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Elusive Bella

Elusive Bella

Bae Ro-na


Bella is a High school teen with a rare disease called prosopagnosia also known as face blindness. It is a rare disorder that makes one unable to recognize faces. Bella is determined to get out of high school and get into Harvard or Cambridge, without her disease being noticed or humiliated. And that should be a piece of cake for her. She is not looking for anyone because she feels that he will just want to know more about her but what happens when someone comes in and steals her heart? However, some circumstances bring great consequences. She meets Rafael, a transfer student. Falling in love with him makes her wonder if her complicated life has become worse or become a bed of roses. On the other hand, Rafael can't help but be drawn to Bella and her elusive ways. Is love worth being given a chance?

Chapter 1 The bucket list

"Bella , Bella, Bella"My dad called my name ... "I'm so sorry , i was never really there for you and your brother".

I thought i was having a hallucination but i wasn't , it was a dream.

I am Bella Neil, a seventeen years old high school kid. Let me go back a little , I will be eighteen years old in three months time. And i have a rare disability called prosopagnosia also known as face blindness, i can't recognize faces Or my face .

My accident happened four years ago when me and my dad was on our way to a carnival, our car collided into a bus my dad died while saving me, blocking me from all the Glass and the collision, he died instantly.

Before my dad died i was a rich and spoilt kid, my dad was the owner of kohli steel and lines. A major dealer with steels and material for constructions. He was more like a womanizer and gambler. But he made sure he gave his family everything they ever wanted.

I live my life just like every other teenager about to graduate from high school in 6 months.

I was at my bestfriend's house , Nathan Macdonald , We have been friends since childhood, I guess that was when we were four years old. We do everything together and he's not the only one who do , pamela leon , she's on a vacation with her family.

"My mom is at it again" Nathan said.

"Come on, going to harvard is big a deal" i picked at him , "i will be alright, besides cambridge or harvard I will be fine "

I assured him.

"You are my bestfriend and i love you , i wouldn't want you to be anywhere all by yourself"he was looking so cute with his puppy eyes.

"The earlier you realize that we are no longer kids , is the day you grow up." I teased.

"Besides we have more than half a year to have fun together , we can have so much fun during summer" i wasn't just saying those to make him feel better , i meant every word.

"Yeah..but our fun won't last". he cried.

"Neither will i stay in school forever ". i said.

He replied me with a smile.

"I prepared a bucket list ...Full of fun content. " I said handling the paper over to him.


1. Go skydiving .

2. Play guitar while mrs humprey is in


3. Get Matching BFF's tattoo.

4. Go to a paint and wine night.

5. Get mini-pedis.

6. Set each other on a blind date.

7. Take a cooking class

8. Have spa day.

9. Go on a camping trip.

10.Go on scary roller coaster ride.

11. Throw a dinner party.

12. Stalk each other ex' s on social


13.Go to disneyland.

14. Go to a bonfire.

15. Go wine tasting .

16. Go on a double date.

17. Pretend to be insane and see a therapist.

18. Make a photo memory scrap book.

19. Join a bookclub .

20. Go bee hunting.

21. Have a pajamas day out.

22. Go to a driving movie.

23. Attend a music festival.

24. Prank call .

25. Wear matching outfis for aweek.

26. Have a cut crafts day.

27. Write a letter to be opened in the nearest future.

28. Do pottery

29. Order a food and make a fuss.

30. Learn Quran.

"Wow, but isn't all these too much?" Nathan asked looking so off board.

"No it isn't, this is for summer " i said

"And there might more ". i added.

"You are so scary right now" He said with a smirk .

"I know right! Opps i have to go now , mum will be home in a few hours, i have to prepare dinner " i frowned .

"Okay see you at school" he said .

"Won't you see me off ?", I asked.

Bella's POV

I arrived home , but mom was already back from work and she was also about preparing dinner.

"Hi mom, you are back so early" i said with a full mouth of oats .

"Yes i am " my mom replied me .

"How was work?" I asked frantically.

" Hectic as usual" my mom replied me in a low tone.

" Can you stop littering the whole place" i yelled at my little bro (Donald). " I am going up want to shower".

Donald is my little bro of Nine years old and in grade four . He is so cute with his sea blue eyes always letting me yell at him.

"Okay when you are done , Come down and help me with dinner" my mom said .

Some minutes later* *

" So what do you have in mind for dinner?" I asked.

" How about macaroni and cheese" my mom said.

"Yummy mum , what's the special occasion?" I asked.

"Guess" my mum said.

"Mum, you know i am not good at guessing, what is it mum?" I asked out of curiosity

Everyone was in suspense

"I got promoted today" my mum said with smiles all over her face ." And i am here to celebrate with my family" she added.

"Wow , mum that is wonderful congratulation" i said hugging her".

"Mum i have something for you" Donald said .

"What is it baby" my mom replied starring at me .

"Squat mum" he said giving my mom a peek on the cheek.

"Thanks baby" My mom complimented him.

Silence filled the room for a long time , from preparing of dinner to when we started eating .

"The food is delicious mum" my bro said giving my mom a thumbs up giggling with smiles.

"Yes mum...totally" i added.

"Thanks babies" She said smiling , her eyes was so full, like she was about to cry "Donald , you are done eating go to bed , make sure you brush you teeth" i said.

"Mum are you okay" i asked ...

"Yes, i am "my mom said wiping her tears which was dropping down her cheeks.

"I thought we were over this mum" i asked in disappointment " Do you think Dad will be happy if he were to see you in this mood?"

"I miss him okay" She said in tears " it is not easy , i am trying to be so strong for the sake of you and Donald".

"We all miss him , but if you break down you leave us no choice to break down also" i said.

" i am also hurting mom , his death affected us in different ways, the accident affected me, the way i live is not as the same as before" i added crying.

"I am sorry ...i shouldn't have brought it up "She said wiping her tears which was pouring uncontrollably, she knew where i was heading to with what i said.

"It's okay, just go up and sleep , i will do the dishes". I said holding myself from tearing even more.

"Donald do not forget to wash up and brush your teeth" my mum shouted to donald hearing "you too bella , Goodnight.

* * * * *

I so much wanted the class to end , Mr fringe our history teacher was just babbling about the Great wall of China which i have heard from his teaching like 100 times now.

"The Great wall of China is an ancient series of walls and fortification totalling more than Thirteen thousand miles in length, located in northern china .It is the most recognize symbol of china and was originally conceived by Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the third century B.C as a means of preventing incursion from barbarian nomads and it prevents...

I was so bored on hearing that i so much waited for the class to end. But then a new student walked into the class.

"And yes there is a new student in our midst " he said gesturing to the boy beside him.

"Come on , introduce yourself" mr fringe said.

"Hello everyone, My name is Rafael Antonio and i am a transfer student from Highcrest Highschool and i hope to get along with everyone.

"Oh goodness , he sure is handsome " Nathan complimented.

"That's good for him, But shh.. you are most handsome Nat " i said shuting him up.

Nathan and pamela are my two best friends and the only two ...amongst my other friends who knows about my condition...We have been so close since childhood.

And even though i was to see this rafael i won't recognize him tomorrow, so i didn't bother looking up at him.

The only way i could recognize people is through his or her appearance, Voice , walking step , gestures, ways of doing things and that's how i differentiate my family and friends from others.

" i really wish for you to look up at him" Nathan was obviously admiring his follow boy.

"No , i wish pamela was here to see him , she would definitely die for his looks " i said .

He smiled mischievously.

"I know right"We said in unison.

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