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Elite's Shadows

Elite's Shadows



Jacob tapped me on my shoulder shouting on top of his voice due to the loud noise in the background "isn't that you're Amy" he said as he pointed at the pole. My eyes shone on realization that my Amy was pole dancing. "Like I said once a stripper always a stripper. Would you let this trash stain your image. She's gone into this world and no amount of love and care can bring her back" Jacob kept ranting "SHUT UP" I yelled at his face angrily as I stomped out. I used my fist to destroy any object on my way as I headed to the car. Breathing heavily. "Think of your life it wasn't this beautiful before I met you. You have every woman's dream job, dream life, dream husband and a beautiful daughter. What else do you need that I can't afford call it and you'll see it now. Just don't leave us. That life you want to return to is your vomit and it's an eyesore to return to your vomit" I said in a pleading manner as I held her hands staring intently at her eyes wishing I could read her intent. Unfortunately, her face showed no emotions making it difficult for me to read her expression. She suddenly pulled her hands away from my grasp. " I wouldn't mind going back as long as I feel alive" She said as my jaw drooped. I stared intently at her. About to talk but was tongue-tied for a few seconds. They say men don't cry but I don't know how tears formed on my eyes. What would make her want her vomit still remains a misery to me. Life they say it's unfair, ones man meat is another's poison. Amy being gifted a new life by her husband decides to run away and go back to her former life. While others are desperately praying to meet the kind of luck that she got on a platter of gold. The luck that she threw away that ended up destabilizing her husband.

Chapter 1 Crude Date


I stared hard at her I'm disgust she didn't seem to care as she continued behaving care free. She wore a strapless suede short half flay gown. Her hair styled in a wavy style. Her makeover seemed a little extreme. Worse still she ate like a glutton which disgusted me the more making me feel like throwing up. I felt so embarrassed sitting next to this urchin and this is the second meal she just finished then she belched loudly without courtesy.

"What sort of crude creature did my grandma pick this time". I yelled as I used my hands to hit the table. As I clenched my jaws staring daggers at her.

"Since we aren't talking, why disturb me when I'm eating. You're a total contrast from what I was told, just so you know I was coerced into coming here in the first place" She explained sassily as she raised her hands trying to get the waitress attention, I quickly pulled her hands down.

"Don't you dare. Is this your first time eating expensive dishes from a luxurious eatery that would turn you into a glutton. Is this how crude and uncultured you behave" I yelled in disgust as my brows furrowed. She stared hard at me then rolled her eyes followed by a loud hiss

" I can afford these dishes I picked. And this isn't my first time eating out in a luxurious eatery and it's offensive to call a lady crude" she said trying hard to defend herself. As she picked up the handkerchief from the table to wipe her face.

" I think I said the truth. What sort of lady behaves like a Tarzan. You're the first kind I've ever seen. So as not waste my precious time I'll call this a day and I'm not like the crude guys you've met who abandon a lady at an eatery without paying. Just so you know the bills have been sorted out" I said not minding her gaze as I walked out. Then Aidan ran up to me. Seems like he has something urgent to say. He walked briskly striding his long legs. Holding the MacBook like his life depended on it.

"Sir, Madam insist that you come to her villa and pass the night there" Aidan my PA said.

" what important meeting does she wants to have with me. Find out more on the random lady that saved my life last night" I instructed Aidan as he unlocked my car and opened the door for me to get in before he got into the car.

"Since Madam Hart wants to see me why don't you drive to her place because I have something urgent to discuss with her. Her recent behavior is expected but unnecessary" I said as I loosened my tie heaving a sigh of relief. In no time we were at Madam's Hart villa. The Mansion stood tall. With valid security and being greeted by the bunch of servants is no new thing. I was ushered inside. I arrived inside the Mansion and headed straight to the living room. I sighted Madam Hart. Her straight satin gown graced her slender golden brown skin. Wrinkles appeared to make her more attractive even at old age. She held unto her walking stick. More like it carried most of her weight. staring at the ceiling. Crafted by a well known Epoxy designer. She stared hard at the ceiling and heaved a sigh of relief. whenever she does this is when she's worried sick about something.

"Is anything bothering you Madam Hart" I asked as she turned her gaze From the ceiling to me. Her full grey hair graced her beautiful face. Her eyes designed with wrinkles. She gave a wry smile. Holding unto her walking stick tightly although with shaky hands. I went further to help hold her. Then I led her to the sofa.

"How was your date son" she rather asked instead of replying my questions. She has a thing for dodging questions.

"That shouldn't be your problem grandma. You look worried and I'm concerned. So do you mind sharing your problem with me so we can solve it" I said as I used my fingers to arrange her hair that fell freely on her face. Then slowly tucked them behind her ears.

"Are you sure you are concerned? Are you sure you can solve my problem son" she asked in a rather calm tone but it also sounded sarcastic. Still smiling. Displaying her beautiful set of teeth.

"What sort of question is that grandma. Look" I said as I held her palms and stared into her eyes. "Whatever bothers you bothers me and there is nothing I can't solve so what is it. Spill it don't stress yourself thinking grandma it's unsafe for your health" I said as a thin smile formed on her still face then she smiled.

"How was your date son. Miriam is a good girl....." she said staring hard into my eyes then I quickly cut her short.

"Grandma this isn't about the date. What really is eating you up" I asked in a more serious tone.

"Find a woman son and get married. I'm worried because without marriage you would be ripped off your position. This is an order from your grandfather and you are given two months ultimatum. Introduce a lady and retain your position or remain single and loose your position. That explains why I've been organizing blind dates" she said staring at me still holding my hands.

"Is this why you kept asking me about that crap of a date. Why did you bring a crude lady to me for a date. Did I hurt you that much. I promise I'll bring a lady to you as my date. So don't stress yourself thinking again" I said as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you son I knew you wouldn't disappoint me" Grandma said while the hug lasted. I went to my room after the discussion with Grandma. Then I heaved a sigh of relief. I promised her that I'll bring a lady when I have none and now it's turned into a do or die affair. Who would become the lucky lady or I'm I cursed when it comes to choosing ladies no one has made my heart beat. Then my phone vibrated. A message from Aidan. I quickly grabbed my phone to check what he sent me.

"Sir here are her details" it read as I opened a word document. Then I slowly nodded my head. If there's anyone I need as my woman it must be her. No other lady has trapped my heart like she did. Finally I found her. Her smell is still divine. Mia culpa has always been her body spray since I knew her. Her presence completely heals any broken heart. Her philosophy of life is distinct from others and finally I found her after all these years of waiting thinking I'll never set my eyes on her again. I thought as my face curved into a smile, wait there Mia culpa your prince charming is coming to get you.

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