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Powerfully Justify Son-in-law

Powerfully Justify Son-in-law

Raveen Daniel


In this world, power and influence are currency, traded among the city's elite like commodities on the stock market. Behind the glitz and glamour lies a shadowy underworld where rival factions vie for control, using any means necessary to achieve their goals.

Chapter 1 Betrayal at the Hotel

Liam carried the stack of pizza boxes, weaving through the bustling hotel lobby. Suddenly, a familiar face caught his eye.

"Sonia?" Liam's brow furrowed as he approached the group of laughing people.

Sonia turned, her expression shifting from joy to surprise. "Liam? What are you doing here?"

Judith sneered, "Look who it is, the loser delivery boy." The others giggled behind their hands.

Dominic, a well-dressed man, sauntered over and placed his arm around Sonia's waist. "And who might this be?" he asked with a condescending tone.

Sonia glanced at Liam, then back at Dominic. "It's no one, just my ex-boyfriend. Liam, what do you want?"

Liam's jaw tightened. "I was just making a delivery. I didn't expect to..." His voice trailed off as he took in the scene.

"Well, don't let us keep you," Dominic said, pulling Sonia closer. "Run along now, delivery boy."

The group erupted in laughter, leaving Liam feeling deeply humiliated.

Liam's gaze shifted between Sonia and Dominic. "Sonia, what's going on? Who is this guy?"

Sonia rolled her eyes. "This is Dominic, my new boss. And my Lover" She paused, glancing up at Dominic.

"Ah, yes, I'm Sonia's new... everything," Dominic said smugly, tightening his grip on her.

Liam's heart sank as the realization hit him. "Your new... lover?" His voice trembled with a mix of hurt and disbelief.

Sonia nodded, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "That's right, Liam. Dominic is my boyfriend now." She reached up and removed the necklace Liam had given her, the one he had saved for months to buy. "Here, take your pitiful gift back. I don't need your poverty-stricken attempts to please me anymore."

Liam stared at the necklace as Sonia flung it at him. "Sonia, please, I thought we had something special. Remember when I gave you this? It was with my whole heart."

Judith scoffed, "Special? You were never good enough for her, Liam. Look at you, a lowly delivery boy. No wonder she dumped your sorry ass."

The group erupted in laughter, and Dominic chimed in, "Oh, is this the delivery loser ex-boyfriend you were telling me about, my dear?"

Liam's eyes narrowed, and he clenched his fists. "Delivery loser? I work hard to make an honest living. And you..." He pointed an accusing finger at Dominic. "You're just some rich, pompous bastard who thinks he can buy Sonia's affection."

Dominic's expression darkened. "Watch your tongue, boy. I could have you evacuated from this hotel and blacklisted from every delivery job in the city."

The tension in the air was palpable as the two men squared off, their confrontation drawing the attention of onlookers.

Dominic pulled Sonia close, and they shared a passionate kiss, their actions clearly intended to provoke Liam. Liam's face flushed with anger as he watched the display.

"So this is how it is, huh, Sonia?" Liam spat. "You dump me for this... this rich playboy?"

Sonia sneered, "That's right, Liam. Dominic is a real man, unlike you. He can give me the life I deserve, not some measly existence as a delivery boy."

Dominic chuckled, "Face it, son. You're simply not in our league. Why don't you just go back to delivering pizzas and leave the high-class living to those of us who can afford it?"

Liam's hands trembled with rage. "You think money makes you a man? All I see is a coward who has to buy his way into a relationship."

Dominic's expression darkened. "You are just a wretched fool, boy. I will make sure I deal with you personally and blacklisted from every delivery job in the city."

"Is that a threat?" Liam challenged, taking a step closer.

Sonia stepped between the two men, pushing Liam back. "Liam, you're pathetic. You'll never amount to anything. Just accept that you're a failure and leave us alone."

The words stung, and Liam's eyes narrowed. "A failure? I worked hard to buy you that necklace, Sonia. I saved for months to show you how much you meant to me."

Sonia scoffed, "Well, that was your first mistake. You thought a cheap piece of jewelry could buy my affection. Dominic showers me with expensive gifts and takes me to the finest restaurants. You could never compete with that."

The two men exchanged heated words, their argument growing more intense. Liam could feel his anger boiling over, and he knew he needed to get out of there before he did something he might regret.

Dominic sneered at Liam, "You know, if you're so desperate for money, maybe you should consider licking my ass. I could give you a job at my company, with a nice little $1,500 monthly salary. Of course, you'd have to be willing to do whatever I say."

Liam's jaw tightened, and he felt bile rising in his throat. "You want me to what? Lick your ass for a measly $1,500 a month? I'd rather starve than stoop that low."

Sonia laughed cruelly, "See, Liam? Dominic is a real man, not some pitiful delivery boy. He can give me the kind of life I deserve. You'll never be able to provide that for me."

Dominic chuckled, "Face it, Liam. You're nothing but a loser. A pathetic little delivery boy who can't even keep his own girlfriend satisfied. What makes you think you're good enough for someone like Sonia?"

Liam clenched his fists, the anger simmering inside him. "I gave you that necklace because I loved you, Sonia. And you throw it back in my face? You're nothing but a heartless, gold-digging bitch."

The words hung in the air, and the group fell silent, stunned by Liam's outburst. Sonia's eyes widened, and she slapped Liam hard across the face.

"How dare you!" she screamed. "Dominic is ten times the man you'll ever be. He can give me everything I want, and all you can offer is poverty and disappointment."

Dominic sneered, "Since that's the only thing you're good at, why don't you go get me a drink, delivery boy?"

Liam's face flushed with anger, but he bit his tongue, knowing he needed to get out of there quickly. He turned and headed for the nearest waiter, grabbing a glass of red wine.

As he approached Dominic, Liam's grip tightened around the glass. The humiliation and rage he felt were almost overwhelming.

"Here's your drink, sir," Liam spat, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Dominic reached out to take the glass, a smug grin on his face. But before he could grasp it, Liam hurled the contents of the glass directly into Dominic's face.

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