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Trapped in a loveless marriage

Trapped in a loveless marriage

Marty Ken


Amelia always, dreamt of breaking free from her trapped loveless marriage, she was tired of being unhappy, but she never expected to meet the mysterious billionaire, Drake. She falls in love with Drake despite her hatred for love. She found herself unable to resist Drake charms. As the relationship between Drake and Amelia waxed stronger. The unexpected happened, as she was left to face her ex-husband's toxic jealousy. With a determination to protect her child and happiness. Amelia must go through the rough path of love and ambition, fighting against the forces that threaten to shatter everything she has worked so had to build. Will Drake come to her rescue or is she going back to her Ex-husband?

Chapter 1 AUTHOR'S POV

Amelia stood by the window looking outside, with tears in her eyes, it was quiet, the only sound she could hear was the crying of her heart. She felt as if she was trapped in a prison and she didn't have a way out.

Each tear that rolls down her cheeks reminds her of how damaged she was, thoughts of the loveless marriage she has endured with Denver, broke her even more.

Each morning, she was greeted by Denver's harsh words and bitter accusations as soon as she woke up. He was a tall, formidable man with a cold, unwavering stare that caused Amelia to tremble. His words stabbed her heart like sharp knives, causing her to feel smaller and unimportant.

Amelia made every effort to satisfy Denver, she truly did. She prepared his preferred dishes, tidied up the entire house, and managed to smile despite her desire to cry. However much effort she put in, it was always insufficient.

Denver appeared to enjoy making Amelia feel inferior and unimportant. He ridiculed her aspirations to be a writer, making fun of her dreams and dismissing her goals. He made her feel as if she was just a maid, stuck in a loveless marriage and unable to escape.

However, the most terrible aspect was the manner in which Denver treated her in private. His hands felt as hard as chains, leaving bruises on her delicate skin and causing her body to be covered in painful reminders of his cruelty. Regardless of her pleas and begs for mercy, Denver refused to show her any.

Amelia felt overwhelmed by the feelings of hopelessness, struggling under the burden of Denver's control. She desired freedom, the opportunity to extend her wings and fly to higher altitudes. As each day went by, her hope diminished and was replaced by feelings of acceptance and surrender.

One day, Amelia reached a breaking point. She reached her breaking point. She couldn't bear to continue living in misery and despair for another day. With shaky hands, a fearful heart and tears in her eyes she made a choice that would alter her life permanently.

She made the decision to depart. She made the choice to escape the shackles tying her to Denver's harsh grasp. Stepping into the unfamiliar, a shimmer of hope appeared in the shadows, leading her towards a more hopeful future.

She grabbed the divorce papers and strolled to Denver.

As she neared Denver, holding the divorce papers firmly in her shaking hands, her heart raced in her chest. Feeling a blend of fear and resolve flowing in her blood, she was aware that this instant would change her life permanently.

With his icy gaze on her, Denver sneered while she presented the papers. His face contorted with both rage and disbelief, as though he couldn't understand how bold her actions were. However, Amelia remained steadfast, her determination unwavering even as a storm raged inside of her.

With a voice more steady than she had ever experienced, she said words she never imagined she would speak out loud. I'm going away from you, Denver. I can't go on living in this manner. I merit more, and I decline to be confined in this stifling life any more."

Denver had a volatile reaction. He exploded in an outburst of anger, his hands tightened and his face twisted with fury. He flung verbal abuse and allegations at her, aiming to crush her morale again. However, on this occasion, Amelia did not show fear. She refused to let his poison infiltrate her newly acquired power, standing tall.

"Do you think you can survive without me, you that I picked from the gutters, do you think I would have married you, if not for this arranged marriage, set by my father and your poor useless father." Denver said angrily, all he had for Amelia was hatred and anger.

"Well but now, they are both dead, I don't see any reason why I will be putting up with you anymore, you disgust me." He said picking his pen, he was about to sign the paper but stopped halfway.

"But before I sign the paper, I will love to have a thirst for your body one last time." He said walking closer to Amelia, she couldn't help but shift backwards, she was scared, she knew what Denver wanted.

He wanted to forcefully have sex with her, this was what she always endured every day of her life, being sexually abused by her husband.

She regretted the day she married him, though it was an arranged marriage between her father and Denver father

she had no choice but to marry Denver, because it was her father's dying wish.

Denver walked straight to Amelia, he grabbed her tightly, but she didn't resist him. This made Denver shocked. She always resists and puts up a fight with him, though he still ends up having his way by having sex with her forcefully.

But today was different. She was not resisting non fighting, she was looking like a living dead.

Denver ignored her and tore her dress forcefully, he pushed her on the table in his room.

He brought his dick out of his trousers, and forcefully slid it into her pussy without preparing her, while pushing his dick into her roughly and harder.

His moan filled the room, all Amelia did was sobbed, she cried, she kept telling herself that she should be patient and that this was the last time.

When Denver was done and satisfied, he pulled out of her and took his pen and signed the divorce papers.

"This sex is my gift to you." He said and left the room.

Tears rolling from Amelia eyes

Once Denver exited the room, Amelia stayed huddled on the table, her body shaking with tears. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the agony and suffering overwhelming her spirit. She experienced shattered, hollow, and completely isolated.

Amelia rose to her feet slowly, gathering her strength with shaking hands. Even with the searing pain in her body and the weight on her heart, she was aware of what needed to be done. She was required to depart. She needed to escape the ties connecting her to Denver's harmful influence.

After packing a few belongings, she exited the room, finally feeling liberated. As she left the building, she looked back one last time at the living nightmare she had escaped. Now free, she pondered her next destination.

Next, she considered visiting her father's flat.

She went to a secret apartment belonging to her father, a place where Denver cannot locate her.

While she was walking, she began to feel lightheaded and nauseous, so she hurried to the nearby dumpster and vomited.

She began to regurgitate violently, and a stranger approached her.

"Are you doing fine?" The stranger inquired, and she lifted her head in an attempt to see who it was, only to have her vision become distorted.

Unable to see, she could only hear a male voice and was unable to identify the speaker.

No matter how hard she attempted, she couldn't stop vomiting and eventually fell unconscious.



I slowly open my eyes, and scan the unfamiliar room carefully, i then saw a bag of drip connect to my vein, that was when i knew, i was in the hospital

But the question was how did I get here ?

I was still trying to recall what happened when a nurse walked in with a smile on her face.

"Hello, ma'am, how are you doing?" The nurse asked, still smiling.

"I'm fine, what happened to me, how am I here ?" I asked

"That man brought you in, he said you collapsed." The nurse said, pointing at a male figure outside, but it was too far from me so I couldn't see his face well.

"Oh, I guess I collapsed, because of stress, don't worry I will be fine, can you discharge me now, how much is the bill?" I asked, even though i really didn't have any money to pay for the bill

"No need for that, the bill has already been paid by the man who brought you, and congrats ma'am you are pregnant." She said smiling, I was taken aback, by her last statement

"I'm what?"

"You are pregnant"

Wait! What?

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