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The billionaire surrogate

The billionaire surrogate

Evie Osas


Lena Thompson is a 23 years old high school graduate. She comes from a poor family and was forced to take up odd jobs to care for her family's needs as well as save up for medical school. She has always dreamed of becoming a neurosurgeon but her family has been limited on funds. When Ethan, a wealthy businessman offers her an unexpected opportunity to be the surrogate mother of his child in exchange of a life changing amount, her world turns upside down. She finds herself caught between a rock and a hard place when Ethan reveals that her eggs would be used for the procedure. Can she carry a child that is biologically hers and then walk away? Or will she end up falling for the billionaire.

Chapter 1 The Charity Event

My name is Lena Thompson. I am a 23 years old Virgin, soon to be college student, and an odd worker. Coming from a poor home, i had always known what it meant to struggle. My parents worked tirelessly, yet their combined incomes barely covered the bills.

My father was a mechanic until he had a stroke right after I finished high school and had been bedridden ever since

, and my mother, a waitress, had always put their children's needs before their own, but there was only so much that could be done. Medical school was a dream i had clung to since i was a little girl, but the financial burden has left me almost hopeless.

After my father's death, my mum had to work harder to pay the bills and take care of us which still was not enough. After that I knew I had to step up and help her.

I worked countless jobs to save money for my education. Waiting tables, tutoring, even cleaning houses on weekends. Every penny i earned went into my savings, but it still was not enough.

My family lives in Georgia whilst I live in California because of my jobs. Since I got here I have not been able to see them but I do send them money every month for upkeep.


I wipe away the tear rolling down my cheek.

I have jobs, but it is barely enough for me to pay bills, feed myself and send to family. I do not have enough money to send and help. While I'm trying to save for my education, my sister needs money for her fees and my mum needs money for her upkeep.

"Life isn't supposed to be this hard." I said to myself.

Lost in thought my, my phone rings, making me jump. "Hello?"

"Lena, it's Lucy."

"Oh," I say, relieved it's not my mom or my sister.

"Are you ready? We are going to be late."Lucy said.

"Oh! I almost forgot we were going to work at the gala tonight. I'm sorry! I'm on my way." I reach for my purse.

"It's okay. I'm outside-take your time."

Lucy is my one and only friend. We met in final year of high school; she was the first friend I had in California and we've been friends ever since. When I emerge from my apartment, i lock the door behind me, and get in Lucy's car. It is almost sunset.

When we arrived at the location we parked and ran inside the venue because we were running late. This was one of my many jobs - been a waitress. I got the offer to work at the charity event gala as a waitress and I immediately jumped on it.

I was very tired. But tonight, my focus was on getting through the evening without any mishaps. I adjusted the tray of sliders balanced on my hand, making my way through the elegantly dressed guests. Although the grand ballroom sparkled with chandeliers and the soft hum of conversation, i could hardly enjoy the luxury.

I had just passed a group of guests when i felt myself bump into someone, sending a tray of sliders onto a man's suit. My heart sank as i looked up and recognized Ethan Carter, the billionaire whose name was synonymous with power and wealth. The CEO of Carter group of companies.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, grabbing a napkin to help clean up.

Ethan looked down at the ketchup stain, his jaw tightening. "Watch where you're going," he snapped, his voice cold and irritated. "Do you have any idea how much this suit costs?"

I flushed, my embarrassment turning to frustration. "I said I was sorry," i replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "It was an accident."

Ethan's icy glare made me feel small and insignificant. "An accident that could have been avoided if you were paying attention," he retorted before brushing past me without another word.

I stood there, feeling humiliated and angry. I had heard stories about the aloof billionaire, but i had not expected him to be so openly rude. Shaking off the encounter, i returned to my duties, determined not to let one man ruin my evening.

As i continued to go around the room serving guests, my thoughts drifted back to my career . My parents had done everything they could to support my dreams, but there were limits to their resources. My younger sister needed clothes, school supplies, and sometimes even food. I had taken on the responsibility of helping my parents as much as i could while trying to save for my own future. It was a shaky balance, and nights like this made me wonder if i would ever make it in life.

Hours later, as the gala ended, i was stacking chairs and tidying up after the event. I could not shake the feeling of disappointment from the evening. I had hoped to make a good impression, maybe even network a little, but instead, i had managed to spill condiments on one of the most powerful men in the room.

Just as i was finishing up, i noticed Ethan walking out of the room. His demeanor was same. I quickly left whatever i was doing and approached him.

"Mr Carter," i began, "My name is Lena Thompson".

"I wanted to apologize for earlier," i said, feeling uncharacteristically awkward. "It was a stressful night for me, but that's no excuse for my behavior."

Ethan's eyes softened slightly, though he remained wary. "Thank you for the apology. It's not every day you get apologies from people when they are wrong".

We both smile and shook each others hands.

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