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The Billionaire Crazy Obsession

The Billionaire Crazy Obsession

Wendy's Story


"The Billionaire Crazy Obsession" is a steamy romance Novel that follows the passionate and tumultuous relationship between a Billionaire CEO, Ryan Knight and a Young aspiring Journalist Chloe Johnson. Ryan Knight is a powerful and enigmatic figure, known for his wealth, intelligence and Charisma. When chloe is assigned to Interview him for an article, she is immediately drawn to his magnetic personalities and Commanding Presence. Despite their initial difference and the secrets Ryan Habours, a fiery attraction quickly ignites between them. As their relationship blossoms into steamy and intense romance, Chloe finds herself navigating the glamorous yet dangerous world of the rich and powerful. She swept off her feet by Ryan Lavish lifestyle, but soon discover that his wealth and Influence comes with a dark mysterious that threatens to tear them apart. Amidst Jealousy , Betrayal , and unexpected Obstacles , Chloe and Ryan must confront their deepest desire and fears as they navigate the complexity of Love and Passion. NOW THE QUESTION GOES; ☆ Can their Love withstand the trials and tribulations of their tumultuous Relationship? ☆ Will the Billionaire Crazy Obsession untimely drive them about ? With a blend of sizzling Chemistry, Emotional depth , and Unexpected Twists "The Billionaire Crazy Obsession" is a captivating tale of love , lust and redemption that will Leave you guys eagerly Wanting for more chapters to uncover the ultimate fate of Chloe Johnson and Ryan Knight passionate Love Affairs.

Chapter 1 A New Beginning


The Alarm woke her up in a haste , immediately she heard it she jumped out of the bed like an horrified Cat.

She looked at the time it was freaking late, she was super late for work her boss Mr. Maxwell was not like everyother Kind and pitiful Boss.

He would deduct a dollar from your salary for coming so late , no matter how small it was.

Chloe rushed to the bathroom to freshen up, she had forgot to set the time to 6am.. She was busy setting her article which was to be published this morning. But she was running late.

As a journalist No resting hour , Every morning The BBC has to drop news as early as 8am but what happened was she okay ?

Chloe rushed out of the bathroom, wore her white Shirt with black skirt dressing Cooperate she left her room with her handbag, Greeted her mom who had already set breakfast but no time to eat.

"Morning mom , Love you " She greeted and left in a hurry.

Before Mrs. Johnson would invite her for breakfast she had left the house.

The traffic was hetic in Time square , she continued looking at her wrist watch it was 7:50.. The Taxi driver kept yelling at his fellow taxi drivers and hitting the horn making Chloe more annoyed by the whole situation.

After the noise made by the taxi drivers at the traffic joint, The finally arrived at "WHITE CHILLS NEWS ARTICLE".

It was a big building for expert journalist, It was located at the heart of New York City. They worked well with the BBC news Producing Articles to cast out to the Nation.

Chloe walked into the building and entered the elevator immediately taking her to the main building where her office was located, It was at the 10th Floor.

She arrived and tried to sneak into her office so she wouldn't be seen by her Cranky Boss, who was already there inspecting other Journalist work.

But unfortunately , She was seen by him.. He made no delaying in calling her.

" Chloe Johnson " He called her loudly.

Chloe froze when she heard her name, she knew she was in big trouble for coming late.

"Yes Mr. Maxwell " She turned and Answered him.

"You came so late , how would you feel if BBC had no article to cast this morning" he yelled at her. Other journalist who was around began to laugh silently.

"Sir i would feel terrible" Chloe answered.

"Terrible huh.. If the town will be feeling terrible today and you will be feeling terrible Why don't Your salary join in feeling terrible " Mr. Maxwell retorted.

The other Journalist started laughing. Chloe was already feeling embarrassed.

"Please sir , Let my salary don't be involve i beg of you " She pleaded.

"You have 10minutes to publish the article to BBC , If yoi don't Then your Salary will surely feel Terrible this morning "Mr. Maxwell said and left.

Chloe immediately rushed to the office , she shared with Jocelyn and Kevin The two where also Journalist.

"Morning Joce , Morning Kevin " Chloe greeted them and went to her table.

"Morning Chloe , had a problem with the boss ? Jocelyn Asked her.

