get why my parents want her hidden.

Anyway, back to my story.

A few hours back, I woke up from sleep feeling all excited and nervous the moment I recalled what would take place in a few hours. I headed to my wardrobe and brought out the beautiful gold necklace with the diamond pendant Luca got for me last night.

This was no dream; I'm finally getting married to the man of my dreams.

Luca and I would become husband and wife in the next few hours, after three years of waiting. I met Luca on the day my father was slaughtered. He helped me escape from the rogues and took me to my mother who was not living with us. It happened so fast but all I can remember was that he died protecting me.

I smiled, having remembered how I left my mom to be with Luca, the alpha of the Duskfire pack even when she was against the union.

I could feel my wolf, Imogene howling happily. It was indeed a great day for us both. I got on my feet and headed to take a shower. After the shower, a knock landed on the door.

When I opened it, it was Selene, my personal maid and closest friend.

"A very beautiful morning to the new Duskfire Luna," she teased as she walked into my room with a smile that glittered on her face. "Hope you slept well?"

"Well, I was so excited that I could not get enough rest," I squealed as I walked to the bed.

"The maids are here to dress you," she said with a smile and headed to the door to open it for the maids. There were about five to six of them.

The maids spent hours preparing me, making me look more beautiful than I was. My brown hair was combed back beautifully with a golden hairpin in the shapes of flowers and leaves. I was wearing a beautiful white and golden dress. The makeup was perfect but the only problem was the dress, it was beautiful but heavy, I don't mind a heavy dress. It's my day.

"Are you not comfortable with the dress?" Selene asked.

"No, I'm okay with it. It's beautiful," I said with a smile resting on my face as I admired the dress.

A knock on the door interrupted us shortly. "It is time," a voice said behind the door.

"You should not keep the pack waiting," she said and jerked me up from the chair where I was seated. I looked at myself in the mirror and was staring at the beauty before me.

I descended the stairs, careful not to fall or stumble but it was hard on the heavy dress. I was relieved when there were only a few steps left.

As I stepped down the stairs, the murmurs of the wolves could be heard. I guess they were mesmerized by my beauty. They already knew that I was about to be crowned the Luna of the Duskfire pack.

Selene walked over to me and whispered in my ears. "You look so beautiful and you both will make beautiful pups. I just can't wait," and that made me blush.

When I arrived at the hall, the wolves howled and chimed a song I acknowledged while I strolled to the front of the stage where chairs were set up for me and my husband-to-be. I took a seat on the chair and looked around for him, but he was not to be found.

I immediately signaled a guard who was close by and he hurried to my side.

"Where Is Luca?" I asked and looked around before meeting the guard's gaze.

"My lord has a few issues to take care of in the courtroom. He will join us shortly," he said reassuringly.

I tossed a sigh and gave a nod.

"Do you want anything else my lady?"

"No, you can leave now."

He walked away and resumed his position with other guards.

"What is more important than this? What if he doesn't show up?" I grumbled, not bottling up how I felt inside.

"Relax, he's just busy. He will show up any moment from now," Selene reassured me with her hands resting on my shoulder before she finally dashed into the crowd.

Even though I was smiling, my heart was pounding out of fear. My breathing was altered in some kind of way and I censured it on Luca's lateness. The urge to reach out to one of the guards and ask that they check up on him was a strong one but I held back.

I was too anxious. Luca promised that nothing would spoil this day, so what was keeping him? I took a deep sigh and assured myself that all would be fine.

"The alpha is here. All should rise for the alpha!" the chief guard commanded from the crowd.

"Long live the alpha!" the wolves said in response.

I finally felt relieved after waiting for so long. A sigh of consolation broke out from my mouth and for the first time since my appearance, I was happy. I rose to my feet and hugged him quickly when he walked to the stage.

"What took you so long? Is anything wrong?" I asked planting a kiss against his lips and glanced at his face for some answers but didn't get a response from him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm late." He said with his eyes fixed on someone from the crowd- it was Selene.

"That was strange," I pondered in my thoughts. He couldn't even look me in the eyes or tell me how stunning I was looking.

I fixed my gaze on Selene who was smiling back at him.

He rose to his feet and attained the stage, waving a hand at the wolves with a smile on his face as they cheered momentarily.

"Wolves of Duskfire pack, I greet you all," he started as soon as everywhere went silent.

"I have a very important announcement to make before we proceed with this ritual,"

Everywhere went tranquil the next instant, as he veered to look at me with no expression on his face.

"I, alpha Luca Leander, denounce you as my mate."

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