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Whispers of Love

Whispers of Love

Perfect Peace


Sophia Parker's life took a turn when a modest young man who introduced himself as Alex walked into her Café, and left her a tip and a thank you note that she waved off. He became a regular customer in her Café and engaged her in friendly conversations, taking her for a walk and a date which he tagged a friendly one. Alex grew to love her simplicity and intelligence and got fond of her. Their love got ignited and they bask in their euphoric attraction. What Sophia didn't know was that her modest boyfriend who reportedly is a guy struggling to get a job is the billionaire tech guy, Alexander Rothschild. Things fell apart when Sophia got an offer to work in a Company in the neighboring city and was perplexed when her modest boyfriend was sitting among the interview committee and he's introduced as the CEO. When their relationship was on the verge of recovery from the deception it was earlier built on, Jacqueline Sinclair emerged with Alex's worst nightmare, Lylah and they are here to stay, disrupt and destroy. Jacqueline claimed to be pregnant for him and on hearing that news, Ava slumped and was rushed to the hospital where she was diagnosed with Chronic kidney failure. Will Sophia survive? Will Alex and Sophia's love thrive through these adversities?

Chapter 1 Sparks Amidst Espresso

"Clio" Sophia barged into the house defensively.

"Oh, you're back. Welcome" Clio rushed to hug her.

"I thought you were in danger" Sophia was confused.

"Danger? No, I'm fine" Clio replied.

"But I heard your strangled scream from outside" Sophia insisted.

"Oh! That was nothing. I was only rehearsing for a drama in school. The presentation is tomorrow" Clio chatted excitedly.

"Oh" Sophia mumbled in realization.

Her thoughts wandered to Clio's class teacher's words and she shook her head tiredly.

She got to the nearest couch that was now flattened and sat down gently on it to avoid being pricked by the wood rearing its head out of the couch.

"Have you eaten?" Sophia asked while unbuckling her sandals.

"I made spaghetti when I was hungry" Clio muttered and stepped back instinctively.

"Again" Sophia eyes widened and she restrained herself from yelling at her.

"But it's really good this time" Clio defended.

"When has it ever tasted good? You're just twelve for God's sake, leave cooking for now" Sophia scoffed.

"But I love cooking" Clio muttered and toyed with the hem of her faded dress.

"Go bring it" Sophia told her and her eyes lit up.

Clio ran to the kitchen and dished the spaghetti out on a plate.

"Here is your order ma'am" Clio intoned dramatically.

"Is this Spaghetti broth?" Sophia teased and watched her face fall.

"Taste it first" Clio urged.


Sophia scooped a small quantity of spaghetti with the fork and took it to her mouth. She chewed on it gently and scooped another one in her mouth almost immediately, repeating the same exercise.

"How is it" Clio quizzed expectantly.

"Get me a cup of water" Sophia requested and continued stuffing her tummy with more spaghetti.

Clio ran to the kitchen and soon came back bearing a cup of water.

"Thank you" Sophia collected the glass cup and gulped down the water slowly.

Clio clasped her hands together in anticipation of her culinary skills score. She was dying to know but Sophia was taking her time.

"How is it?" She asked impatiently.

"When did you get so good, Chef Clio?" Sophia teased with a smile.

"Oh my gosh" Clio held her chest and sat down beside her.

"I thought it wasn't good enough"

Sophia faced her squarely.

"Everything you do is enough. It's just not the best which means you have to practice more to bring it to utmost perfection. Don't ever think you or your doings are not enough" Sophia advised.

"I love you big sister" Clio muttered and wrapped her little hands around her in a hug.

"I love you more, Kiddo" Sophia mumbled and pulled her little frame closer to herself.



"Bye Sophia" Clio yelled from the entrance.

She's wearing her blue and white school uniform which was ironed out neatly. Her black school bag is strapped on her back smartly and her white socks are without blemish. Her shoe was glittery with polish too. Sophia made sure she always looked neat and presentable to school to avoid bullying from her peers.

