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Unknown University

Unknown University

datu ali


PROLOGUE Saya's POV I smiled as I stared at my sister. How a real child feels because I just adopted this house. My parents had never had a child, so they adopted me from the house, at first it was fun but after six years my sister and their real children had been together. Then I didn't need them anymore. I saw mom approach her and hug her next to dad, my tears flowed as I watched the happy family, I remembered that when I was not there Jenna was not there yet I want my parent to see me as there daughter too. I also had their children but they should never bring me back to the footsteps. My parents are a famous scientist because they are good. So I want to be a scientist when I college because I want to be as good as they are. Last night Dad talked to me that he would move me to school so I could understand because Jenna couldn't be with us at the same school. I wiped away my tears and then left the house when I was leaving the school I was going to, my parents didn't take me without saying goodbye because they were busy with Jenna. So our driver was the only one who brought it. We left the air and then put on my glass, I looked out the window and stopped myself from crying because I would come back after I graduated. We entered a forest I never asked where we were going. We had two hours in the jungle and when we got to our destination my forehead turned around and looked at the big gate that looked old because it was two and climbed. When I got out of the car I stared at the gate with an unknown university written. I blinked what would this mean that this unknown? And I didn't know that this was a university because maybe he was hidden so he wasn't exposed to the public. After the driver lowered my belongings he immediately left. I saw a man at the gate with my forehead twitching because he was a little older and maybe he was the bodyguard here. But why isn't he wearing a uniform? I shook my head and then wondered why it looked like that, with my belongings I approached her and asked. "Excuse me please" It looked so surprised that my left eye was blind, I blinked. "It's here" we looked at a woman, she opened the gate and then went out. She approached with a smile. "I'm Tara I'm the principal of this school. Are you Saya Javier the new student?" He said he looked at me from head to toe with his forehead but he still smiled. If only he wasn't good at thinking about his creepy because of his reaction. "Yes po ma'am" "Good. Go inside and find your dorm here" he gave me an envelope I accepted. "Welcome to the university at first we see the things you see inside but when you get used to it because of this" he said smiling. "Thank you" "Well, if there was no question I was leaving because I had a good luck" he said and two men came with a car and he got there, I went to the gate and when I came in I was surprised when it closed. My school dam is different from this school because it looks old and it's a bit scary. Did they take me to school or to the mental hospital. I opened the envelope and took the paper in it. Javier Class-A 4rth Year High School Dorm number 102. I started walking for three minutes before getting to school, I blinked because the building was old and could not be painted properly without the weeds here. I looked at the students with the beauty of their black top and skirt uniform to the bottom of the knee and had a red ribbon in their top uniform. And long socks. My forehead twitched because I noticed the strange looks of the students because you thought they would eat me. Because maybe I was new or wrong with my cup of cups and I wasn't in uniform. I'm just coming. I'm not afraid of their sharp eyes don't know why because maybe it's not deadly. I let them go and kept walking to my dorm, when I arrived there I knocked first because I was with no one who answered so he opened it and went in, when I came in it was just a man and I saw the key I'm in bed if I'm the only one here The key included my uniform and it seemed to be right in my size and I lowered my side to the side. I took what I wrote and read. 'When I see it you get dressed right away and come in' I immediately got dressed when I saw a bag there that looked like I was using it, so I was using it so I couldn't remember. He ran to the chool when I got to the 3rd floor because my room was there. I was so tired of running. When I got upstairs, the students hurried to get in and left and then when I lost my strength I searched for my room. I was so close to the rilies because I felt weak because maybe I was running so I sat down next to rest. "What are you doing here?" Asked a man's voice I looked back and a man saw me in a poker face and his sharp gaze was scary he would kill me. "I'm sorry I was looking for my room I was tired when I was running out of my dorm before I was here I didn't think I was going to stop right away." I got up and fixed my uniform, I was surprised by the next time

Chapter 1 Part 1

I sat quietly in my chair and looked out the window. The class was over so all my classmates were out of my way. I let them go. And the red envelope on my table.

