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In a twist of fate, Claire's life takes a turn, she meets with Josie but their friendship is short lived when Josie dies. Claire is faced with the burden of marrying Josie's husband to be, a wealthy, egocentric and supercilious man who has no regard for women. Would Claire be able to navigate to treacherous waters threatening to tear her apart, or would she fight past these obstacles in order to make her life better?

Chapter 1 The Girl Who Looked like Me

Claire Walker alighted the cab and she stared at the gigantic mansion before her. She thought to herself if she could ever live in a place as big in her life. But she just smiled, walking past the men in black suits who guarded certain angles of the mansion. She arrived at the door and rang the doorbell.

She waited a while before the door opened, revealing a maid.

" Miss Claire. Do come in. " The woman said, paving way for her and Claire stepped in. She halted when they arrived at the large living room.

" Miss Josie is waiting for you in her room. " The maid said.

" Thanks. " Claire murmured and the lady turned her back towards her, strolling into the kitchen.

Claire ascended the long stairs and when she arrived at the hallway, she started across the alley, walking past numerous rooms. She finally halted at a door and she placed a gentle knock on it.

" Who is it? " A feminine voice inquired.

" It's Claire, Miss Arrington. " Claire answered, pressing her ear to the door to listen for a response but nothing but silence met her and suddenly, the door opened, revealing a young, beautiful woman who smiled.

" Claire. Please come in. " The woman said and Claire walked into the room.

" How are you? " The woman asked, shutting the door.

" I am fine, miss. " Claire replied.

" I always tell you it's Josie. " The woman said and Claire bites her lip.

" Anyways. I have been waiting. What took you so long? " Josie asked, walking to the mirror and sitting on the chair.

" I am sorry miss-. "

" Josie. " Claire quickly corrected herself.

Josie smiled, picking up the comb on the table as she passed it to Claire who immediately received it as she began to comb Josie's hair.

Claire stared into the mirror, watching Josie whose eyes were closed and she felt as if she was staring at a fine replica of herself.

It's funny enough how her employer, Josie Arrington shared so much resemblance with her, yet they weren't related.

" I noticed the house was silent. Are your parents not around? " Claire asked.

" No. They won't be back until tomorrow. " Josie responded and Claire nodded.

" Claire? " Josie called.

" Yes? " Claire responded as Josie snapped her eyes open.

" Do you ever wonder why we look so much alike? " Josie questioned and Claire moved her mouth to talk but she was lost for words as the question was pretty unexpected.

Yes, she had thought about it. But the only thing Claire frequently wondered of is if she will ever get to live such a luxurious and wealthy life like Josie's just because they looked so much alike.

" Yes. I have but I really don't think there is any significant reason. " Claire finally responded.

" I think there is. " Josie said.

" You do? "

" Yes. " Josie responded.

" I don't know what it is but I just know there is a reason. " Josie said and Claire said nothing, dropping the comb when she finished.

" I should get to my duties. " She added and Josie nodded, walking out of the room.

She began to clean each room in the house, except for Mr and Mrs Arrington's. For some reasons best known to them, they didn't like her as much as Josie does and Claire wondered if it was because she shared the same looks with their daughter, yet she was nothing but an orphan.

It was until late afternoon before Claire finally finished with her chores and she returned to Josie's room.

" I just wanted to inform you that I am leaving. " Claire said and Josie raised her gaze from her laptop which she was working on.

" Oh... wait. " Josie said, standing up and she moved to the wardrobe. She brought out an onion coloured gown.

" What do you think? " Josie asked, showing the dress to Claire.

" I think it's very beautiful. " Claire responded.

" And I am sure it would look very amazing on you. " Josie said.

" What do you mean? " Claire questioned, her brows raised in confusion.

" You are aware I am getting married in two days, right? "

" Yes. " Claire responded.

" Well, I want you... to be my bridesmaid. " Josie said.

" What? No. I... I can't. " Claire said.

" You can. I can think of anyone else to ask. " Josie said and Claire stared at the dress, tongue-tied.

" I can't accept this. It must cost a lot. "

" Yes. It does and I want you to wear it to my wedding as my bridesmaid. "

" But what about your parents? I don't think they would entertain the idea of a commoner like me attending such an important business. "

" I can handle my parents. And you are not a commoner. You are my friend. So the question is... will you be my bridesmaid? " Josie asked and Claire inhaled sharply.

" I will be happy to. " Claire said and Josie smiled, wrapping up the dress and she put it in a bag.

" Here. " She said, advancing it to Claire who slowly received it.

" Thank you so much. " Claire mumbled.

" No, thank you. " Josie said.

" I should get going now. "

" Right. You take care. " Josie said.

" And you too. " Claire said and she left the room and exited the mansion.

She boarded a cab and it soon pulled over at a house.

Claire paid the cab man and alighted the car, shutting the door.

