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Becoming the non-existing character

Becoming the non-existing character

datu ali


Synopsis "I became a character in the story where I don't even belong" Aila is a normal college teenager who once wished to exist in the fantasy world she one's imagined and made by her own... A quiet popular fantasy author who wished to exist in the book she wrote What will happened if her wish will suddenly be granted? What could be her role in the story where already done and published?

Chapter 1 Part 1

Here," he said later and handed me a glass of water.

"I'm sorry. Did I go overboard? I almost lost my self-control there, Myca. I'm sorry," he said as he saat down on the other sofa.

"I'm fine, Vince. I was just surprised, I guess," I answered when I got back to my senses.

"Still, I'm really sorry. You see, since I realized what I feel for you, I find it difficult to control myself every time we're together. I don't know. My emotions overflow and I couldn't do anything about it. You are just lethal, Myca," he said, apology still written all over his face.

"It's like a lethal injection, isn't it?" I said to lighten the atmosphere around us. It's too hot even though the air conditioner is centralized here in their unit.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Damn, Mycs. Stop torturing me when I can't ravish your smart mouth."

"Hmmm. Why not? I volunteer to be ravished by you, Vince," I replied, still winking at him.

He took the glass of water from my hand and drank it himself.

"That's when we go," he said with a smile. He was back to the gentleman Vince that I know. Wasteful. I still want to see a Christian Grey-like Vince.

"Can't I answer you yet? It's like we are? And you can ravish me?" I mumbled.

He closed his eyes for a moment and then took a deep breath.

I feel giddy. Is this really my effect on him?

"Stop teasing me, woman," he said and stood up.

I was just surprised when he quickly placed a kiss on my lips and then left me stunned.

Are we still dating? Why is there kissing?!

"Hey, Vince!!! Hang on, ! What's that? Kiss kid?! Accept my "Yes" so you can kiss an old man!"

"No. It's the price you pay for being such a tease!" he shouted back.

Look at that!

The narrowness! It's obvious that he's about to give in to my charm!

My God. What happened to me? My brain has been filled with lewdness since I met Vince.

It's so yummy!

I turned on the TV to distract myself somehow. Vince made me so excited again.

After turning on the TV, the news was on and I just let it go. I don't know anything about current news, eh.

A man with blonde hair and grayish blue eyes was interviewed.

"Mr. Henarez, is it true that your bride ran away from your engagement? Did they call off the wedding? How about the merging of your companies? Are you withdrawing your investment?"

Little by little, my chest filled with nervousness.

Henarez? Wedding? Merging of companies?

"Those are all lies. I have just had a talk with Mr. Lee and he assured me that the engagement and the wedding will push through. Our businesses will merge as planned and will be on par with Torres' Group of Companies. My fiancée , Myca, is just out on vacation at the moment. She's young and wants to explore the world before getting tied down to me," the guy said smiling.

The reporters confused him even more and later the photo of me and Dad appeared. And then a reporter's report.

"Just in: Mr. Eleazar Lee's daughter, Myca Rian Lee is not missing! According to the young business magnate, Mr. Glen Henarez, Myca is just on vacation and enjoying her last days being single. Their engagement will push through and it will be the biggest news this year in the business world with the merging of their companies."


I quickly turned off the TV and looked at Vince.

"W-why?" I will ask. I feel like my heart is going to burst out of so much nervousness. did he see

"Are you okay? You look pale," he said and approached me.

"H-ha? Aherm! What... I'm fine. What I saw on the news was just pathetic," I excused myself.

"You sure?" he asked while looking at me intently.

I nodded before looking away. And then I stood up.

"Why?" I digress.

"Hmmm... I was just going to ask if you wanted something to eat? I was planning to cook for you."

"Really?!" I was suddenly excited. Or at least I tried to look excited.

"Yup. I believe in the saying that a way to a woman's heart is through her stomach," he said winking before he went back to the kitchen.

I held my chest that still couldn't stop the fast beating.

Please, a little more time. Let me be happy first. Please.

I looked up to stop my tears from falling.

Why does happiness have to be followed by sadness and problems?

The gift of life.

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