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Married to my Lycan Love

Married to my Lycan Love

Emmanuella Jonas


In the book, the main protagonist Lucy, who was thought a human is mated to the next to be Alpha of the white wolf park, Almond. Although he didn't have a choice he hated the fact that he was mated to a human and a human would become his luna. It wasn't that he hated Lucy herself, he didn't just want to stay with a weak Luna. Almond wanted a strong mate that would become a luna, he wanted to become the strongest alpha that the white wolf pack have ever had and he wanted a strong luna by his side. Lucy had overheard Almond talking to his friends about how he didn't like her and wanted to reject her. Lucy was heart broken, she had tried so hard for Almond to accept her. As Almond rejected her as his Luna Lucy could not hold the pain, so far nobody wanted her, she had caused so much pain to her adopted family, people insulted them cause they adopted her. Lucy ran out the pack in tears, she was eager to end her life, eager to free everyone from her weak self. Almond wants her gone, maybe it was her time to finally go. Lucy ran to the mountains with tears and a broken heart she jumped down the cliff into the water. And then she was found by her parents, The Lycan royals, most fierce and strongest Species of Wolves. And then whe found out she was also a lucan born and was also strong, She later falls in love with a lucan... What will happen When she has to pick between Her lover and her mate?

Chapter 1 The Origin Story

Lucy's POV

My heart squeezed in my chest and my breathing hitched when I heard the words.

"I dislike her."

I overheard part of Almond's conversation with his friends from outside the room, and his words gave me a shiver. I hadn't even noticed the tears that were falling from my eyes. my hand froze in the air after hearing those words from my friend, Almond.

I gripped the plate with my shaking fingers, aware that the conversation was about me.

I had made snacks for him and his friends, which his mother had mentioned were one of their preferred choices. I had planned to shock him, but now I was the one experiencing astonishment.

Almond's words echoed in my mind, causing my heart to break even further. I had heard him talk about me before.

He constantly doubted our relationship, wondering why I was chosen as his mate by the moon goddess, who is known for her flawless matchmaking skills. It seems she made an error with us.

She is a fragile child who always requires protection. I reject the idea of having a partner who is so weak. "I hate her mere presence," he said.

I replaced my forced smile with sadness, biting my lower lip to control my emotions.

Deep down, I had a feeling that he would never fully embrace me as his future partner. I had put in a lot of effort to align with his expectations, however, I always fell short and always would fail to meet them.

In the near future, he would lead the white wolf pack as the Alpha, and in order for me to be a suitable Luna, he wanted me to equal his mother's strength. Whenever the subject of marriage was brought up, he often repeated those words to me. However, being only a human, how can I possibly resemble his mother? There was no presence of werewolf blood in my veins.

I always thought I was a burden to my adoptive parents, but they still loved me even though I wasn't their biological child.

Regrettably, my being there caused them embarrassment and let-down. Their suffering was a result of my actions, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was unwelcome in our group. Everyone was curious about the choice to make a fragile human their child.

Even though every painful remark caused me great pain, I endured it all in order to demonstrate my value. However, on this occasion, I was unable to suppress the tears filling my eyes.

Almond's words resonated deep within me, making a lasting impact on my soul. How can I not pay attention to his hurtful words when they're coming from the person I care about the most? I used to have feelings for him before he discovered we were soulmates, which made me happy, but unfortunately I am not the one he wants as his mate.

Did I not deserve it?

I will experience the utmost joy once that pitiful, feeble girl vanishes. I no longer wish to see her.

I am no longer able to hear them.

I set the food aside and sprinted as my tears flowed freely from my eyes. I cared for him, but I understood deep down that he would never reciprocate those feelings as long as he viewed me as inferior to his mother in terms of influence.

I was simply a human, a failure, and a source of shame for the pack. I had been daydreaming about being the Alpha's strong and beautiful Luna.

Tears filled my eyes as I stood behind the pack house. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice someone standing next to me.

Almond explained that I couldn't be his luna because I was too weak and not the strong Luna he required by his side.

I, Almond Smith, the upcoming leader of the white wolf pack, decline Lucy as my mate and Luna.

My heart broke immediately. As my tears fell, he spoke those words boldly in my presence. Without hesitation, he completely disregarded my emotions.

You are not as significant. A feeble being such as yourself was seen as a disposable piece of trash. He moved his face nearer to mine. I hoped you would understand that I didn't want you to be my Luna.

Almond possessed all the things desired by each woman. Muscular, self-sufficient, mighty, attractive. He excelled in all areas. Perhaps I had to come to terms with the fact that there was another girl who could meet his standards and surpass Luna. And that girl was someone else, not me.

"Simply proceed. I never want to see your face again. He had a deep voice. The words spoken by someone dear to me were etched into my heart.

I took a step back and fled. I couldn't control my crying. I was a worthless individual. What am I supposed to do if Almond refuses to accept me as his Luna.

He rejected me...

He had no desire for me to become his partner...

Existing had no purpose...

I left the group behind and sprinted... and sprinted... until I made it to the peak of the mountain. Tears blurred my vision, I recognized this place.

I desire to put an end to this suffering. I desire to terminate my existence.

Almond desired this. I adored him so much that I was able to grant his every desire.

Leaving would bring him joy as his sorry, feeble, unneeded, and unloved Luna would be gone.

I removed the tears from my eyes and headed directly to the edge. When I gazed downwards, I realized the immense height of the cliff. All I could hear was the water inviting me to jump.

I shut my eyes and reminisced about every memory I have with my parents. I regretted my choice, Mom, but it was for the best for all of us. Almond would come across another Luna, and I would quickly fade from memory. Nobody would recall Luna, who was feeble, unloved, unwanted, and rejected. I was not particularly significant.

I shut my eyes and the final thing I heard was the noise of me submerging into the water.

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