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The Maid's Revenge

The Maid's Revenge



I am a maid in the minister's residence and was sent to the study because of my lack of education. Just because the minister was in a good mood one day and talked to me more, and even gave me a sachet as a reward, the jealous Theresa, who is also a minister, thought that I had an affair with him. She pretended to arrange for me to marry into a good family, but actually sold me to a whorehouse. I suffered torture and contracted a serious illness, died with resentment and pain, but found myself reborn on the day I was assigned to be a maid again. Since heaven has given me a chance to live again, I will not be polite and will definitely make Theresa, the minister, taste the feeling of being trampled by thousands of people!

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The Minister's Residence

In the backyard of the minister's residence, a group of servants knelt in silence. The butler, trying to curry favor, handed a list to Theresa. "Theresa, this is the list of all the servants in the minister's residence."

Theresa took a leisurely sip of her tea, flipping through the list absentmindedly before asking directly, "Neal's study is short of a servant. We need someone to help organize books and clean the study. Does anyone here know how to read?"

Hearing this familiar question, I realized I had been reborn.

I discreetly rolled up my sleeve to check my arm. It was spotless, without the red bumps that had appeared in my previous life due to a filthy disease.

I was still in the minister's residence, and I had even been reborn to the day when Theresa came to select a maid for the study.

Working in the study was a dream job for the servants. It was easy work without exposure to the elements. In my previous life, I had stepped forward to announce that I could read, and Theresa had chosen me.

I had been overjoyed, but little did I know that working in the study would become the source of my nightmares.

This time, I was determined not to repeat the same mistake.

I remained silent. After a while, a timid voice behind me spoke up, "Theresa, I can read."

Theresa beckoned the young maid forward and asked her to write her name on a piece of paper.

The young maid awkwardly wrote the characters for "Rita."

Theresa nodded in satisfaction, looking at Rita with a gentle smile. "Nice name, and you look decent. Do your best in the study."

Rita was overjoyed and bowed deeply to Theresa, while the surrounding servants looked at her with envy.

I watched Theresa's gentle smile, but I shivered inwardly.

In my previous life, I had been deceived by Theresa's smile, naively believing she was kind to the servants. When she proposed to find me a good marriage, I had happily agreed. But I never expected that the bridal sedan would turn around and take me to a brothel in a remote part of Eryford.

I had been terrified, completely unaware of what was happening. The person who brought me there had looked at me with pity and said, "You got caught having an affair with the minister by Theresa. She doesn't tolerate such things. You should have expected this outcome when you seduced the minister."

The people at the brothel had dragged me in roughly. I cried out my innocence, but there was no chance to defend myself. From then on, I lived a hellish life.

It was all because the minister had whimsically given me a scented sachet, which became my death warrant. I became the lowest of prostitutes, abused daily by various men, contracting various diseases, and eventually dying in agony.

The thought of Theresa's deceitful face made me nauseous.

If she wanted to pretend to be virtuous in front of others, this time, I would personally reveal her true nature and disgrace her!

First, I had to start with the minister.

Everyone believed that the minister and Theresa were a perfect couple. The minister was the younger brother of the current empress, a man of high status and great talent. At a young age, he had already risen to the position of minister.

The emperor admired him greatly and had personally decreed his marriage. Theresa, carefully chosen for him, was the granddaughter of the Spencer family, known for her gentle and virtuous nature. She had been infatuated with the minister even before their marriage.

Standing together, they indeed looked like a perfect couple. But who would have thought that this seemingly perfect pair was actually a couple filled with resentment?

Theresa seemed gentle and virtuous but was actually very jealous. She had been infatuated with the minister for a long time and knew that he had once been childhood sweethearts with a girl who later became a concubine in the palace. This unfulfilled romance made her particularly sensitive to any woman around him.

If the minister spoke even a few more words to any woman, even a common servant, Theresa would become very jealous and sarcastic towards him.

With the memory of a gentle first love in his mind, the minister found his wife's constant nagging and jealousy intolerable. Although they appeared respectful to each other in public, they hardly interacted at home. As soon as the minister entered the residence, he would head straight to his study, completely avoiding Theresa's quarters.

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