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Entangled To The Secret Billionaire

Entangled To The Secret Billionaire

Racheal Bartlett


Amelia was a very young lady who lived with her father and together with Jack, boyfriend, who tried to feel happy and free with her, in the same house, for some time. How would she contribute to her boyfriend's ambition and save the blame her father often placed on him? What later prompted her to chase Jack, after leaving the house? What would make her feel convinced that Jack was going to become a billionaire?

Chapter 1 Amelia and jack

It was 8 o'clock in the morning. Amelia had just woken up. She left her room and walked straight up to the kitchen.

There were three rooms in the house - one led to the sitting room, which was reserved for Jack, her boyfriend, chanced and accepted by Amelia's father to be accommodated, with them.

"Hi, baby!" Amelia greeted him, smiling as she shook hands with him. Jack didn't feel he should do the same. Staying under her father's roof made him feel ashamed for him, but because of his love for Amelia, Jack had to remain there.

As Jack wanted to return the same response to Amelia, but he mistakenly hit his feet on a stool. He cleaned his feet very quickly, trying to hide the pain of the cutting sore that suddenly appeared on it.

"Oh, sorry." Amelia pleaded, rushing to him as she bowed at his feet, staring at him. Jack noticed that he loved her, and he understood her gestures.

"Don't bother, dear." Jack responded, blinking his eyes around as he cleaned them. He seemed to have bent so low, when he touched his feet as the dust slightly entered his eyes.

"Anything the problem?" Amelia asked him, standing up again. "I don't know why Dad placed the stool there. Perhaps he wanted to sit down for some tea."

"My mind only wondered to and fro, Amelia." Jack explained to her. "Don't even bother about that. I actually wanted to ask you a question."

"What's the question, dear?" Amelia asked him, dropping her arms over Jack's shoulder. Immediately, she heard her father's voice, she brought her arms down.

"Let us have a seat, first." Jack requested, his voice calming in tone.

"Is Dad in the sitting room?" Amelia asked him, peeping around as they both walked into the sitting room. "We can have our talk, there."

"I am not sure." Jack answered him, as he looked at Amelia in the face. "Hold on, why doesn't Dad go out? He has a specially reserved garden in the house, because I realise there is a huge investment in the farming business."

"Oh, really?" Amelia asked him curiously. He sat in the sofa, having thought that Mr. Greg, their father, wasn't going to enter any

time soon. He was at the backyard planting crops, the tools of his hands hitting the ground and making a very loudly.

"I heard of an agricultural company in Delaware, here." Jack started, almost slurring as though he had nothing to say, at all.

Amelia understood what he was trying to tell her abruptly. Her mind was still baffled about Jack's feeling for him. Jack had once told her that he often felt bad of himself, whenever he saw Mr. Greg and Amelia, her girlfriend working vivaciously for the good of every day life in the house.

How they contributed to the feeding, and every good thing that was placed in store of the house majorly came from Amelia's father. He worked tirelessly on his farmlands, both home and abroad.

Amelia on her part, worked in a billionaire company as the assistant manager to Mr. Patson, the CEO of Elixir Bright Group, which had branches all over the United States of America.

Jack wasn't any idle. He had graduated and had secured a certificate in Applied Technology, and

he often sat by his laptop, at home.

"I guess he doesn't know anything about that..." Amelia responded, rather bluntly and sounding somehow rudely. "Perhaps you would love to do something like that?"

Jack felt resented, as he rustled round the sofa, a bit away from Amelia. He sneezed and held his nose. "I actually didn't study Agriculture in the University."

"Yeah, Jack!" Amelia said, as she held her phone out to him to see his snapshot which they both captured, when they first met in the University. "I remember this picture, Jack..." Amelia smiled, her mind halfly focused on what Jack had told her, earlier.

"Hmm," Jack reverted, calling her to order and shrouding her mouth as he smiled at her. "But I was talking about another subject, entirely."

"Why did you recommend agriculture to me though?" Jack asked.

"Because you mentioned it..." Amelia responded, smiling back at her. "Yeah, if I could remember, you said you had something in mind that you wanted to tell me..."

"Huh..." Jack slurred, interrupting Amelia as he spread his hands on top of the sofa. He was expecting to see Mr. Greg to come inside, as time was already passing out.

"Was it a question?" Amelia asked him, curiously wishing him to make her remember what she said. Amelia got a message from her company which was dropped a notification on top of her phone.

"Your phone, dear." Jack held the phone to her, worrying about what he would do the following time. He often felt bored in the house, in Mr. Greg's apartment, alone.

Amelia was too busy to be chatting all the time with Jack. This was what Jack liked so much in her; he often wanted her to find time for him in the house.

"Oh, yeah." Jack replied, calmly. "Is there a way you can help me find out about your company?"

"Sorry, I have to call this person." Amelia requested for excuse from Jack. As Amelia was about to text the number, she recalled Jack's question as she asked him, walking up to the kitchen. "Oh, let me speak with him, first."

Amelia stood up and went to the kitchen. She had preserved chocolates and tea, which he had bought in the Mall, where she was working before. Jack's eyes caught sight of the tea in her hands, as she was preparing it.

"Who?" Jack questioned her, whispering to her ears, as he held the cup of tea, which was given to him by Amelia.

Amelia typed her response on the phone. It was her Manager who had called her, reminding her not to forget to resume to work, the following day.

"I mean the manager of my company!" She called out.

"Oh, woohoo!" Jack reverted. "So, what's the next thing to do?"

After Amelia sent a response to the manager, she shook her head, tired and surprised of some good news.

"What's up over there? Jack gently questioned her, his mind being calmed by Amelia's glad reaction.

"I was told to resume, tomorrow." Amelia revealed, as she opened her mouth wide as an expression of joy.

"Is the job a daily one?" Jack explained him rather loudly. "It is commonly regularized that we work for at least four days, in a week."

"What's the exact task given to you?" Amelia asked him, waiting for a quick response.

"Can you refer me to the Manager?" Jack requested from her firmly, mostly happy for Amelia than what the request he wanted to make from her.

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