"New Student" I listened as he smiled as he stared at his beautiful eyes so I settled down.

"Hi" he smiled and waved.


"Welcome to our school, what's your story and throw you here?" asked it. My forehead twitched as he said I lost my smile too.

"What do you mean?" I will ask. Still smiling, finally looking at her smiling not like before.

"I'm blinky, nice to meet you." Please recognize it

"Nice to meet you too"

"At first it will change but when it comes to the headache too," he said, he would not understand what he was saying.

"Come around me to school" he pulled me aside before I could speak.

In his canteen he first brought me just like the canteen in another school they also had a lot of food and all nutritious. But as far as I can see that not all students want food the case is that they have no choice because there is no choice but to be vegetables and fruits.

Blinky and I bought something to eat because we had to eat before we wandered, it seemed like it was a long time for us to get around later and then since I was here to stay and study.

"Did you read the rules here at school?" asked it.

"Bell rules? I'm sorry for a while since I went straight to" We sat down at the vacant table and ate there.

"Bell rules should be before the bell is in the room that will not be closed because when the council president is overwhelmed you will miss you" he said while chewing the tomato. Even though I am not a vegetable I can't believe that I'm going to eat vegetables and fruits.

I remember what happened earlier if he was the student council president.

"Believe what you see or hear because they are really here eesxist" he said, my forehead twitched and I could not understand what he was saying.

He noticed that I was quiet so he came closer and whispered.

"There are monsters here" he whispered, I didn't know if I would believe him or not. He returned to eat while I was unable to eat because of what he had said.

"I know you won't believe it but when you see it with your own eyes then believe it" I bite my lower lip and take the courage to speak.

"B-blinky it was a joke that I knew I was here before but you wouldn't scare me" I tried to smile, Blinky looked up and blinked.

"I'm not joking that is true" I immediately stood up with my food and left him there. I threw it in the trash and left the canteen.

It's annoying I don't know what he's planning to do because it's not right for him to joke like that not to be scared, but I still feel scared because maybe this university is unique.

I heard a cry of a woman so I searched for it as I thought I was listening but she cried again and cried.

So I followed the noise up to

A large tree of a group of women I saw and a woman was tied to the tree, as they looked like they were gangsters.

I will never wonder why there is such a school that it is not private.

I was about to approach the case when I stopped seeing what a woman had done to the woman tied to the tree, she was holding a cottage and then cutting her mouth so she screamed in pain.

As if my soul was leaving my body, I could not move with fear and my whole body suddenly shook the next they had made the girl's neck and died.

"When they see you you are the one they will follow so be careful" I was surprised to say I saw Blinky beside me. I blinked because he had left him in the canteen next time.

He didn't say that he left and left me alone.

I didn't even think about leaving as I walked home from my dorm and as I walked over and over again flashing my brain what had happened so my walk was running.

When I got to the dorm I almost broke the door because of the force of my closing and I immediately locked it.

I sat down at the door quickly as I could not cry but I was afraid my hands and feet were shaking in fear.

I remember when I was a grandfather I grew up and my grandfather grew up in the samurai and the katana, because Grandpa was a half Japanese and he was also a member of Yakuza and because of his old age he was no longer active so he spent his time Take care of it.

Like Grandfather I also love Samurai so he taught me how to use it, when Dad found out he immediately took me to Grandpa and took it to the US.

I remember what they did to the girl, my eyes clearly saw when they were dead to the woman and when they did it they were so accustomed to killing.

I immediately ran to the CR and then vomited.

After I vomited I organized myself and sat down on the bed. Right I saw a book with my uniform earlier I took it and opened it.

You can do everything you want to do here excluded from the following. I read on the first page.

Rule #1.

No late in class.

Rule #2.

No guns and no guns in class hours.

Rule #3.

Don't be too sore.

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