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Got my home

Got my home

Kalip 07


Leira got her powers right in time to save herself and her pack which had fallen under the coven of the wicked witches who wanted to find the blue moon child to perform the blue moon child ceremony in order to bring back an ancient extincted kind of supernatural called " triple hybrid". The blue moon child had to die as the ceremony could not be performed without her blood...

Chapter 1 Leira's POV

"Leira, sweetheart get up" That was my mother's voice as she was waking me up like every day for my preparation before starting my school day. That day she was getting me out of a dream I didn't want to wake up from I was dreaming of a wonderful black wolf judging by its size, it's aura and power I could tell without any mistake that it was a Lycan wolf. I was there standing in awe looking at it without blinking even once, I had never laid my eyes on something that beautiful.I didn't know what gotten into me but I felt like I could be only happy if I looked at it all my life.

I felt strangely, it couldn't be the mate bond right? No one mated in a dream but then again how came I was insanely attracted to that wolf? I felt like I could only breath once I touched it.I was feeling the urge to look into its eyes as if my life depended on it. I needed that wolf that I started feeling an ache in my chest.It was very beautiful but it never looked at me.I felt like I was drawn to it completely in love with it in my dreams. On the other hand the wolf seemed not to be aware of anything happening around it. It was as if it was not alive but it was except that for it I was like a ghost. By the hammering of my heart in my chest it could have glanced at me even once. But hell no! It was only stretching it's legs completely oblivious to my infatuated situation. Then the voice of my mother came in I was angry at her inwardly but then again I was asking myself what was wrong with my little self. How came I was being that furious just because I was snatched out of a dream? I couldn't blame myself the beauty of the wolf was overwhelming and the attraction I felt towards it was breathtakingly strong that I really wanted to give up all I had to do that day if it could allow me to sleep and meet my beautiful wolf which wasn't even aware of my presence. What a shame!!! In my entire fifteen years of life it was the first time I felt that way , completely fallen for somewolf I didn't know if it existed considering the fact that I had only seen it in my dreams. But why was I feeling the same attraction as I was while asleep? Who was that wolf to shake all my senses from just the view of it? In a dream at that. I shook my head to clear my ideas but I couldn't help but try to close my eyes again in the hopes of getting back to my amazing wolf which couldn't work. I was a bit disappointed as I really felt the need of touching that wolf, I felt a crushing desire to look it in the eye unfortunately for me that was what I was going to do when my mum waked me up. Oh gosh how I felt I had left something important incomplete in there. " Leira it's only a dream, wake up be ready for your day. " I told myself with a heavy sigh.

"That felt so real damn it I am even heartbroken from that separation." I thought inwardly but then again I was relieved that it hadn't been real, no one could feel that level of attraction and survive. I was suffocating with desire, need and love for that wolf in my dreams." This is Kylie's fault." I said to myself. Kylie my best friend was about to celebrate her sixteenth birthday as the daughter of an alpha she was supposed to shift on that day and eventually smell her mate or better imprint on him. These girls, they were going to be my end with their incessant talking about mates. That was probably the reason why I was dreaming of a wolf I was being completely in love with without even have any hint about it being my mate or not. I was expected to shift at my eighteenth birthday as any other non alpha blooded wolf. Geez, three years to wait was eternity, I was envious towards my best friend, she would have that wait cut short by two years. But I was also very happy for her.Kylie deserved the best, she was the most genuine and not self centered person I had ever seen and believe me I knew her well, we have been friends from when we were pups. But their conversation about that mate thing was getting to my small head really bad if I started to have those kind of dreams. They better watched it when I was around since all of them were older than me so no one of them would have to wait for three years as me, Amanda was the one with the longest wait compared to others, she would wait for one year but one year was nothing compared to three, right? Anyway I had no choice they were my friends and I liked to hang out with them and listen to their daydreaming about their mates to be found.I loved my mother's voice that some day I just waited in my bed so that she may call me out of it. She had the nicest voice you could hear of.My mother was like an other best friend for me , she was the one I talked everything with as in everything even the teenager stupid questions or guesses about life and boys. I would ask my mother everything I wanted to know about. Yes that how close I were with my mum

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