"Do not cause trouble" Sophia warned from inside.

"I can't promise that. These cocky boys in my class always get on my nerves and their cup has overflowed already" Clio muttered inaudibly.

"I won't" She shouted to Sophia's hearing and exited the house.

Sophia emerged from the room wearing a pink polo shirt and black baggy trousers. She's not a tomboy but she likes to dress free like this sometimes. She took a hairband and packed her hair neatly in a ponytail. She grabbed her handbag on the couch and exited the house, locking the door behind her.

She soon got to the Café and turned the tiny placard to indicate they were open. She cleaned the little space and went to change into her work clothes in the dressing room.

People started filing in and placing their orders. Since it's morning, they are usually headed towards work and a cup of espresso is just the right necessity to start their day with.

Sophia received orders with a smile and gave them out with a smile too as she has always done.

"Happy drinking" She wished cheerfully each time she handed out a cup of espresso.

Her energy was contagious and people needed her reassuring smile as much as they needed the espresso and she never failed to make them grin before they stepped out of the café.

"Thank you. Happy drinking" Sophia said to the last customer in queue.

She took the money on the counter and put it in the money drawer. When she opened the drawer, she stumbled upon the handwritten note the stranger had dropped yesterday and read it again. The handwriting seems to give her a sense of comfort and she found herself unconsciously hugging the tiny paper to her chest.

"Who is he?" She mumbled to herself.

She found herself staring out of the door and anticipating his entrance and endearing smile. Each time a customer comes in, she looks up with the hope that he will be the one but her expectations get dashed every time.

She gave up on expecting his arrival and concentrated on her work.

"Good morning beautiful" The same alluring voice spoke to her.

Sophia raised her head to see the man that has been putting her in unsolicited suspense and setting her expectations on fire. He was dressed in a simple white T-shirt and black jeans trousers.

"Good morning sir" Sophia curtsied in a low tone.

She felt that he would see through her and notice her heart beating wildly against her ribcage. She maintained her composure.

"A cup of espresso, barista," He said with a foreign accent and his eyes bored into hers again.

"Is he flirting with me on purpose?" Sophia thought as she took his order and started the brewing machine.

"You were right" He intoned, interrupting her thoughts.

Sophia went stiff immediately.

"Did he read my thoughts? Does he have super power?" She thought.

"You were right yesterday. It didn't rain" He completed his statement which made Sophia heave out a sigh of relief.

"I don't say what I don't know is proven" She blurted bluntly and regretted it immediately.

"That's a very intelligent thing to do" He complimented.

"You think so?" She raised her brows at how smoothly he talked.

"I know so" He stared into her eyes again.

Time whirled by and it seemed like forever. Sophia wasn't ready to take off her eyes, neither was Alex. Everything else seems impossible as they bask in the euphoria of their alone time. They looked like they could see through the strings that attached their heart to beat in sync.

"The espresso" Alex intoned and pointed at the brewing machine that had long stopped.

"Oh, I'm sorry" She intoned apologetically.

She designed a latte on it in a love shape and handed it to him slowly. Their hands touched again and ignited the same spark it had earlier.

"Thank you" Alex appreciated and paid.

"I told you my name. What's yours?" He asked.

"I didn't hear you tell me your name" Sophia narrowed her eyes at him.

"Okay, let's start afresh. I'm Alex" He introduced himself.

"I'm Sophia"

"Pretty name" He complimented.

"Thanks" She simply responded.

"So, Sophia, What time do you close?" He asked coyly.

"Why do you ask?" Sophia was curious.

"Just maybe, I can walk you home" He raised his brows in anticipation.

Sophia stared at him and felt her heart leap in an untold excitement. She hasn't had this feeling in years and now it's rushing at her like a boisterous tsunami.

"7 pm" She found her lips swaying.

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