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She was raised to be naive, to let the boys lead. She was sent out into the world and was met by betrayal, heartbreak and schemes. Will she be able to find the true version of love? Or will she be lost forever?

Chapter 1 First step

I just got back from a date with my boyfriend. I walked into the leaving room looking so tire, only to see my parents looking at me as if I had killed someone.

"where are you coming from young lady?" my mother asked

"from jack's house, where else?" I answered, looking skeptical

"I shall not have a daughter, that goes around having sex with men. Go into your room, pack your things, and get out of my house. You can sleep around, but I wont be raising a whore" my dad said.

His tone wasn't new, but his words were. He always called me insolent, stupid, good for nothing, but never a whore. And this story of me sleeping around was new too. I just turned around and walked straight to my room, brought out my suit case, put in some clothes, shoes, bags, my laptop and carried my purse, then I walked out without looking back.

It felt like I had walked into another world. It was night time when I left the house, my phone was dead, and then it started to rain heavily. I took shelter on a bench close to a bakery that seemed to be making delicious meals, at that point my stomach grumbled, I laughed then felt my tears run down my face. I saw a car pull up in front of the bakery, a guy stepped out and he looked luxurious, he walked into the bakery, bought a cake and came out, walked to his car, put the cake inside and walked towards me.

" are you ok miss?" he asked. His voice was deep and the deep that could give guys shivers, and girls butterflies.

"yes I am" I said while I wiped my tears away.

"but you don't look ok..."

"I said I am fine ok!" I cut him off and said. "look you don't have to worry about some stranger, thank you"

"ok but can I help you with anything, maybe a ride home?" he asked

"ok fine, can I use your phone and make a call?" I finally asked. He gave me his phone, I dialed my best friend's number...

~ring ring~

"hey bestie, how are you doing, how was you date with jack. Did you guys do it?" she bombarded me with questions.

"Shane, may I ask you for a favor?" I asked sniffling.

"yeah you can, are you ok?"

" well, my dad just kicked me out of the house and disowned me, and I need a place to crash for the night and..."

"hold on River, are you saying that you are like broke now?" she asked cutting me half way.

" yeah, so can I crash in your house..."

" sorry River, but you cant, I'm having this party today at my house and I cant be the motherly best friend. Byeeeee" she ended the call

I was Soo shocked, like how could my best friend do this to me I decided to dial jack's number next

~ring ring~

"hey babe"

" hey jack, I need your help" I said

" anything for you my love" he said, this made me to smile a bit

" look today, my dad kicked me out of the house and disowned me and now I need a place to crash for the night, can I come over?" I said with hope.

"look River, I wont make excuses why you cant come. And seeing that you are broke... WE ARE DONE!" he ended the call. At this point my head began to spin and I fell to the ground, as the guy earlier caught me and helped me sit.

" are you ok, what happened?" he asked. I began to sob, and cry. He hugged me.

" what are you doing?" I asked. He said sorry and stopped hugging me

"look if you need a place to sleep, you can stay at my place"

I felt weird accepting his offer and entering his car. We drove for some time and got past the gate of what looked like a castle. Heck it was five times bigger than my dad's house. We walked in and some girl ran to the guy and hugged him.

"oh a daughter" I said to myself

"uncle! Where have you been, I've been waiting" she said. And it cleared my suspicions.

"I wanted to buy you something, can you guess what I bought?" he said crouching down to her level, as some huge bouncer brought in the cake he bought.

"is it another childish book again, I am not a child anymore" she said pouting which made her Soo cute. He chuckled, which left me breathless hearing it. I shook my head and brought myself back to reality.

" no it's a cake, and your favorite flavor" he said and gave it to her. She started jumping happily and hugged him a again. " just follow Betty to the kitchen let her cut you some and promise me you will go to bed after"

"I promise uncle, goodnight" she said and ran after her nanny. She stopped and then added "goodnight miss, you are beautiful". This made me smile.

He walked my to a room, " so what is your name?" he asked

" well you don't have to know, we you wont be needing that information for anything" I said rudely. He just left the room after saying goodnight.

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