"Yeah , i have only 10minutes to published my article to BBC before the days News start " Chloe Answered.

"Don't worry , I've already done that " Kevin cuts in.

Chloe stopped and looked at Kevin he was Dark skinned and Cute.

"How did you do that ? Chloe asked him.

"Yesterday , You sent the article to me to go through them and when i did , i told you they where fine. Earlier this Morning i did some Corrections and Arrangement and sent it to them knowing full well that you're gonna be late" Kevin Narrated.

Chloe was overjoyed and happy.

"How can i ever thank you Kevin , you've always been a good friend to me. Thank you so much" Chloe thanked him.

"You're welcome" He answered with a smile.

"I brought Coffee for us , Looks like we gonna work with juicy Coffee in us " Jocelyn said as she brought out Three broen cups of coffee and shared it to them.

"Thanks guys , You two are the best.. Feels like my salary is not gonna be terrible after all " Chloe laughed as they joined her.

"Mr. Maxwell favourite Words of all time" Kevin joked as they laugh.


Knights Company limited was one of the most Biggest Company in New York , The building was located at Time square.. So it was easily identified.

A black Limousine pulled over at the entrance of the Company building, A man on black came down and opened the back door.

Ryan Knight The rightful CEO of The Company, Handsome like no other.. Neat like no other , Charming like no other.

He alighted down from the car just then , The people around the building (paparazzi) all rushed to him like flies asking him tons of questions, Some where jotting down.

The Man in black who appeared to be his bouncer , Chased them away but they Kept coming back.. He prevented Them from touching him or coming close to him as he went into his company.

The Securities didn't allow the paparazzi into the company , as they had no identification in there.

Ryan Knight was welcomed by his assistant.

"Welcome Sir " Claire said with a smile.

He didn't return the smile he just walked past her , she follwed him gently.

"Sir the board members are waiting for you , This way " Say Claire.

"I should extend the meeting but I'm here already , let me hear what they have to say " Ryan finally spoke out as they entered the Office.

As he arrived they all stood up in respect of his appearance, Ryan walked to his seat in the center when he sat down he used his hands to sugnal them to sit down.

"Good Morning Board members, We are not beating around the Bush.. Go straight to your reports and manual solutions" Ryan spoke out.

"Good Morning Sir Ryan. I came with a business Proposal " The middle aged lady who's name was Mrs. Whyte.

"What business Proposal Mrs. Whyte ? Ryan asked her as he went through the papers Claire gave to him.

" I want my company branch to work together, with yours to create something spectacular.. Before that we will throw a befitting party to create awareness for this Business " Mrs. Whyte Narrated.

She was the wife of a wealthy politician, So ofcourse she was mentioned among the wealthiest people in New York.

"Hmm.. I like the party idea , what if after this Party of awareness.. We do not make any gain or profit's from this spectacular Creation as ypu called it ? Ryan Questions her with much intelligence.

" You can't say that Sir. Ryan , This company is the most biggest and popular.. Ofcourse every thing brought from this company will be purchase by people because of the high Charismatic This company held. The broadcast can reveal and advertised on time square " Mrs Whyte Retorted.

Ryan laughed at her answers.

"You speak with physical impression , but anyways let give it a try.. Your company will laid more percentage on this creation , Mine is to sell out calculate the Profits or gain that we've earned. I'll sign the contracts later " Ryan stated.

"Thank you so much Sir Ryan " Mrs. Whyte said and sat back in her seat.

"Any other reports or Proposal , Contracts or anything ? Ryan asked the board members.

" Sir Ryan , The whyte Chills News Article.. Will be writing a new article about you , so they will be here for an interview. The people of New york are eager to know you and about your business" Mr Maxwell the boss of The Whyte Chills News Article Informed him, he was a member of the Board of Directors in Knight Company.

"Hmm.. Impressive , Okay that will be after the party awareness.. I could be interviewed by what article you wanna create. Set a date for that" Ryan responded to his information.

"Thank you sir" Mr. Maxwell replied.

"Okay.. Thats all for the meeting today , Thank y'all for coming.. (To Claire) Get all the necessary papers to my office " Ryan said as he stood up and left the office, The board meeting was over for the day.

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