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Got my home

Chapter 4 The matebond

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 24/07/2024

we were the only ones to be so near the humans. It was breathtakingly beautiful to watch as the sun rose or set every morning and evening from where our pack was located. Our pack was larg

she had even stopped the car. I looked at her she seemed very worried. What was the problem. " Mom what's the matter? Why do you look so worried?" I asked. She shook her head " Leira? " She paused and I waited to hear what was the reason of all that worry I could read on her face. " I have been talking to you for at least three minutes in which you didn't say anything, you seemed to be on an other planet, and you are asking me what is wrong while I should the one to ask you that same question right now." She let out everything without having any breath. " Wow mum calm down." Surprised that I didn't hear anything she had been saying all that time. " Last night I dreamt of a wolf to which I was incredibly attrac

" She said and hung up immediately. By that time I was sweating badly sliding in my place as a crushing desire of getting out of that car was killing me. " Honey please trust me, everything is going to be okay. But for now I need you to tell me a story, any that you have learnt in classes or you saw or whatever you want but look at me only and talk to me". Her tone was urgent as if there was some lurking danger but I just did as I was told since I was being torn by that inexplicable force which was calling me out of the car that I had started to have a heavy headache. Gosh what was happening to me? I couldn't ask for explanation as I started to feel a little bit calmer as I narrated to my mum some random stories which I did know how managed to made me la

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