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Prince Samuel


"I don't want any wolf or human or animal looking at you that way, do you understand Emma? You are mine, I don't share" he murmured across my skin. He inhaled deeply and kissed the crease of my collarbone just below where the mate's mark should be. I shivered as he traced his tongue across it. Emerald Aliphronsto has had a rough couple of teenage years. With losing her mother at a young age, moving in with an abusive aunt and getting betrayed by her only friend, Emma's sanity is hanging off a loose thread. "Quick! There's a lot to explain but with such little time, you're running out of oxygen in the real world. If you're not awake in the next 20 minutes, you'll be dead." There's no word to describe the level of confusion I felt at this point. "If you need me, call on me anytime and I'll be there. Till we meet again my queen" she said, taking a quick bow and fluttering away. Queen? I echoed just as I was pulled back to reality. In a bid to feed her curious and intrigued mind, Emma finds herself standing right at the top of a world she never would have believed existed. Twenty-four year old Elias Donovan. Sexy, possessive, fierce leader haunted by his past and the loss of his mate and best friend finds himself torn between his duty to his pack and his curiosity with the strange human he met by the creek. Not only does Emma find herself in the midst of all this chaos, but she discovers that somehow she is a part of it, if not the whole of it. Elias' whole region is in danger, how is the human girl involved in any of it?

Chapter 1 You don't matter

"You don't matter and you could never amount to anything even if you tried, you worthless child" she screamed while crying and pointing her finger at me. "I'll kill you just like you killed my sister you witch!" Another crash. A loud bang.

I was getting tired of this already so I took a deep breath and picked up my phone and the knife I had pried off the hands of my aunt a few minutes ago. "That's right, leave like your father left you" she bawled out. Okay ouch, that one kind of hurt. I slammed the door behind me, wincing at the sound that made my head hurt and put on my tennis shoes. I guess I was sleeping in the park again.

The small park across the creek is my favourite place in Ravensvale. It was about a 45 minutes walk from the house but I didn't mind, it was the only place at which I found true peace these past few years so I started my journey.

The night unfolded slowly, leaving a carefree sheen over the forest that spread out at a distance. It's been years since I began to walk this path worn by both time and the echoes of forgotten stories. I heard my light steps echo, carrying the weight of contemplation and despair as the moon hung low, a silent witness to the pain I had within.

Moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting a beautiful glow over the old tall trees making me smile. Mum was so obsessed with the moon, she would call me "my moonlight" every now and then. The town behind me seemed to fade away, and the field embraced me with its wide mysterious arms.

I sighted a figure seated on a log a few steps away from me with his head hung low making me chuckle slightly under my breath. That guy probably has it worse than me.

I took a deep breath as the familiar scent of the woods hit me, my peace, my serenity. I felt an almost negligible shift in the air-a ripple of electricity in the environment that disappeared as soon as I felt it.

I continued on the path passing by the figure. "You're trespassing," a voice that sounded with a low rumble, echoed through the clearing. I was surprised that my footsteps were heard by the man who appeared to be sleeping when I passed. I turned to face him only to be met with a large human frame right in front of me. Raising my head I gazed at him with a courage that hid my mortal fragility.

"As are you," I retorted, my gaze meeting his with an intensity and audacity that only an ignorant mind could have. He looked taken aback for a brief moment but quickly recovered as a smirk graced his lips. Is he really smirking at me?? Bipolar much?

"Last I checked, this land was out of boundaries to humans, what are you doing wandering this far? His voice had an air of authority to it that nearly brought me to my knees. "Humans? What are you, a Unicorn?" I scoffed out in disbelief. "Do I look human to you?" He asked, tilting his head to the side with an amused look.

"Well yes, you look as human as humans can get" I answered with slight irritation.

"Look again chica, I'm no human" This is not even the night for me to play games with a strange and clearly bipolar person.

"Alright then, I'll be on my way, I'm off to take my depressing walk like I was doing" I said with a fake salute spinning on my heels to continue my path.

"I don't even have time for this" I muttered under my breath taking deep breaths along the way.

This time, I felt him before I saw him appear beside me, "that's no way to say goodbye to a new friend"

"Friend?" I asked, raising a brow in his direction.

"Well, yes, or are you scared?" He asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Forgive my manners, I'm Elias, Elias Donovan and it's my pleasure to meet you" he said with outstretched arms for a handshake.

"Emerald Aliphronsto, Emma for short and no, I see no reason to be" he had a very firm grip and a warm palm. "Well then Emma, do you mind if I join you, I promise I won't be a bother." We fell into sync quite quickly as he reduced his strides to match mine.

It was quiet and calm for a few minutes, he looked to me like someone with a lot of responsibilities he would rather run away from. Maybe he got a girl pregnant....or two girls? I chuckled within myself.

I was starting to feel dizzy and my breaths got uneven. Stopping in my tracks I brought my hand to the side of my head only to feel something sticky, blood?

"What the actual...?"

"Emma, are you okay?" I heard a few steps ahead of me just before I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

I thought I heard what sounded like a growl as a pair of red orbs flashed from among the trees just before my eyes shut close.



"I already told you she's fine Alpha, she only passed out because she had lost a lot of blood and had not eaten, in a few minutes, she should be up" a shushed voice said. Who the hell is that? I looked around to find the source of the conversation but I couldn't see anything. I tried standing up but a sudden wave of pain washed over me and forced my eyes open.

"Elias" I breathed out on sighting a familiar face. He had one woman with him, in her late thirties or so. I looked out the window to see that the sun was up and I panicked.

"I have to go, my aunt must have been worried sick" I said dashing up in a frenzy despite my sore muscles and ran out the door. I looked back to see him at the door frame watching me leave with confusion etched on his face just before I took a turn at the end of the street. I wonder if we'll meet again.





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"You think you can just leave without a trace after what happened that night?" His hands pinned her arms above her head, his piercing blue eyes boring into hers. "W-what do you mean?" she stuttered, his scent reminding her of that night-the night that had changed her life completely. "What do I mean? Are you seriously asking me that, woman? If your brain can't recall how we burned together on that bed, how about I remind you right here?" His face was dangerously close as he growled into her ear. Her eyes widened. He meant it. Every single word. He was the king of the entertainment world, after all. "Let me go," she demanded stubbornly, her voice barely audible. He let out a low, dark chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. "Let you go? Oh, I'll let you go, Tatiana. But not until you understand the consequences of crossing paths with me." •••••••••• In the world of the entertainment industry, we see constant change and creativity. Trends come and go, as do collaborations between artists and producers. This world can make anyone wish to be a part of it-it is said to be inspiring and enjoyable... Meanwhile, that's only on the surface. The same world is filled with deceit, betrayal, fake love, ruthless competition, toxic fans who could ruin you, suicide, and dissatisfaction... This world is mostly dominated by men. How can a woman, hurt by this world, face it-especially when she had a night and her life tangled with the king of them all?

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