She walked to the door and opened it, stepping in. She moved to the living room and heard footsteps. Claire raised her gaze to see her younger brother juggling down the stairs.

" Hey, Cole. " Claire said, dropping her bag on the table.

" Did you get something? I am starving. " Cole said, peeking into the bag and his brows narrowed when he saw the dress.

" Don't touch that. " Claire said and Cole withdrew his hand.

" Where did you get this? " He asked but Claire ignored him, walking into the kitchen.

She moved to the fridge and opened it but there was nothing in it except for two apples, a cereal and a pack of pasta.

Claire closed it back and she went to the living room.

" You are not going to tell me how you got that dress? It looks expensive. " Cole said.

" It is. " Claire mumbled, grabbing the bag.

" There are two apples and a cereal in the kitchen, Cole. You can eat that now and microwave the past for dinner. " Claire said.

" What about you? " Cole asked.

" Don't worry about me. I have to leave soon. I am going to take a shower. " Claire said, going up the stairs.

She arrived at her room and dropped the bag on the table as she immediately went to the bathroom. In no time, Claire was done and she got dressed in jeans and a top. She grabbed her bag and phone, exiting the room.

" Cole, I am leaving. " Claire called from the living room.

" Stay indoors and lock the door. Don't open the door for anyone. " She added.

" Yeah. I know. I am not a kid. " Cole said, walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal.

" Yes, you are. You are only 12. " Claire said and he frowned.

Claire smiled as she walked to him.

" Take care. Bye. " She said, kissing his forehead and she ruffled his hair.

" Stop doing that! " Cole said and Claire chuckled, exiting the house.

She hailed a cab and it soon pulled over at a bar.

Well, yes. She has two jobs. She was a cleaner by the day and a bartender by night.

Claire moved across the people and she went to the counter. She sighted a guy coming her way and she immediately turned her back to him.

" I see you already, Claire. " The voice said and she bit her lower lip.

Claire turned on her heel to see the one man so she much detests and it was no other than the famous and rich Mason Rogers. He smirked, leaning a hand on the counter.

" Are you avoiding me? " Mason asked.

" What do you want? " Claire asked, ignoring his question.

" Well, you know. The usual. Bring it over to my table. " He said, walking away and Claire glared at his back.

She sighed, picking out a bottle of whiskey and a glass cup. She placed it on a tray and walked over to his table.

Claire leaned down, placing the drink and glass cup on the table and she turned to leave.

" Hey. Hey. Why are you in such haste? " Mason asked and Claire turned to him.

" You haven't poured my drink yet. " He added and Claire sighed, dropping the tray.

She grabbed the bottle of whiskey and opened it. Claire decanted some of the liquid in the glass cup and she dropped the bottle.

" Satisfied? " She asked.

" Why don't you sit with me for a while, huh? "

" I am working. " Claire said.

" I am sure your boss wouldn't mind. "

" Because you are rich? "

" Yes. And I can take care of you. You won't have to work in this place. Just sit down and let's have a drink. You and me. " Mason said.

" I don't need you taking care of me. I can do that myself. Now if you will excuse me, I have to return to my work. " Claire said, grabbing the tray and she turned to leave.

" You can keep playing hard to get but you will come around just like the rest because you are all the same. All nothing but a fucking whore. " Mason said and Claire halted abruptly on her tracks and she turned to him.

" What did you just call me? " Claire snapped, her eyes blaring in anger.

" Oh, you heard me. " He said and Claire scoffed.

" I bet you just go about calling every other woman who refuses to sleep with you a whore, isn't it? "

" No. No one refuses me. And that's what so fucking annoying. "

" Oh, yeah? Did that hurt your ego? How about this? " Claire asked and she grabbed the glass cup of whiskey, splashing it all over his face.

" What the fuck!? " Mason yelled, standing to his feet and he fluttered his eye lids rapidly, staring surprisingly at Claire who stared back at him with no ounce of remorse.

And everyone around watched in nothing but shock.

" Claire! " A voice snapped and she turned to see her boss.

" What the hell did you just do?! " The man yelled, moving closer to the scene.

" I just taught an asshole a lesson! " Claire said, turning to Mason who scoffed unbelievably at her remark.

" And before you fire me... " She paused, turning her gaze to her boss.

" I quit! " Claire blurted out, slamming the glass cup on the table as she walked away.

Claire grabbed her bag and walked out of the bar, having people stare in bewilderment at her.

She hailed a cab and in no time, she arrived home.

Claire gently shut the door to the house and she walked up the stairs. She gently opened the door to her brother's room and she saw him fast asleep.

Claire pulled a smile and she closed the door. She walked to her room and moved her feet to the bed.

She picked up the frame on the table and stared at the middle aged man and woman in.

Why did you guys have to leave so soon? Claire asked, tears gathering up her eyes.

She sniffed, lying face up on the bed. She shut her eyes, pressing the frame to her chest and soon Claire drifted off to sleep.

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