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Xavier and Emily have known each other since high school and used to be together but when Xavier moved to London for his basketball career, Emily was left behind in Italy. When Xavier moved away, Emily stopped messaging him as she didn't want to be a burden on him when he was pursuing his dreams. Xavier was angry that Emily stopped talking to him as he didn't know the reason she stopped messaging him so he told himself he didn't care about her but that was a lie. He loved her and she loved him too. What happens when Emily moves to London to become an actress and lives across the road from Xavier? Will they rekindle the love they have for each other? Or will they grow apart?


As I stood at the gate, waiting to board my flight from Sicily to London, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Excitement for the new adventure that awaits me, but also a tinge of nervousness and uncertainty. I'm leaving behind the familiar warmth of Sicily, the comfort of my family and friends, and the memories that I've made on this beautiful island.

My mind starts to wander, and I think about Xavier, my former boyfriend and best friend. We were inseparable, sharing our dreams, hopes, and fears with each other. But when he moved to London a few years ago, we slowly lost touch. The distance was too great, and we didn't make enough effort to stay in contact. I often wonder what he's up to, if he's happy, and if he's found someone new.

As I waited to board, I couldn't help but think about the what-ifs. What if we stayed in touch? What if we made more of an effort to maintain our relationship? What if we had never let the distance get between us?

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I'm not here to dwell on the past, but to embrace the future. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of my backpack on my shoulders. It's all I have with me, containing my essentials: my book, iPad, and charger. I'm starting fresh, with no clutter, and no baggage (literally!).

As I board the plane, I find my seat and settle in. I take out my book and start reading, trying to distract myself from the thoughts that are still swirling in my head. But I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation, a sense of wonder. What will London hold for me? Will I find new friends, new adventures, and a new sense of purpose?

And then, of course, there's Xavier. Will I run into him? Will we reconnect? Will we pick up where we left off, or will we start anew?

The flight attendant offers me a glass of water, and I accept it gratefully. I take a sip, and close my eyes, ready to embark on this new chapter of my life.

As the plane prepares for takeoff, the cabin crew begins their safety demonstrations with a flourish. I usually get anxious during flights, feeling claustrophobic and disconnected from the outside world. But today, with a window seat and a humorous flight attendant, I'm feeling more at ease. The attendant's exaggerated gestures and witty remarks have me chuckling, and I can't help but watch with rapt attention as he demonstrates the use of the life jacket and oxygen mask.

The flight is mercifully short, and before I know it, we're descending into London's airspace. I breathed a sigh of relief as the plane touched down safely on the runway. As we taxi to the gate, I gather my belongings and wait patiently for the doors to open.

Once we're allowed to disembark, I make my way to the baggage claim area, my heart sinking slightly as I realize I'll have to wait for my luggage. I was one of the first to board, so I know it'll be a while before my suitcase appeared on the carousel. I take a deep breath and try to distract myself by people-watching, but my eyes keep drifting back to the conveyor belt.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I spot my suitcase making its way around the bend. I breathe a sigh of relief as I grab it and make my way out of the airport.

As I step into the cool London air, I feel a thrill of excitement mixed with a hint of trepidation. This is it – my new home, my new life. I hail a taxi and give the driver my new address, catching myself just in time as I almost give him my old home address out of habit.

As we drive through the city, I take in the sights and sounds of my new surroundings. The towering skyscrapers, the historic landmarks, the bustling streets, it's all so different from the sleepy Sicilian town I left behind. I feel a sense of wonder and anticipation as I think about all the adventures waiting for me in this vibrant city.

As I step into my new apartment, I can't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement. The taxi driver's helpful and friendly demeanor put me at ease, and I'm grateful for the smooth journey from the airport. I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of my suitcase and the thrill of starting anew.

"Thank you so much," I said, handing him the fare and a generous tip. "You've been a great help."

He smiles and nods, helping me retrieve my luggage from the boot. "No problem, ma'am. Enjoy your new home."

I watch as he drives away, feeling a sense of solitude wash over me. But it's not loneliness; it's the thrill of being in a new place, with new possibilities and adventures waiting around every corner.

I take a moment to appreciate the apartment, with its plush furnishings and spacious rooms. It's perfect, exactly what I needed, a fresh start, a clean slate. I can't wait to make this place my own, to fill it with my own decorations and mementos.

For now, I am focusing on unpacking the essentials: clothes, shoes, accessories, and a few treasured items that made the cut for this journey. My car, my beloved dream car, is on its way, and I can't wait to see it parked outside my new home.

As I work, I feel a sense of contentment settles over me. This is it, my new life, my new chapter. And I'm ready to embrace it, to make the most of every moment, and create a life that's truly my own.

As I stroll through the mall, I feel a sense of comfort and familiarity wash over me. It's not far from my new home, and I'm glad I decided to walk here instead of taking a taxi. The fresh air and exercise do me good, and I arrive at the mall feeling energized and ready to tackle my shopping list.

I spend the next few hours browsing the aisles, picking up essentials like food and household items. I also keep an eye out for decorations that catch my eye, knowing that I'll need them to make my new place feel like home. It's not always easy, though - I struggle to translate the words on the labels, and I find myself wishing I had a better grasp of English. But I've been learning for two years now, and I'm determined to improve.

As I shop, I can't help but think about my parents back in Sicily. They were upset when I told them I was moving to London, but they understood that it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. They know how much I want to succeed in my career, and they're supporting me every step of the way.

After a few hours of shopping, I made my way to the taxi rank, laden with bags and a bit exhausted. I'm not looking forward to the taxi ride home - I've been finding it difficult to get around the city without my car, and I can't wait until it arrives. But for now, I have no choice.

As I get into the taxi, I'm greeted by a gruff driver who doesn't seem too happy to see me. I try to be friendly, but he barely acknowledges me, and I realize that this is going to be a long ride. I sit back and try to relax, but my mind starts to wander - I'm thinking about all the things I need to do, all the places I need to go, and how much easier it would be if I had my car.

When we finally arrived at my apartment, I was relieved to be out of the taxi. I paid the driver and started to unload my bags, but he didn't offer to help - in fact, he seemed to be in a hurry to get away from me. I muttered an Italian word under my breath.

As I'm about to take the last bag into my apartment, I hear the sound of a car pulling up outside. I turned to see my neighbor arriving home, and my curiosity got the better of me. I stand in my doorway, watching as they get out of their car and walk towards their front door, which is directly opposite mine.

I can't help but notice the way he moves with confidence and grace, his long strides eating up the distance between the car and the door. And then, my eyes landed on his backside.

He has such a good backside.

As he reaches his front door, he turns around, and our eyes meet briefly. My heart skips a beat as I take in the familiar features, the chiseled jawline, the piercing blue eyes, and the mop of messy brown hair. It's him, I'm sure of it. Xavier, my former boyfriend, the one who left Sicily without even saying goodbye.

I feel like I've been punched in the gut, my breath knocked out of me. What is he doing here, in London, living across the hall from me? I thought I'd left him and our past behind, but it seems fate has other plans.

I stand there, frozen in shock, as Xavier disappears into his apartment. I'm not sure what to do next, but I know I need to process this unexpected turn of events. I take a deep breath, try to calm my racing heart, and step inside my apartment, wondering what the future holds for us.

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