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Elusive Bella

Chapter 5 Journeys

Word Count: 1441    |    Released on: 04/08/2024

hat's wonderful" I complimented. "So, since when has Nathan been at your place," she asked. "Since Wednesday" I replied. "What's the reason behind it?" Pam asked. "Something happened back at

as saying before i was interrupted , all of you will pair yourself in groups for your practicals. The topic you are meant to focus on is Reproduction in plants and animals. You will all share yourself in 2 groups, which group will have a moderator and an assistant moderator. I don't know how you want to do it but it will be done before summer. Now this carries 73% of your CGPA , so if you fuck up during this practical, your grade goes down ...with that he left the class. Chevon is the class moderator. He shared the class into two groups, plant and animal...he wrote the names (plant and animals) into pieces of paper and gave us to pick randomly . Nathan and I picked animals , Pamela picked plants ...she was furious because she wanted to be together with us in our group, so she went to Mr Walking's office but was later dismissed in disappointment. * * * * Lunch break came, and we went to the cafeteria. We didn't take much food because it wasn't long we came to school. "So Pamela, we have decided on what to do this summer " I said, taking out the paper from my bag. "You have had that in your bag this whole time?" Nathan asked. "Yeah , i kept it in my dairy" i replied. "May i ?' She asked, stretching her hands for the paper. "I am so loving and going to do this , this summer, right? " She asked . "Yeah, this summer" I replied. "I am so canceling all my appointments for these " she said " Besides, what is the reason behind this?" . "You and Nathan will obviously go to Harvard and Nathan feels guilty that i will be left out, so I did that so we can have all the fun this summer and worry later about exams ." I said, faking a smile. I will miss them so much. "Do you feel that way?"She asked. "Me? , pheww... No i don't" i replied. "We will always keep in touch , Skype, texting, calling. You shouldn't worry because we will be there for you "Pam comforted. " I know pam" i said . "Besides, Cambridge is a big university, and you will make new friends ", She said. "Nope, no one can take you and Nathan's place in my life" i said. "Sorry to interrupt , may i sit here?" Someone asked. "Yeah sure Rafael ", Pamela said. Nathan immediately stopped eating and gave Rafael a disguising look. I could feel Nathan's eyes piercing to Rafael's. "Hi Bella , Hi Nathan"Rafael waved. "Hello Rafael"i waved back.

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