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His Wicked Wife Loves hard

His Wicked Wife Loves hard



As newly weds we entered our beloved marital home together, hand in hand, sparks flying in the air. This is how every couple feels on their wedding day, every body would be so overwhelmed to embark on a new journey, a journey of love, trust and everlasting bliss. Except for us it was different! None of us wanted to be in this sham of a marriage. "I still can't believe my dad forced this on us!" Trevor growled, throwing his tux jacket onto the sofa. "Tell me about it, this whole arranged marriage thing is archaic," I retorted, tossing my bouquet aside, along with the stupid bride veil. Any remaining wedding day cheer was absolutely not for us maybe for our guests and Mr. Kinsley who happens to be my godfather and also my turned father in law. I and my darling husband glared at each other, the hatred we bare for each other boiling over. "You drive me absolutely crazy!" I exploded. "The feeling is mutual!" he shot back before storming out of the room. So much for a beautiful happy ever after....

Chapter 1 She's a diva


As newly weds we entered our beloved marital home together, hand in hand, sparks flying in the air. This is how every couple feels on their wedding day, every body would be so overwhelmed to embark on a new journey, a journey of love, trust and everlasting bliss.

Except for us it was different! None of us wanted to be in this sham of a marriage.

"I still can't believe my dad forced this on us!" Trevor growled, throwing his tux jacket onto the sofa.

"Tell me about it, this whole arranged marriage thing is archaic,"I retorted, tossing my bouquet aside, along with the stupid bride veil.

Any remaining wedding day cheer was absolutely not for us maybe for our guests and Mr. Kinsley who happens to be my godfather and also my turned father in law.

I and my darling husband glared at each other, the hatred we bare for each other boiling over.

"You drive me absolutely crazy!" I exploded.

"The feeling is mutual!" he shot back before storming out of the room.

So much for a beautiful happy ever after....

Three years later...


As the elevator doors opened on the top floor, I took a deep breath and stepped out. I'd walked these halls countless times but each time just gets better.

I strode through the halls like I owned them which was kind of true since my husband happened to be the CEO and my father in law happened to be Coven Kinsley owner of the largest fashion empire in New York. What we do here at Amore House of fashion, is bring nothing but charm and glam in the citizen's lives.

Striding towards my office with my PA running behind me like a lap dog. Some times he makes me regret hiring an intern, it seems I have to teach him everything, from how to comb his hair right to how to walk like a normal person. Nah, actually I don't walk like a normal person either, I walk like a queen, like a diva because I know I've got it all. The beauty, my mom was nominated among the top 10 most beautiful models in the country, my dad graduated top student in business at Harvard so it's obvious I've got the brains too. Hope you see what I mean, I've got it all.

My heels clicked purposefully against the marble. I could feel the employees' gazes following me, some out of respect, others out of jealousy. Yeah, am aware the men want me, the women want to be me, that's how it is in every gorgeous woman's life.


I just love the attention, that is if it is not bad publicity, being COO of the most successful company in the fashion industry has its perks and troubles and one of them is that I have to be perfect at all times, which by the way is a very hard thing, it is almost impossible but I try.

I did'nt miss the way some men's eyes lingered, drinking in my figure. That's what got me to know that my newly delivered cocktail dress from Milan was a miracle.

"Timmy," I beckoned for my assistant's attention which I got with one snap of a finger.

"Yes, ma'am," came in his sweet innocent voice. I can't deny it, the re is something about his obedience that I love so much.

"Send some roses to Roberto for me, dear."

"Yes, ma'am" he nodded a little too quickly.

"Tell him I like the dress he made, it's ravishing."

"I'll do so ma'am."

Oh God! The obedience some times I feel like reaching for his brown locks and Pat them like I would to a good Golden retriever. Timothy is quite the best assistant anyone would wish for.

Taking in a low breath, I placed my right hand over the knob in front of me and pushed the door open.

"Ferrari Contract," I demanded, meeting his shocked gaze evenly. "I want to be in charge of it."

Trevor rose from his chair, glaring at me. "You can't just barge in here whenever you feel like. Where the hell did you leave your manners?"

"In the toilet?" I said sarcastically.

"What?" he rose his brow not understanding what I meant.

I stood up elegantly and wiped my hands on my thighs, straightening my dress. "In the toilet, that's

where I left my manners, Sir," I spat at him.

His jaw tightened, clearly angered by my choice of words but anyway since when did I ever play the role of a pleasing wife, that's not for me.

"Trevor, am so done with this game of yours."

"What game?" he wiped his hands together giving me that innocent look.

"I know what you're doing, you deny me any important work in this company, making me just seat all day picking out texture and colors, on purpose."

"Well," he chuckled as he folded his arms. "Am glad you now understand my motive, there is no place for you at Amore House of fashion."

Oh Lord! I don't know if the fact that he was denying me chances to prove myself or the fact that he did'nt deny it at all, I don't know which of the two angered me the most.

"Enough of this nonsense, I want the fuckin contract, all I need is for you to give it now, so I can go meet Ferrari and get it signed. Am fed up of being nothing but a doll in the Coo office, all I do is sit around, it's like I don't deserve it."

I shot back, unflinching under his rage.

I rose, my heels clicking ominously on the way to the door. "You'll hand over that contract or else I'll make sure he knows about your little secret here."

As I reached the door, he called out: "You won't get away with this!"

With a smirk, I replied, "Watch me," and flung the door wide open. Striding out with shoulders squared and heels echoing defiantly on the polished floor. Trevor Noah just did'nt know what he had just started, I was so going to go all shades on him. He just had to sit back and watch me elevate.

I could hear the crashing of furniture and glass as my husband let loose his fury. The sounds of things being flung off his polished mahogany desk, chairs toppled over, and file cabinets wrenched open echoed through the marble floored corridors.

Smirking to myself, I continued on my way, confident that this time, the battle was mine. I was going to be the last man standing.

"You're not getting it," he stated stubbornly, "It's too important to be handed out to the likes of you," he waved his hands at me as if I was a parasite.

"Well, if you think that treating me like trash will get me to give up, pack my things and leave this company, then you're more than wrong because am going to show you just how much of a parasite, I can be," I replied coldly, leaning back, crossing my arms. His eyes narrowed, the fight igniting between us. But he knew better than to challenge my determination.

"Wait till I tell your Dad about the little escapades you've been having in this office."

"You would'nt't," he said in a tight, strained voice. Looks like I had him right were I wanted now. For the years I've been with Trevor I've come to learn that his dad is the only person he is afraid of, yes they fight a whole a lot but he still accords ultimate respect to the old man. The room crackled with tension.

"You think you can blackmail me in my own company?" he thundered, slamming his fist on the desk.

"More like exposing your pathetic attempts to ruin this business,"

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